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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Hurrah, looks like that survey wasn'#t just marketing guff after all. Not surprised to see Eva get top billing and I will probably want this but I hope some not so loved shows get in on the HCM Pro lovefest! Cheers for all the new pics today Graham.
  2. Thanks muchly, I hadn't downloaded any new anime in a while.
  3. So where do I need to go? The sub for ep 1 was direct linked to the torrent.
  4. D'uh, gotta switch the subtitles on... shoulda thought of that. Thanks guys. Yeah, I was quite surprised by that. Seems like this show isn't going to be selling itself on it's mecha. There was a bit of loli but it was tolerable for me so didn't spoil the show. A lot of characters though, it's gonna be a fair few episodes before I can remember all their names, fortunate then that they're mostly quite distinctive from each other. A big Boo, Hiss for "Char" not getting much screen time in this episode. Overall it seemed horrendously complicated but shows a fair bit of promise, I'll keep watching.
  5. Just watched the first episode and it was pure nonsense but coincidentally also pure fun. Any more out subbed yet? p.s. Loving that picture... who wouldn't.
  6. I dl'ed this and sat back to watch it just now only to find absolutely no subtitles, what gives? I'm using VLC media player if that's any help. Somebody pls help, I've really been looking forward to this one.
  7. PS3 so far only has three games that I am even interested in, those being Lair, Heavenly Sword and MGS4. 360 on the other hand has at least a dozen games I want just off the top of my head and two of those (Mass Effect/Too Human) are the start of apparently epic trilogy's.
  8. Good news from that thread for international fans, teh rep who posts tehre says they will look into making it avilable at an online store.
  9. Lol, Nami Toi got cuckolded!
  10. Sweet! I love everything about this announcement, or so I thought... I hope they have international shipping available.
  11. Heat seeker is already out over here, I'm gonna rent it soon so I'll let you know.
  12. I'm relived to hear it's still going, however slowly. I just hope it won't dissapoint now, we all know how a long wait can work against something.
  13. Please tell us all where you found it. Pretty please!
  14. I recall hearing that it was the same scale as the Garland so 1/15.
  15. You have to play TotG a little more because that is what you get, mad challenges like kill all the enemies without getting hit even once and there's lots of them.
  16. For a minute there I thought it was going to be an SOC Evengelion angel.
  17. I'd forgotten about that, mostly because I'm still waiting for God of War II itself to be released.
  18. Hands on playtest, http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/xbox360/game/...032294237347030
  19. There's been a pretty good interview posted on Gamesradar with the creators, http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/xbox360/game/...704031015164031
  20. I spent two days with my best mate and his 360 this week playing Crackdown, Gears of War, Lost Planet and Prey and godammit I need one now. I can't belive how much I missed having new action games since buying a Wii. Crackdown and Lost Planet are my favourites I think and Gears of War I didn;t really play for long enough to get the hang of it but I loved the "you're in a movie" feel of it and how amazingly well the cover system works. I'm not even gonna bother waiting for the Elite.
  21. Well I think Bandai designed their stands to fit with everything from the 1/200 HCM Pros up to the Master Grades and someone told me that these are bigger then HCMP's in the other thread so they should look ok.
  22. Damn it, looks like I might be waiting for a compilation package after all.
  23. Elaborate hoax or the warm fuzzy truth? Looks like Wii Nights screens to me, http://www.jeux-france.com/news19769_night...res-images.html
  24. I wonder how well they'd fit on Bandai's new be all/end all base, http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN948215 Fast pack parts are sweet, sooner or later I have got to get some of these.
  25. Wait a minute, I know that Silhouette.. it's, No! It can't be!...
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