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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. These are the new brand new movie Eavs, from the as yet unreleased four remake-ish Gainax flicks the first of which is due later this year.
  2. I believe it's 10'500 or so yen, not bad considering it's actually bigger then the just announced 18k Iron Gear SOC.
  3. Awesome, Irongear is looking suitably badass as well.
  4. I think it's due in Aug.
  5. Haven't seen this mentioned in here but Pandemic (Mercenaries, full spectrum warrior) is rumoured to be developing the tie in game for this movie. IGN mentioned speculatively that they may have been working on it for a while now under the codename "Project B". Personally I think that's great news, Pandemic have made some cool games so far and Mercs 2 is top of my Christmas list for this year. I just hope we'll get to drive the Tumbler before it's untimely end in accordance with the plot. http://uk.xbox360.ign.com/articles/789/789649p1.html
  6. Perhaps because the suit itself and it's origins in Begins lore were beliveable in the first place, a far cry from the sonar enhanced Batman Forver finale suit which (I assume) we were expected to belive Bruce had built himself. I was thinking about this fine line of realistic/stupid while I was re-watching Begins last night and I wondered would him having a Batwing be beliveable in this new take? The tumbler is so cool partly because it was just an abandoned military prototype that Bruce press ganged into his service. Assuming Nolan has his version of Wayne start using WE to build new veichles and equipment for him under cover projects would something completely outlandish like a private jet fighter then be pushing the boundaries of Nolans grounded universe?
  7. That page is dead now.
  8. Ditto, great review. I haven't brought an AG in ages but I might go for this one.
  9. It's only realistic if they can finish and air the rest of the episodes before then, I'll be happy if I can just see the end of Karas before 2008.
  10. I was wondering why people were expecting a new vehicle given that this will probably take place quite soon after Begins as the Joker was suggested to already be on the loose in the end scene. Can't believe I forgot the old destroy it and draft in a new one trick that has always worked so well for Gundam. Pity, I like the Tumbler a lot, I'd love to be able to buy one to bomb around in off road. Street legal of course.
  11. Holy Shizzle, a 1/144 diecast Psyco?
  12. Sweet, the Shizouka show is usually pretty good.
  13. Heh, that's the only speed racer show I've seen. I liked it a lot when it was on.
  14. It's not been a month since the last pictures yet, i.e. there are no new magazines out.
  15. The buzz for the crackdown dlc is that you should not go to a single player game immediately after using the new content in co-op. There is apparently a bug that resets all orbs and your agents skills to 0.
  16. The cylinders can only be beaten by perseverance, I almost gave up and left GOW unfinished but the game is so frighteningly addictive that I just had to keep trying.
  17. How can the flaws be game specific, the machine defies sense.
  18. I just picked it up yesterday and started playing last night, got as far as the temple of Lakehis before I finally managed to turn it off and score some sleep... The opening sequence far and away owns the first games and I like te climbing on the ceiling/grapple moves too. At times though it does feel like you're just pushing whatever button the game tells you to push, that won;t stop me playing all the way through though.
  19. Maybe, it depends on how soon I take the plunge into Xbox land and whether or not that coincides with a UK release. I would like the larger HD, VOD is supposed to be coming to the UK soon with this new thing (to me) called IPTV which I just read about in a magazine this weekend.
  20. Wow, it looks messy and disjointed. I really hope that this is not representative of the final product. The Tread is much nicer to my eyes.
  21. Just found a pre-order and package pic for part 2 whilst browsing UK online retailer Play.com, http://www.play.com/DVD/DVD/GENCS/37/51/-/...earchtype=genre It's not the same box as part one and it's worth noting that part one came out in the UK just before the USA. I don't put much stock in the date given what was said in this thread not so long ago but it's interesting none the less.
  22. But there are new ride armour toys coming soon and if they look even this good then I'll happily snap them up.
  23. I hope we're not looking at another Seed Destiny in the making here. Though this didn't have the explosive start that S D did.
  24. Well they were on the list so I'll be patient for now. We all knew that the ever conservative Bandai would tap Eva first.
  25. Ah, so that's Megahouse pictured and the mystery 1/10 item is the already announced Beagle. Megahouses proportions look good, too good in fact. Are we sure that it transforms? CM's stuff is all good.
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