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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Not being an arse but is it a good idea to post a spoiler for what's going to be a hugely popular show in a completely unrelated thread? And on topic, I think that sooner or later Bandai will give Macross it's due. Their Real Robot Revolution model line is the perfect place for a Valk model that would simulataneously embarass both Yamato and Hasegawa. Plus, in a recent HCM-pro survey thing, they cited Macross as a posisble future line.
  2. Oh, didn't know it was the same text, I expected that the Japanese release would have had the brushstroke kanji look. 6 Discs is A-ok with me, I presume they'll be dropping the recap episode.
  3. I was thinking about that, I'm really liking the way that CB's Gundams keep getting or showing off little new tricks/equipment. As opposed to something liek Wing or the latter half of Seed where the heroes just blew everything away with the same bit of stock footage.
  4. I'm glad they're using the R2 art but the text is just plain dull, it doesn't suit the show at all. Hopefully this is still just a placeholder image.
  5. Well the new TF line (which I really like now I've gotten over the shock) has supposedly been delayed untill June so that will free up some money plus I've cancelled my order for Konami's Great Impact Gurren Lagann so hopefully I will be able to get a Proto Garland.
  6. That hidden weapon, just how much cooler can Dynames get?
  7. It'd be nice, sure but given the size of the parts I think they're probably just bits of plastic that look like bulbs. I don't know why they'd do that however.
  8. Do you really think this thing has electrics? That would be a big plus if so.
  9. That's a fantastic price but do they ship internationally? I'm thinking, probably not.
  10. I expect to see it again at the New York toyfair, which is in Feb I think.
  11. Sweet, that is just what I wanted to hear. Thanks Keith. And regarding the revoltech, it looks kinda odd how it's jointed so the top of Gurren's mouth can twist around sepeate to the bottom part and there's no drills or wing pack in sight, Other then that though it;s pure win! Edit, I was browsing gametrailers.com and came across this subbed version of the 12 minute OVA episode that shipped with the DS game. I hadn't seen it so I figured others here wouldn't have either. Emjoy but be sure to read the text under the video player as it explains who the extra characters are. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/125597.html
  12. The only $200 toys that Bandai makes are massive combiners, if MF gets any good quality toys at all from them then Imagine they'll be at the level of Mazinger size SOC's.
  13. I gotta be honest, I think it looks worse with the dark background and the logo's kind of cheap looking. I just got ADV's Godannar thinpak yesterday and they converted the logo for that perfectly, I honestely don't think they could have gotten it any closer but this just looks poor. Not that it matters, I can't wait to buy this!
  14. I thought that the GDB would be too big, perhaps they'll sell it seperately like they've done with the new Eva's weapons. That way it could be preoperly sized!
  15. That'll do nicely untill Bandai comes up with the real goods. My only concern is that Revoltechs have limited numbers of accessories, just how many drill bits do you think they'll be able to pack in! Also, no wings, wtf!
  16. Really? News to me, probably because I haven't brought anything new from ADV in ages.
  17. The last new mecha to be done as an SOC class toy by Bandai was Aquarion. Perhaps as these are also Shoji's work that may inspire them a little to put some better toys, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. CF18, You're right in that E7 wasn't that popular which depressed me, never did get figures of The End, or The Spearhead or...
  18. Ohh, Gainax, Nemo, Laputa, I'm liking what I'm hearing here. Also, it may say $80 on AOD's site but deep discount dvd has it for $56 and in UK pounds it's about £28. To put that in perspective, a standard volume of any anime show costs £20 new on the shelves here so 39 episodes for that money is a pretty good deal for me. Thanks for the insights guys, I think I'll go for it when I get paid tomorrow.
  19. Yeah, me too but unless ADV US have something cool in mind for an SE (1/1 Core drill, art box and soundtrack would be awesome) I'll just wait for the UK release which has already been confirmed as "going to happen" by ADV UK.
  20. I was browsing Animeondvd's front page and I noticed that ADV have just released a perfect collection of Nadia: Secret of Bluewater. I've never seen it but I understand it's an old fan favourite or something, da ya think I'd like it? http://www.animeondvd.com/reviews2/disc_reviews/6762.php
  21. Get ready guys, the first dvd will apparently be solicited pretty soon. Saw this in Animeondvd's forum, someone found a listing in a store computer or something, $30, no release date yet and no mention of any kind of SE though.
  22. Bandai having the rights worry's me a little, unless it's Gundam or Eva they don't bother much for new, unproven shows. See Eureka Seven, a handfull of models and PVC (swap parts nightmare) toys.
  23. This is Bandai we're talking about, I fully expect that all of the existing Gundam's will be upgraded/replaced and that more will show up in due course. I can see CB needing more pilots before too long as more nations try and resist them.
  24. Gui, I think teh real plot will be revealed soon, they're still outlining characters and their motivations not to mention setting up the various rivals. Keith, fair enough man.
  25. I'm curious to find out what super's they've got. I'm hoping for a Zeroymer since Yammies own one a few years ago was not that impressive.
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