As do I, but many do not, they simply take, take, take.
One of my best friends is like this and he's the same age I am, we both watch the same mecha shows on fansubs but I buy considerably more dvd's then he does whereas he's happy just to keep the fansubs, or worse, buy bootleg dvd's.
Other people I know are even more obstinate, they won't pay to see a film at the cinema or even for a single on itunes.
I personally absolutely hate this entitlement culture we live in now.
I imagine it must be the same in Japan, only old skool long time fans are buying the dvd's still, publishers need more fans to buy them but why would they if they can just keep their digital recordings.
This is why I say the buisness has to change not just domestically but on it's own turf too.
And if they're going to start distributing through new means (i.e. locked digital content through the internet) then they might as well look into tapping other markets while they're at it.