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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. Ok, NOW it's looking like it might actually be worth 18kyen, not re-ordering just yet though.
  2. D'oh, I thought I was looking at the Revoltech...
  3. I finally got around to watching episode 10 last night and I'm glad I did because if I hadn't I think I probably would have given up on it here out of boredom. But 10 was much better, so awesome to see a "hero" Gundam pilot with such a severe case of Jekyl & Hyde and I liked seeing Tieria's little "I've failed the plan!" breakdown after being such a smary git to just about all the other pilots. Going to be getting 11 tonight then and carrying on with this after all.
  4. *smacks forehead* Of course I remember those now you've mentioned them, I musta just been focusing on that art style.
  5. I can't watch this at work but I already want to see it, I love Bruce Campbell! But whatever happened to "Elvis vs the Nympho Nosferatu's" or whatever they were going to call the sequel to Bubba Ho-Tep?
  6. The wings sticking out of the legs looke even madder on the toy and what's with the huge box.
  7. I don't remember a dream sequence in Eureka Seven, are you sure you're not thinking of that dream episode from Aquarion?
  8. Never sene it, which is weird considering I've seen all of the orignal Thunderbirds material. I don't think it would impress me much given how firmly Gerry Anderson stuff was ingrained into my childhood by my Dad and his brother.
  9. Le sigh, the vid is of course gone by the time I get home from work.
  10. Wow, that's an azmazing price for such a great show but I already have all the singles and LE's released. Except 10 which my e-tailer hasn't had in yet.
  11. What they should be doing is sending e-tailers boxes of replacement parts so they can inculde with new buyers Garlands, oh and a big "We're Sowwee" card from Yamato wouldn't go amiss!
  12. The Joker looks great, really close to Jack's look. Bit dissapointed that there's only the one new vehicle though.
  13. Ooh, the poster is clever, arty and just a little chilling. Very well done!
  14. I like this idea, I'll get more value out of the one fold booster that I'll get with the YF-19 and get the 21 cheaper then it would have been with another booster included.
  15. That's terrible news but I'm inpresssed that he can be upbeat about it. My Mum has been reading his books since day one and thus my whole household has grown up reading them, fighting over who gets to read the newest once Mum's finished it and listening to the audiobooks on family holidays. He'd certainly be missed here.
  16. Reality TV "stars"
  17. Well the Queen is losing popularity, apparently only a quarter of us are expected to listen to the snoozefest that is her Christmas address this year. I haven't even beeen subjected to it since my Grandfather died nearly ten years ago now. I whole heartedly support this revision of my national flag, make it happen Gordon*! * Gordon Brown recently took over from Tony Blair as Prime Minister just in case anyone's in the dark about that.
  18. Aj, well, no one can really truly help you there I'm afraid. The simple fact is every woman is different and what worked for one might completely turn off another, just be nice, respectful, polite and ask for her help if she's not too busy/doesn't have to rush off etc And don't ever try to rush anything, seriously.
  19. Jeez, I had no idea the show was that popular!
  20. If she's teaching Japanese to people who don't know it then she must speak some english, right? If it were me then I'd just hang around a bit after classes for a while and ask for little bits of extra help and try to see if you can guage what she's really like. In other words, just try and get to know her first as (in my expierience at least) rushing straight up to someone and asking them out doesn't work very often.
  21. The transforming bike looks sweet and so do some of the (presumably) enemy figures.
  22. Just wait till you've seen it all, the dvd's won't be coming anywhere enar quick enough!
  23. CM's have got nothing to worry about now so in theory at least they shouldn't have to rush it or cut corners etc.
  24. Quick, somebody complain about the length of something!
  25. Well that explains the missing model no. at least, but was that the suit from the very begining that saved Setsuna? And with the hair it looks even more like a super robot, lol.
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