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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. From what I've heard ADV have been pulling quite a few plugs.
  2. One thing I noticed in this weeks episode is the way the Autobots recklessly Transform with a human inside and then reappear in bot mode clutching them!
  3. Damn, I wanted this after seeing it on TBDX but I'm not buying another £300 toy.
  4. Quite so. The BBC posted a whol load of quotes from various Hollywood figures but this one from Dennis Hopper seemed the most.. er, not sure what to call it but it stood out. That's terrible. Drugs today... when we stopped taking drugs, they started. It is just an epidemic. I am sorry to hear that. He was a great talent. - Dennis Hopper The rest here; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7204267.stm
  5. In a morbid sorta way I hope it was accidental, suicide would have made no sense at all with just about to be one of the hottest stars of the summer season. Either way it's a really horirble death and was quite a shock to hear even though I have no real attachment to the guy (only seen A Knight's Tale). I hope his performance as the Joker is memorable as he'll at least be assured a place in history for that.
  6. This weeks episode is another supervillian ep but after that we will see which should be awesome.
  7. I was pretty blown away by that episode, I thought all the charcters were good in it especially Ratchet (who I already liked and wanted to know more about). Great fight animations, particulary between Prowl and Lockdown. Good voicing all around and some very good writing. I'm always amazed/distraught when I enjoy something so much and then come on the internet and see other people say it nothing for them. I wonder if I'm just easily pleased*... *Has enjoyed all of animated so far and plans on buying all the toys*
  8. Very cool, I'll be buying.
  9. It's gonna dwarf classics Grimlock.
  10. Perhaps CM's will take up the gauntlet, they do seem to want to be the A-Team of the Japanese toy market.
  11. That was a great new intro, looks like we could be in for an exciting 2nd quarter.
  12. I thought they;d made the plot pretty clear, CB want's to eliminate warfare therefore they will intervene untill either they have all been destroyed or no one is fighting anymore. I just think the whole show is one big "mankind will never stop fighting himself" lesson thing
  13. Gundam 00 gets a thread as it's the currently airing show so I don't see why TF:A shouldn't. I got the premiere the other day and I really liked it, I have no trouble with the animation or the voices (most of which are great and very fitting) but teh story did seem rushed and there was a lot of "work as a team damnit!" stuff going on. Starscream was amazing to watch, he was just so tenacious and actually dangerous! They said they were going to make the Decepticons a real threat in this show and from that it certainly looks as though they weren't talking bull. Can't wait to see what kind of havoc the other cons, much less Megatron will cause.
  14. I tried to watch this show before but could only find the first six episodes subbed, pity as I really liked what I got.
  15. I watched the movie only recently and I don't remember seeing an artillery frame in it. Frankly I'd take either version as a spec, they're both pretty awesome looking.
  16. Wow. was that even in the show/flick? I know there was an artillery frame but it didn't look like that.
  17. Same here, I thought they'd do a great job but I can't even begin to defend that linkup picture. I think I'll keep my money and just get lots of fun, durable transformers instead.
  18. I wasn't even thinking of the saint seiya figures, that clinches it. Bandai should defintely do that, there's no way they could make a bad product afetr all those SS figutres they've been doing. And yeah. the new show is pretty cool, I was genuinely impressed and hope it stays good.
  19. Akito was working for Nergal though so I imagine they built it specifically for him. It is gorgeous and at <8k yen not that exensive. Plus the Aesty does look great on it's own. I'm leaning towards getting one, no need to wait for reviews, it's SOC baby!
  20. I just watched this last night, I got the shinsen version. I thought it was really cool, seemed pretty reminiscent of Macross Plus to me stylistically, especially with the music and those guys wooping their hands about, lol. The new Valks are poo hot, the armoured one was jaw dropping. Pretty cliched start but it was very well done and not at all boring, I'll be sticking with this one.
  21. Just watched the show last night and I loved the new Valks. I NEED that armoured Skull leader special! *Drooool* And the flight suit things would make for some cool action figures too.
  22. Sweet, can't be too far off now.
  23. I almost got the 5 disc tin set the other day as it's much cheaper then I thought it would be over here in the UK. Just £20 for the full five disc set with the workprint but wthout the spinner or Unicorn, which look pretty decent to me but there you go. Thought I'd better wait till after Christmas though, y'know, just in case. But I will be getting it, love this movie and can't wait to see the new cuts etc.
  24. Thanks for the pics Swoosh, they look great all together. If Bandai releases a full fat gift set I might bite.
  25. Just watched 11 last night, now finally this series is starting to impress. This is what I was expecting from Seji Mizushima, hopefully his influence will show through the rest of the series more then Bandai's marketing departments.
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