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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. If the Catseye is out with the fighters, usually the navy deploys E-2's about 100-200 miles out, the Macross can be jammed while the Catseye could be able to communicate with the fighters still.
  2. But, what if you lose your data link to the ship, or your communictions from the ship to the fighters is being jammed?
  3. AN E-2,which does the same thing has a crew 3-4 in the back of the plane, that doesn't count the flight crew
  4. I thoaught perhaps as a senior officer she chose the the front seat.
  5. So does that mean there's a larger crew of Controllers in the Fuselauge like an E-2 or what?
  6. Nobody has a clue what this post was originally about, now we're onto realworld stuff though. To add something else, I think equipment is important, look at what the Isrealis hve done with their F-4s, but I think having a crewmember dedicated to weapons systems, it allows the pilot to concentrate on flying. I beleive there was a study in the mid 1990's where F/A-18Cs wher Compared with Marine F/A-18D squadrons and the D's continually had better acuaracy.
  7. 1) Is tha Cat's Eye supposed to be a Recon Platform or Command and Control like an E-2/E-3 or both? 2) Are the two people in the cockpit the only crewmebers? Are there more in the fuselage? Anybody got an opinion on if there could be? I only ask because we've seen that occasionly there are descepencies.
  8. Actually the F-18 has a shorter range and can carry less armaments compared to the F-14 (see this interesting article here) The hornet does have a shorter range, and while the takeoff weight is less, the Hornet has more hardpoints. But my big question is what does any of that have to do with what skull-1 said? The Tomcat does need more maintnance time per flight hour than a Hornet, and the Tomcat is bigger, and efficiany in the military is measured in turnaround time, and maintance time, I don't have aclue what you're basing your thoughts on. And if you're basing your efficiancy idea on fuel consumption the hornet has more efficianet engines,but the Tomcat carries more fuel Do I think we should get rid of the Tomcat? No, not without a proper replacemet. I think the same thing about the Intruder.
  9. My guess would be that they were split up after ejecting, Shin is being shot at when we see him, so he didn't have time to try and find Edgar.
  10. I think you'e being a little hard on the U.N. Navy. First that lab that they're keeping the "Birdman" in looks huge and probably takes up a good portion of the hanger deck, so maybe instead of a full air wing you can only carry a squadron of VF-0s, some UCAVs and the other aircraft you need to keep a arrier going (S-3s, SH-60s, E-2s etc.) Second you have to remeber that Earth has been at war for almost a decade whish causes problems, almost constant use of ships for one. Question: In the first episode we see that the Anti-UN is using MiGs in concert with they're SV-51s, do they continue that, Basiaclly using MiGs as cannon fodder to draw off defenders before attaxking with the SV-51s? And do you think the U.N. continues the use of convetinal aircraft with the VF-0s, obvioulsy they do in other parts of the world because there are no VF-0s, but what about in the Islands where the series takes place?
  11. Treatment, exactly what I was thinking
  12. Too dangerous to target the bridge. Don't you know that's one of the rules of anime, if you blow up the bridge, the whole ship will explode Graham Beside the ship is really fought from CIC nowadays not the bridge, they might lose rudder control for a few minutes but other than killing the bridge officers and crewmen not much would be gained. Could the circled object be a Harpoon or Excocet, luanched as Nora and DD were coming in, there's no reason why the SV-51s couldn't carry conventinal odanamce.
  13. May be, I hated Galaxies because it was so boring, run and gun sounds like fun
  14. Anybody else seen the Mechwarrior toys that came out a couple of months back? I thought they might make nice advesaries for my Valks.
  15. Jedi Suck, they get all those extra powers and ruin the game for everyone not playing as a Jedi
  16. It makes sense in a way, there's a BF1942 Mod for star wars, and the best multiplayer levels on Jedi Academy were the seige levels where you have to either defend or attack a base.
  17. Anybody know another site to download from, bittorrent says 142 hours
  18. My mistake, I guess I had just been thinking about my own project so long, I assumed, woops.
  19. Did you get your pilots from thisSet, or another? I was thinking about doing the same thing, I really wanted a Navy flight crew because I want to do my as a U.S. Marine Corps fighter, but with a little different paint job these will do.
  20. I think you are going to be waiting for a while... Just download Bittorrent. Kazza = spyware = crap. I did I can't get it to work, but Kaazaa lite works fine, and I can get Eps 1 and 2 to work
  21. Where did you get the Mavericks? And how are they attached?
  22. Hasn't anybody in the U.N Navy ever heard of a BARCAP? (Barrier Combat Air Patrol, F-14's and F/A-18s fly around the ship in circles waiting for bad guys)
  23. Maybe somebody with a full file could upload it to Kazaa? Maybe? hint hint
  24. Absolutley that's what I want, I couldn't afford one at the time but I'd love one now.
  25. My brotehr played it, he siad it was cool, mostly for a different story line, and he and his buddies like the co-op mode.
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