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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. As do I, but many do not, they simply take, take, take. One of my best friends is like this and he's the same age I am, we both watch the same mecha shows on fansubs but I buy considerably more dvd's then he does whereas he's happy just to keep the fansubs, or worse, buy bootleg dvd's. Other people I know are even more obstinate, they won't pay to see a film at the cinema or even for a single on itunes. I personally absolutely hate this entitlement culture we live in now. I imagine it must be the same in Japan, only old skool long time fans are buying the dvd's still, publishers need more fans to buy them but why would they if they can just keep their digital recordings. This is why I say the buisness has to change not just domestically but on it's own turf too. And if they're going to start distributing through new means (i.e. locked digital content through the internet) then they might as well look into tapping other markets while they're at it.
  2. Well we don't know for sue that's over, right? And yes Setsuna is a huge pillock, If Tiera had been there he'd have had a fit! And let's have a show of hands from the cast members please, Does anyone here not have a dark past...
  3. I read this yesterday morning and as I understand it the ideal solution is to get anime studios to legitimize fansubbers, i.e. pay them for an accurate nglish translation in a digital format. They would then chrage fans a small fee to download this except it would be made avilable at the same time as the domestic release (also on the internet). If studios could start doing this and in more languages then just English then they would soon see a turnaround in profits.
  4. Keith, just get Bitlord, it's a decent program with no intrusive crap and you can search for what you want from inside the program itself.
  5. Great shirts MM, No. 2 is really cool and I'd buy it but No, 4 is just pure win! These really kick the crap out iof the simple shilloutte shirt that was on HLJ a while back.
  6. I just want to know which one is the better toy!
  7. So Yamato are aiming for hcmp quality figures at revoltech sizes at a lower price then either? Awesome!
  8. Aye, give us a chance, it's only Monday lunchtime where I am!
  9. I also think that the core drill being cheap tacky looking plastic is adding insult to injury over the price.
  10. I'm inclined (not to mention dissapointed) to agree, bye bye pre-order... So, where's yours then Bandai?
  11. Ah, thanks very much for righting the confusion Graham.
  12. I'm just gonna wait for someone rich to tell me which horse I should back!
  13. They're not showing much of the Aesty that goes inside it. And Im surprised it's not been painted by now too.
  14. I saw a pic somwhere of Megahouses's Stig without the helmet on at all, whether that means the helmet comes off or the whole head comes off remains to be seen.
  15. Guys, have a look at this post I saw on toyskingdom, it seems to show that the megahouse will have or may have available the hand weapons some of you were asking for. http://www.toyskingdom.com.hk/forum/viewth...;extra=page%3D2
  16. Megahouse already said they were planning on doing the four main charcaters and I think I recall hearing the same about CM's.
  17. It looks beautiful, I want it so bad but it costs soooo much.
  18. I'm sure it is a decent height, it's at least 20cm tall I seem to recall hearing. Twoducks, yeah, I'm praying for Bandai to even just announce one before I just buy this. And 1/1 core drill = awesome! It could really use a Giga drill tho...
  19. I think CM's is winning thus far, their price is worth paying as their stuff is pretty quality and perfect transform/diecast is always worth paying a little more for in my eyes. They also seem to have better looking figures but they lose points to Megahouses's nicely painted bikes and boxes. Really, it's going to be a race to see who can complete the team first. Edit, both makes have the wheel hub verniers I've noticed so that's not a deciding factor anymore.
  20. The new Valk looks fantastic, very modern, I look forward to seeing it in plastic from whoever.
  21. There hasn't been a lot of interest to me in the SOC line lately, I'm glad that other fans can get what they want but I hope they do some more 80's and nwer designs again fairly soon because I love lusting after the latest SOC but Godmars just isn't doing it for me, lol. Speaking of lust, has anyone seen anything new on Konami's Gurren Lagann Great Impact model? http://www.hlj.com/product/KNM13491 It looks a high quality piece but I really need to know if it's going to be worth that price.
  22. If there's any news on the MF version or if Bandai grant my wish and do one then the SOC thread will be where the news is.
  23. I like the sound of that, hopefully I'll be able to get it downloaded tonight, not coming back into this thread untill I have!
  24. Yeah, MF showed off a 10, maybe even 12" Big O gokin but there was no sign of any gimmicks or other details.
  25. Looks like Ohkaawara's back on the design team with another recycling spectacular!
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