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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Ohh, nice model there. I am liking the look of this show more and more. Thanks for posting it foul fowl.
  2. My thoughts exactly, as much as we joke about Bandai's RX-78 lust, I have to admire their ability to sell me the same robot again and again. Plus, Gundam hammers! w00t!
  3. I was wondering where that had gotten too, curious that Gunota listed neither a price nor date for it, not sure if I want it yet. It would be nice to have a really good RX-78 figure without paying Fix prices. I baulked a little at the price tag on the Destroy but then I remembered how big it's gonna be! I estimated about 9" tall but then found this pic on toysdaily that says only 8", close enough for me.
  4. And? The primary selling point of the SOC line was/is anime accuracy, both in sculpt and paint. I'll never understand why Bandai decided to change this just for the Evas.
  5. Now you've done it, I really want to see those. Maybe it's just me but that kinda looks like old animation just being used for a teaser?
  6. They've already said (by way of the placard) that blue, red and green versions will be made of the set.
  7. It's Seed Destinys Psyco Gundam a-like. http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/seed-destiny/gfas-x1.htm
  8. Played the first one ages ago at my mates insistence, brought it for a tenner a few weeks ago and played it all again and again. Eagerly awaiting the new one when it comes out here next month.
  9. FINALLY! I've been waiting ages for news like this, I would have preferred a Dendrobium but I'll buy a Destroy without complaint.
  10. Well there is a new series coming, perhaps it will spark some interest in the older stuff. I want to see Mellowlink in particular.
  11. Some Palm action piccys, but these ones are safe for work. http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/miyazawa2/10/index.html
  12. Some kind of re-inforcement?
  13. Yes, a guide book (to the whole franchise btw) and a bonus disc with an old RPG and graphic novel in pdf format. This set si easily worth $60, go buy it!
  14. Ohh, this is looking cool. If it's anywhere near as good as Eureka Seven then I'll be a happy man.
  15. I've been wondering this a lot myself lately, Bandai has recently started two (count em) lines that would be perfect for some new Macross product. They have the "Real Robot Revolution" plastic kit line which is pretty much Master Grades in all but name of 80's Real robots. That seems like a pretty good fit to me and while we all believe that Bandai hates Macross they are certainly not ones to pass up an anniversary as an opportunity for some quick cash. Not to mention that there is a whole lot of interest in reviving 80's mecha shows at the moment in general. The other line I could see delivering some new VF goodies is their spin off from the Soul of Chogokin line, "SOC Sec", only two toys have been released so far hut both were modern robots (Eva 01 and Lazyner), an SOC Valk complete with FAST packs and all weapons that retailed for under 10k yen would be a dream toy for me. Also worth mentioning is the HCM Pro line, a while back Bandai had a little poll asking in what ways people would like to see the line expanded. One of the proposals was the (shocking) suggestion of making something other then Gundam mechs and lo and behold, Macross was one of the choices so it looks a sthough Bandai hasn't lost faith in it completely.
  16. Yeah, your figure sounds like it was dropped and then hurriedly put in the box by a panicked worker. Can you get a replacement from the vendor?
  17. Oh you're talking about the funny looking pistols, yes?
  18. Gallants? Not being funny but what was that called in Mospeada?
  19. Hey guys, another update with some fantastic close up shots from the Wonderfest display, for some reason they didn't photograph the pennant in the background but in one pic you can see it has a picture of the Arbalests backpack opened up showing some fantastic detail. This is turning out to be almost exactly what I wanted, just need confirmation on an opening ATD hatch and I won't have a single qualm about plonking down the cash for this and the M9's to come. Nine pictures, clicky bottom right under the pic for more. http://ga.sbcr.jp/g-toys/wonfes07win/66/27.html Thanks go out to Kwesi K on ToyboxDX for posting it there.
  20. The chances are CM's will Make their own if not straight after then pretty soon after the jets, that's pretty much how they operate and Mospeada does only have 3 different mechs after all.
  21. Fantastic pictures Graham, many thanks. From those we can see pretty much exactly how it will transform and that it is pretty damn articulated to boot. The number of joints on the Treads arms in particular is quite impressive. You can even see that the Treads cockpit opens up as well as folding inside the torso, on that note it looks liek the head is designed to be pushed up when you swing the cockpit in. Very nice, I almost hope that not too much of it will be metal otherwise it will cost an absolute bomb not to mention that if the Treads legs are metal then it will be seriously weighty! The only trick CM's seem to have missed is the big missile bays in the Treads breasts.
  22. I believe it's an art book and soundtrack that comes with a metallic coloured Pt1 Garland plus an extra figure in the form of Yui Takanaka/Takawa.Takasomething to ride on the back behind Shogo Yahagi.
  23. Me and my mate are both planning to get 360's later this year after we have both changed residences. So it's newbie question time! Do the newer machines still have these red ring of death issues? Any other major issues to look out for? Any chance of another price cut on the horizon? Sorry for all the questions guys.
  24. Well, Takara aren't Bandai, they don't have the same kind of production capabilities or expierience with model materials that Bandai does. So while comparisons to HCMP's are inevitable they are perhaps just a little unjust. The fiddilyness may also be due to the fact that the Scopedog is a much smaller machine and thus has details that Gundams don't, e.g, the various grab rails. On another note, I'm really tempted to snag that MF 1/35 RSTC as a one off treat for myself. It'd look boss standing on my monitor at work.
  25. Ah, right, fair enough. They sounds pretty good to me, gonna have to get a couple sooner or later.
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