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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. I'm going to show my ignorance, why are some fighters reffered to as "Legacy"?
  2. All the talk about the F-35 made me ask this: If the Air Force had chosen the YF-17 over the YF-16 would there still be an F/A-18?
  3. What military aircraft are you? My Results: F-16 Fighting Falcon You are an F-16. You love to flaunt your slick appearance, but aren't afraid to get your hands dirty, either. You can outmaneuver any of your contemporaries, and you possess a technological edge. And above all, you are a true showman.
  4. Tanks usually have the name of the tank on it and a lot of times for the names of the crew.
  5. yup
  6. For all of you wanting a TIE Fighter upgrade, go to X-Wing Alliance Upgrade click on the forums, click on pilot lounge and head about halfway down the page, there is a total conversion for X-Wing Alliance making it Tie Fighter with updted graphics.
  7. Thatseems odd to me becuase I had no problem programming my X45
  8. My complaints are with 5 things: 1) The corvette map doesn't make much sence to me, it's not very liniear nor is the layout much like a ship. 2)The Hoth Map is still much to small. 3) Some of the maps are the same as in the original Battlefront (I would have liked to see a bit of tweaking to the Hoth map) 4)The fighters feel to slow in the space maps 5)All the space maps are the same, a cruiser and a couple of frigates vs. the same.
  9. Well I beat the game yesterday, but I wasn't as impressed overall as I was with the first one. Few observations: 1) The game seemed to be a whole lot of clearing houses. 2) The British officers in the British campaign were lousy they were never around when I was heading to the next mission goal, it seemed like I would fight my away to the next objective by myself and then the rest of the squad would magically appear. 3) The Tank levels were much better than in United Offensive 4)The Africa Campaign was pretty cool, but the European part was all house clearing 5)Loved the American Campaighn, especially Point Du Hoc, and the Rhine crossing
  10. Anybody else downloaded the demo and played it yet? Get it here
  11. Not really about Ace Combat:Zero, but about Ace Combat. I opened my email this morning to find that Namco wanted me to take a survey on Ace Combat, for an upcoming game...Ace Combat 6 for PS3, most importantly I was asked several questions about online play! You play a mercenary, open ended, 16 players in online combat. If you got any questions I'll answer what I can remember.
  12. The series really sems to pick up starting with "Who Monitors the Birds," it becomes more military and they finally had the actor that plays Hawks get a haircut. I did notice that there are 3 episodes in a row in which the 58'th are all captured or thought captured or killed. I also got tired of several episodes in a row being ground based with no fighter action, I guess they were saving the budget for the last few episodes.
  13. I think it looks like the station from babylon 5 too. The second episode was messed up on my copy too. I am now on my 3rd copy and it's fine.
  14. Firefly got a movie maybe S:AAB will too (probably not, but wishful thinking is nice) I thought saying that the Squadron (always though they were a little light on pilots and that having an non-flying C.O. was odd) was part of the Marine Space Cav was pretty messed up. While Marine officers from other MOSs can take over a platoon in a pinch, didn't anyone think it was odd that whenever they played grunt it was always a squad (not a platoon) of all Officers and (with the exception of the episode with Ray Butts) all officers of the same rank (all O-1s)?
  15. Never Mind figured out the problem
  16. I'm frusterated, I've tried downloading new drivers from Nvidia, I've tried using the ones with the game, I've tried using my old ones. Everytime the screen goes black like the game is starting, then it reverts to thr desktop. Other games (like call of duty) work, I just don't get it.
  17. Coota0

    Low Viz

    Join the club, I keep hoping becuase they were so popular we'll see a similar 1J or 1S release
  18. Coota0

    Low Viz

    What was the original price on the 1/48 Low Viz?
  19. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I can't get it to work, it installs fine, but when I double click to start it the screen goes black like it's starting the program and then kicks back to the desktop, any ideas? Is this a bad download?
  20. Count me in it's pre-ordered and is supposed to be here on the 15th
  21. Always liked the Hammerhead form S:AAB
  22. Is the link in this thread or another?
  23. I'm applying for OCS for next summer, I reeeeally hope I don't get to find out if the bubble canopy was a bad idea for the for the board
  24. I'd love to get a LV (came out at about the same time as tuition was due, with my luck would happen again ) I'd really prefer a 1J (always liked that look the best) but then I'd want a 1S and and 2 1As to finish out the flight. As for doing a different paint scheme they could go with the dark gray of the F-15E or with the lighter haze gray of the Super-Hornets, I'd like to see them kept the same color for the collector that would like to display with the 1As if changing the head was the route they went with.
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