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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. Coota0


    Anybody know when the VF-0 model is being released?
  2. Good Luck
  3. Has that ever been stated? Beause if we go solely by animation, all destroids were antique relics in the original TV series. What we DO know is they rolled a variable Monster out at some point, and it was used in VF-X 2, which is relatively late in the timeline. They may have made variable versions of most of the destroids, so they could have the mission-specific firepower along with the rapid deployability of the variable fighter. Sure beats the heck out of GBP armor to simulate a Spartan/Phalanx, and screw the rest. What gives you the impression that the destroids were relics in th original series? I always thoght they were probably cutting edge given the fact that the technology to build Destroids and Valks had only been around for about 10 years.
  4. Kensei, any subbed (let alone dubbed) M0 you can buy or download these days is going to be a bootleg. The only way to have a legal sub or dub would be to buy the original and sub/dub it yourself. Hopefully that will change. There are vague, skimpy rumors of an eventual US release--see http://protoculture.lebhead.com--possibly inspired by one company's slip at an anime convention which was later denied by another company. In the meantime, it's either download, buy a bootleg, or learn Japanese. The link wouldn't work can you fill us in?
  5. Starfox is a rail shooter. Rogue leader you had perfect freedom over your manuvers. Still I wish we could get some good old space shooters back in the tiefighter, freespace, and wingcommander tradition. Freelancer was total trash as a space shooter...... You should try Tachyon. It's pretty dated now of course, but if you can find it on clearance for close to free, it's a fun play. Got it, It wasn't what I really wanted either, I want an updated version of Privateer! Or maybe something like Privateer but with Star Wars freighters.
  6. Starfox is a rail shooter. Rogue leader you had perfect freedom over your manuvers. Still I wish we could get some good old space shooters back in the tiefighter, freespace, and wingcommander tradition. Freelancer was total trash as a space shooter...... Freelancer could have been so much more. What was up with the mouse only controls?
  7. Check out the FAQs or ask on the boards over at Starship Modeler , I hang around there quite a bit and everyone is more than happy to help. I found this awesome set on Squadron.com for those of us that have yet to get a 1/48, I think I may pick this one up. It's a hasegawa set,, BUT it's in 1/72! I want it either for my MPCs or 1/60s, I think 1/72 is close enough that it will look ok, and if it doesn't I can always grab a 1/72 model (Maybe a VF-0, in a low vis paint scheme...sigh)
  8. I keep seeing commercials and I'm wondering is Rebel Strike out yet? Anybody got it? What do you think? With the price drop I may pick one up just fo this game, but I wanted some opinions first.
  9. Check out the FAQs or ask on the boards over at Starship Modeler , I hang around there quite a bit and everyone is more than happy to help. I found this awesome set on Squadron.com for those of us that have yet to get a 1/48, I think I may pick this one up.
  10. So is Admiral Hayse, Misa or her Daddy?
  11. That's cool but, how do you land that thing?
  12. I don't ever ask for Valks, not even from my Fiance they're just too much money, but I usually end up with some Legos or Star Wars toys, or Star Wars Legos every birthday or Christmas
  13. Somehow sharing my birthday with Minmay doesn't excite me, now if it was say Roy or Max, that would be cool.
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