I think you'e being a little hard on the U.N. Navy. First that lab that they're keeping the "Birdman" in looks huge and probably takes up a good portion of the hanger deck, so maybe instead of a full air wing you can only carry a squadron of VF-0s, some UCAVs and the other aircraft you need to keep a arrier going (S-3s, SH-60s, E-2s etc.) Second you have to remeber that Earth has been at war for almost a decade whish causes problems, almost constant use of ships for one.
Question: In the first episode we see that the Anti-UN is using MiGs in concert with they're SV-51s, do they continue that, Basiaclly using MiGs as cannon fodder to draw off defenders before attaxking with the SV-51s? And do you think the U.N. continues the use of convetinal aircraft with the VF-0s, obvioulsy they do in other parts of the world because there are no VF-0s, but what about in the Islands where the series takes place?