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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. B-17 is the flying fortress, B-52 is the Stratofortress
  2. Actually a VF-1D or a 2 seat variant of some sort would be really cool, the backseater could control the strike cannon, and the pilot could worry about flying.
  3. Nothing wrong with a mockbattle, although mine don't fight battle pods, they fight 1/72 Tomcats, 1/72 soldiers and armor, transformers (especially the fighters ) even a 1/72 X-wing (I don't have the actiion series but, I've got some micromachine figures that work nicley) whatever I have that looks right with them.
  4. TIE Bomber = Dupes Cross = Y-Wing Slim = B-Wing I'd jump in on a Call of Duty, Desert Combat, or BF:1942 match
  5. Ugly- take peices from two or more fighters and combine them to make one working fighter. Loved that series too, my favorite Ugly was the Death Seed
  6. There aren't even that many combat flight sims around anymore. Lock-On looks good, I saw Jetfighter V the other day, and then you have the Microsoft Combat flight sims that's about it
  7. Highspeed transport and mail delivery? In WWII and Korea Avengers were used for that purpose. Or maybe it could be used for small deliveries, stuff that wouldn't need whatever the Macoss version of the C.O.D. is. I've even heard a couple of stories of Intruders being used in Vietnam for this purpose or Tomcats today. So in my opinion it would be more than feasable.
  8. David is absolutley right, Marines use the same form of section/flight/squadron call signs as the Navy. I want to add one thing when they use a callsign like "Viper52" its not "Viper fifty-two" it's "Viper five-two", why? I'm not sure but My NROTC instructors told us it was far easier to understand on the radio. The favorite call signs I've seen so far are "Easy" Laye and "Hroney Toad"
  9. I think Kawmori (wow, did I spell that right?) was basing the UNSpacy fighter forces on WWII Japanes Naval forces. The pilots fly in 3 man formations, they're not all officers (they are in DYRL), Max and the others start out as privates not Ensigns.
  10. Sorry to be picky, but I think you mean "WW I" aircraft. AFAIK, Germany never used Fokker built aircraft during WW II, though the Dutch did. You're right I was thinking Focke-Wulf, but the Fockker factories did produce German planes
  11. Roy is definatly an American, maybe his families name was chnged when they left Europe?
  12. Anybody know if Roy's last name is in relation to the famous WWII German aircraft, or perhaps in refernce to Anthony Fokker, or maybe he's supposed to be a relative?
  13. The VF-1 for this poll, particulary the VF-1J, but I think for me it would have to be a toss up if the VF-0 were on here
  14. Id say correction since he wares em in the cockpit. I've seen military pilots where sunglasses in the cockpit
  15. Are Max's glasses for correction purposes or does he just think he looks cool?
  16. Downloaded the Demo, seemed like a cross between Medal of Honor and BF:1942, but in a good way. You're not on your own like Medal of Honor, but there's more of a story and you're not wuite as expendable as BF:1942. I was wondering if anybody had it, because I wanted to know how the other levels in the game compared to the demo.
  17. Wow, I hope so, but I wouldn't complain if they made one in 1/60 too
  18. Today I noticed that all the pilots in Macross have a lot of hair, most military guys keep their hair high and tight, but how dor the Macross get all that hair inot their helmets?
  19. I agree, but if there was say a Blue Angels Valk I'd jump on that, Thunderbirds might be cool too. I always thought the Angel birds were based on the Snow Birds team, kinda the same paint scheme too.
  20. Been looking at that model at HLJ thinking the exact same thing.
  21. No, but it looks cool. I've been wondering about it too.
  22. Correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think using the brake will make it turn faster, it should actually made you turn slower. The best way to turn is actually transform gerwalk for turning, when done transform back to fighter. If you only want to play with the fighter mode, using the thrust should actually make you turn faster, but the angle may be wider. I don't know about the physics of this game, but if you're flying a real aircraft, speed makes for wider turns, using the airbrake and slowing down willmake you turn tighter, in effect slower means you turn faster.
  23. The website said to turn off your virus program, install the game and then turn back on your virus program.
  24. I was watching TechTv and they said there was a free download of an online BF1942 type game called America's Army. It was designed as a recruiting tool, it's completley free, and is supposed to the most realistic game of it's type. Here's the link America's Army. So has anybody played it? If you have what did you think?
  25. Always loved Sacktime:Sacktime If you want decals for your Valks, check this out Decals
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