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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. Luke asks Leai if she remembers her real mother in ROTJ, I believe they were referring to Padme'
  2. It was good, but not the best. My Observations: 1)I was disapointed in the opening space battle I was hoping for something mor like ROTJ, the battle only follows Anakin and Obi through space, I was hoping for the cutaway between the interior fight (and travel) and the outside battle between the starships and the fighters. I wanted to see V-Wings attacking Seperatist fighters and ARCs leading torpedo runs on enemy frigates and cruisers, that sort of thing. 2) I thought a bunch of the scenes between Anakin and Padme' were redundant 3) The Battle of Kashyyk was too short, it seemed that it either should have been cut to just the scene with Yoda or been longer and slightly more developed, seemed it was just put in there 4) I would have liked to have scene a bit more clone action on Utapau 5) The killing of the jedi could have been a bit longer 6) I wanted to see more of the Venerator! 7) When Darth Vader was created was great right up to the point where he rips of the cuffs holding him down, I would have had him use the force to take off the cuffs and then instead of the scream and beating his chest had him simply look at the ground with his shoulders slumped as if he was defeated and had succumbed completley to the dark side, then on the Star Destroyer give him a powerful stance as he oversees the Deathstars Construction. 8)I thought Samuel L. Jackson's acting was terrible when he died Were those Imperial Officers clones? I'll admit 4,5,and 6 are all just things I would have liked to seen but I think the others have real merit, maybe some more footage in the special additions or DVD release.
  3. Leaving in 10 Minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Check out these pictures not all are aircraft and not all are military but some of the pictures are simply amazing and others are funny as long as you're not responsible.
  5. Over on Air Warriors one of the oldtime pilots was talking about how to turn your body during a dogfight:
  6. I really hate how you can't save the game before the boss battles, I have better things to do than spend hours hitting Continue Mission.
  7. How do you kill the freaking gunship?
  8. Anybody know where I can find some 1/72 Tanks, Jeeps/Hummers, and Personel Carriers to display with my Valks? I'd prefer preassembled, in otherwords I don't want to build and paint a model.
  9. Uh..........it is. It was moved well before your post. I thought I was losing my mind when I read Bub's post.
  10. My Brother-in-Law's unit is selling them (Yellow Ribbon) to raise money for stuff they'll need during their tour in Iraq.
  11. I agree, I read the book also and it seemed to work with it with the addition of the Wookie stuff.
  12. I've got the ultimate spoiler The Script
  13. The ROTS Novel touches on this, a conversation (I want to say Obi and Yoda) says that because Anakin forces the order to change becuase he didn't come to him when he was an infant.
  14. I was wondering that too, but I think the Needa in the book is supposed to be an ancestor/realative of the one in ESB
  15. No Wookies (I was disapointed too) but wait until you get to where Obi-Wan goes after Grevious with the clones, I'm really hoping the scene where the clones shows up doesn't get cut.
  16. After reading the novel I was hoping it would be great and if it's as good as the novel was it will be. For those who read the novel: Did it seem almost as if it was written by two different writers? It seemed there was the crappy part written by the writer to me (I wasn't impressed with all of the "this is so and so" stuff) and then another part was taken from the screen play.
  17. Out here we have 1 Target, 1 TRU, and 2 Walmarts, if it ain't there you ain't gettin' it. I'll have to look the next time I go home to Dallas...........if not EBAY!
  18. I will happily concede the point
  19. Anybody found any of these in stores yet? AT-TE Gunner Clone Commander Clone Trooper 2 Clone Pilot Commander Baccara Senate Guard Royal Guard or the Target Exclusive Clone Commander?
  20. I always thought the Star destroyer was an odd name for the class becuase it's far to big to be a destroyer it's either a cruiser or a bttleship, then again only carriers in the real world military carry fighters.
  21. You're right about the ship size, but I have never heard that the Corellian Corvette from Star Wars was named the Blockade Runner Class, where did you find that information?
  22. Actually...thats not a nickname, but a class-name. Its the Blockade Runner-class Corvette. Where did you get that from? I've never heard of that before.
  23. Ok, after reading a bit further I take this back.
  24. Where did you get yours? I've got 3 Clone Troopers, but I can't find the gunners, pilots or commanders, one website siad all of theirs were pre-orders for May. I'm starting to think thet the Corellian Corvette in Ep.III isn't the same one as in Ep.IV, in the book Organa just calls it Taintive. Which means that something could have happened to it by Ep.IV or that by that point Alderaan has baaught a 4th Vette
  25. Here's the article on the upcoming Battlefront II Article
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