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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. Mav, which ground crew sets are you using?
  2. Thanks, I'll start looking for them.
  3. Anyone have a recomendation for a good 1/72 Naval ground crew?
  4. Very abruptly, I looked at it this morning.
  5. I remember seeing a similar idea in either Popular Mechanics or Popular Science for the Space Shuttle, but I can't find a picture now.
  6. Poopy suits are anti-exposure suits aircrews wear when they are flying over cold water areas (such as the North Atlantic), so in case your jet goes bad and you have to eject, you'll be able to survive in the cold water an extra half hour or so while waiting for somone to grab you. They are somewhat similar to a diver's wetsuit, made out of rubber, and you put them on over long johns. You then put your flight suit, survival vest and harness. When you're all suited up, it looks like the pilot has gained 100 pounds, but most end up losing at least 5 per flight by sweating in those things. It's made of Tyvek plastic-fiber, the suit is designed to be worn over the clothing to minimize the exposure to water. It seals at ankle and wrist. There are accessory hood, booties and gloves, also of Tyvek, which may be taped to the Poopy Suit to complete the watertight nature of the garb. The smell that a pilot aquires by wearing one leads to the name "poopy suit"
  7. While they're at it I'd like to see a VF-0B too. It was never seen on tv but it looks cool!
  8. I'd like to see a 2 seater that gives homage to the F-14 or F-15E, just a low vis with decals for an F-14 Squadron or for a F-15 Squadron. Sundowners might be appropriate (weren't they stationed in Japan?)
  9. Jedi are annoying. Why can't we get another Republic Commando game (or better yet an Imperial Commando game.) That probably won't be for PC either.
  10. CH-47 has been known to outrun Apaches, so it's not that slow. CH-47 is very capable of operating at high altitude, which is where the USAF was thinking of using them (A-Stan) for CSAR and Spec Ops. The Chinook is a known quantity; the 160th has been using it for years in special operations and very successfully in Afghanistan. The CH-47 also has a instructor pilots and ground crews to get the program off the ground quickly as well as having the supply train in place. Other aircraft in the running did not have these attributes. New aircraft programs are not always about getting a new gizmo, sometimes they are about getting the job done in the quickest way possible to support the trips on the ground... in other words the Chinook could accomplish the mission in the quickest most cost efficient way.
  11. I'm a Pilot, Squiggly Porn and Shave Dog's Ass are my favorites.
  12. I don't think it's that uncommon to see USAF fighters down at Hood, when I was there for my physical there were F-16s on the ramp.
  13. Which Army base? The KA-52 looks like the bastard of an A-6
  14. Not without transferring to the Air Force.
  15. Got Firebirds on DVD. (I think it's like TOPGUN, corny but you take what you got) Don't know if I would have gone Comanche if it had happened. It was meant to replace the -58, but as expensive as it was I don't think it would have replaced all of them, so I guess I just don't know.
  16. I agree Kalv and strictly from a piloting point of view it has a lot of mission variance. With a -64 you're always a gun bunny, with -60 you're always doing lift (after reading some books by Vietnam Huey pilots lift scares the poo outta me) -47 is very similar to the -60 you just move bigger stuff or more people. -58 gets some gun time, some scouting, some convoy escort, some CAS, even the occasional VIP lift mission, much more varied and therefore less chance to get bored.
  17. First choice is the OH-58D Kiowa, everything else is about equal to me.
  18. Do we need a chopper expert? I found out today that I've been accepted by the Army for flight school.
  19. Paramount eyes straight-to-video franchises Big name sequels coming to a small screen near you? 02 Mar 2007 5:27pm With studios setting up straight-to-video divisions wherever there’s space in the office, it was only a matter of time before Paramount got in on the act. Paramount’s new division will develop and make sequels, prequels and remakes of popular titles from the likes of Paramount Pictures, Paramount Vantage, DreamWorks, Nickelodeon Movies and MTV Films. Some of the initial names bandied about for the sequel treatment include actual classics, including Grease, Top Gun, Mission: Impossible, Beverly Hills Cop, Coming To America and even Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump 2: Gulf War Gump, anyone? No, we thought not... Link Found this at IMDB.com in thier TOPGUN message boards.
  20. Interesting article on Chinese Naval buildup.
  21. I've got to try some more of the fighters, I really thought the P-38 was the only fighter with a cannon. I wasn't aware that any of the Navy/Marine fighters had cannons, whats up with the Corsair having one?
  22. There are two major advantages to the P-38: 1) Nose mounted wepons (and the only U.S. Fighter with a cannon) meaning no worries about convergence, 2) twin engines means no torque from the props. Problem with the P-38 is that if you get caught low and slow you're screwed. I really like the Hellcat, Corsair and Thunderbolt. I haven't played many quick missions (other than what I needed to get up to speed on the flight model) but I really like the online play. I like to take a B-25 in on the deck and unload with parabombs on the enemy flightline. I also like the dive bombers in that role. If anyone is just getting started with the game try simhq.com's forums, there are a couple of nice stikys that will get you patched up, get you set up for onlune play and firect you to FAQs to get you started and explain game play.
  23. Only non-flyables I can think of that were realitivley important are the B-17, B-24, B-26, B-29, and no torpedo aircraft.
  24. Bought 1946 a few weeks ago and love it. The online play is great.
  25. I was just curious, I know Army flightcrews carry an M-4 (even in the Apache and Kiowa) along with their M-9s.
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