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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Ah yes, I forgot that one of the prototypes had a fully sculpted cockpit interior.
  2. Looking good, I'll be skipping this first one though since it's dull, roll on a Focker version with Strike pack. At this point though what you see is probably what you're going to get. I don't mind it myself.
  3. It's being designed in CAD, if there isn't perfect fit on the finished piece you can complain all you like.
  4. Oh yeah, I've seen their stuff and it's incredible but like Yamato's products, it's just not in my budget.
  5. Oh nice, it's about one whole pound more then I just paid for the ex Gear Alto. Ami Ami have extended the half off shipping offer too, now they just have to keep extending it til June. Not gonna preorder just yet though, I'll wait and see what colours/variants Bandai has up it's sleeves first.
  6. The half off shipping is fantastic, I got mine shipped sal for 890yen, bargain.
  7. Better a swap part for the heat shield than an easily broken one. That said, I am a little disappointed, I'd have thought Bandai of all companies would be able to make it work. Re: That 1/100's poster, if they do even half of those I'd be impressed, Bandai has a nasty habit of just suddenly dropping lines, msia/hcm pro anyone? Also on the subject of that poster, what the hell is that in the middle, some kind of magic eye picture.
  8. I completely skipped over this as frontier bored me so much it killed my interest in the toy news but it was the one thing from the show I really wanted as a toy and Bandai seem to have gone the whole hog on it so I just ordered one from ami ami. Pity they don't seem to want to do any more, then again the Tekkaman has only just come out so who knows. Completely off topic but if Bandai had the Iron Man licence they could do a truly amazing figure based on what they did with this.
  9. Yeah the sound boosters are a Tamashi web exclusive part so you'll need to go a proxy buyer to get them sadly.
  10. Yah, easily the best thing about Bandai is their monstrous production capabilities, I expect by the end of the year they'll be loads of VF-1's to choose from. Not to mention the fact that if they want to they can easily catch up to Yamato's range of offerings and then start to do stuff we haven't seen. The downside of course is their new found obession with web exclusives, I'm sure we're all dreading super/strike parts and armour sets to be online only already, to say nothing of the more niche stuff like the radome's.
  11. Nice bigger scan of the VF-1, landing gear and missiles now included. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4010/438236...750ff360f_o.jpg
  12. Why do you think that? HCM Pros (just to give one example) came in a mind boggling variety of prices, nothing like the size/price class plans of companies like Hasbro.
  13. It's not the same one though, the one in the magazine pics has two very different shades of resin parts.
  14. Nice, been hoping for this for years as I can't afford Yamato's big 1/60's. Hope they follow up with an equally slick and affordable YF-19.
  15. Cool, I'll have to look that one up.
  16. Is that a new Garland in your avatar?
  17. Any FMP fans gotten thmselves one of Aoshima's 1/48 'Master grade lite' style plastic kits? http://www.hlj.com/product/AOS04398 They're a decent size and price, look pretty good bar needing a bit of paint to finish them properly and they've already done two M9's with a third on the way (featuring the flightpack) and have started planning an Arbalest.
  18. Sup all, I used to post here a lot but realised the other day that I haven't done so in over a year. Any good mecha animes out there at the mo? I haven't really watched anything new since the triple whammy of Eureka Seven, Gurren Lagann and Gundam 00. Obviously looking forward to Gundam UC, started watching Viper's Creed but it was boring. Was watching that one with the German motocycle racer who turns into a man monster but I lost the plot around the time it started banging on about plauges and mass produced transforming military motorcycles came into it.
  19. I hope it means that he's in scale with Prime/Megs and is thus bigger then both of them. House cat sized metal T-Rex FTW!
  20. The first episode was quite meh but not as meh as I expected it to be. The main guy has some real problems, I hope the show actually uses this and has a psychological theme rather then just shouen one up manship all the way through.
  21. Not a bad idea at all, e-mail it to Nolan!
  22. Hot Toys have posted all the juciy details on their site and it turns out the head is both an alternate piece and features a rasing faceplate http://www.hottoys.com.hk/product.php?cat=68&pid=389
  23. A bit worried now that the yamato still has that gray, I know, I know, it's probably still a prototype. But when you get to the point wher eevery picture you've seen of the thing is in the wrong colours you can't help but worry they've somehow managed to make an enormous balls up. Do like the features though, especially ther magnet hands, if they can make it work so the gun handle just slips into an open hand and is pulled out of the holster then that'd be amazing.
  24. Well you got what you wanted, a whole line of 1/100 Valk toys from every version of Macross. If the compromise is a few swap parts here and there then really that's a small price to pay imo.
  25. Stewart can do cold and nasty, he was a good Ebeneezer Scrooge for one thing, played him very nasty; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0216621/
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