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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. There is one, it's called the Typhoon or Tornado or something like that. I don't have my book with me to check.
  2. Just got back from my mates, he called me round almost exclusively to see the Bioshock demo. It's an extremely atmospheric game, every room has loads to see and pick up and there is so much freaky dialogue, even in just this short demo. You can play it as a shooter but I had more fun using the plasmids. As soon as I get an Xbox (ordering tomorrow!) I'm getting this.
  3. Nah, that'll be Yamatos own, to go with the bike.
  4. And ... relax. Wonderfest delivers as always.
  5. Yep, that's the mother ship for this new show and what a name, how on earth do you pronounce that..
  6. It was just a completely made up bonus disc included with the FINAL dvd release in Japan and I am utterly convinced that it was only made in order to give CM's corp a couple of exclusive toys. Namely the GaoGaiGo.
  7. It's the Japanese answer to Thunderbirds Lady Penelope and Parker.
  8. Wow, that is sexy. Is this going to be imited like those Stealth Valks?
  9. Ah-ha, I was sure it was possible but couldn't remember what was making me think that. Not having to store the hands makes it's cool little gimmicks all the more plausible. Cheer for the info.
  10. There's another wonderfest coming up soon, if AS have anything to show then it'll be there. I doubt it's been cancelled completely, they had quite a elaborate display for it at the last show and a whole line of these planned.
  11. Just the thing, thanks very much.
  12. The more deluded part of my brain would expect it to have knives that shoot out on little springs and are "caught" in the hands by magnets in the palms/knife hilts respectively!
  13. E=X would be more complicated though and the arm weapons would be a challenge given that Yamato likes to store the fists in them. I can't remember exactly how the wepaons go (not got my artimic design works book to hand), I think it's pop up guns in the top half and slide out knives in the bottom half. It's unfair to Yamato really but if it didn't have those I would probably be dissapointed enough to not bother with it.
  14. Oh sweet, more Garlands, Proto Garland is pretty cool looking and I'll probably bite but I'd pre-order in a heart beat if they offered a transforming E=X Garland, with all it's arm gimmicks replicated, natch.
  15. Theres pics of Grimlock and Slag in here somewhere, http://photos.actionfigs.com/showgallery.php?cat=2554
  16. SDCC trailer has been removed now, anyone still got it?
  17. Colour me impressed, Kenji Kawai of GitS movies fame will be scoring Gundam 00, http://aeug.blogspot.com/
  18. That trailer was fantastic, The Dark Knight guys dissapointed fans by comparison with their mere voice only teaser but I digress. Downey has really got Stark down, I actually dis-liked Stark himself in the intial scenes shown which is (ironically) great and the flying scenes at the end were some superb icing on an already damn tasty cake. Roll on next summer!
  19. The Tread Legioss set has been delayed. But CM's are making a 1:18 Ride Armour. From Toyboxdx.com "Roger Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Yaco reports that CM's Corporation Legioss/TLEAD > is being discussed in this month's Dengeki Hobby, > along with some other stuff the translator > software has made incomprehensible: > > [wildcats.pupui.jp] > .html Cruddy translation: ■ CM's corporation "muslin PIDA rye DOAMA" announcement 1 / 18 scale 90mm of all the quantities That sale is scheduled for painted [ ABS ] finished-goods December Price undecidedness the CM's corporation whose the "REGIOSU with. tread" has already been announced -- the electric shock hobby September issue -- a "muslin PIDA rye DOAMA" modification action figure -- first public presentation. Although there was just no prototype photograph, the drawing is published three points. A modification model is realized in micro man size since the Gakken toy. Please look at a detailed electric shock hobby on sale. Moreover, those with a notice that sale of the "REGIOSU with. tread" was postponed by this report till spring next year. This was quite regrettable news. So 1/18th scale ridearmor And the Tread has been postponed untill spring 2008... -- Thomas"
  20. Bad QC or not I'll likely wait for the fast pack version just like I have for the YF-19.
  21. Wow, they've made the Psyco look awesome, I don't collect anything in that scale but I might have to get that one "just because".. HCM Pro Jegan looks great, certainly explains why it took so long to show up!
  22. I am so getting Iron Gear, he's practically the definition of steampunk cool.
  23. I'm going to hazard a guess at..., magnets. There's always magnets.
  24. That's even more sex toy shaped then the YF-19's booster. Cheers for the info guys, I guessed it must have had one, I just didn't recall one being shown.
  25. I've seen M+ a number of times and I don't remeber the YF-21 having a fold booster, did I just miss it?
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