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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. Anybody who gets TechTV: tonight at 7:30 (Central Time) they're showing The Armaments of the JSF on Future Fighting Machines.
  2. As far as what would cause the EU to go to war with us, I think it's simple:Pride. I know sounds stupid but we're the only superpower (many would argue China, but I consider them more of regional power, up and coming but regional,) but the Germans and French would very much like to be a competing superpower, alone they couldn't hope to challenge the U.S. but in the form of the EU they can, they can control much more of the UN, and dominate the European trade. The French have always had deleusions of grandor in many ways, do they really nead multiple conventinal big-deck carriers? They don't get involved in anything NATO or the UN does (unless it's to grip). The Germans are a very proud group and while they have been our allies (the West Germans at least) since the end of WWII after a century in which they lost two wars and were basically used as pawn in the coldwar, German pride has taken a ding, twice they have wanted to be a world power, why not again? Why couln't the leaders of the EU convince other European nations to go along with them? Finally I could see the Russians allying with the EU or even joining them, they are still unhappy about the outcome of the cold war, so far capitalism hasn't been a wonderful thing for them, they like many other countries resent the U.S. because of our way of life and standard of living. Now the EU has it's own problems, many of the countries involved have hated each other for centuries. The Germans and the French aren't extremly fond of one another, the Turks and the Greeks are not on the best terms and the Fins don't trust the Russians. (Ok not all mebers but I think they would possibly join) I don't think war with the EU would happen overnight but I do think it could happen much faster than we would expect. Then again, we were holding peace talks with the Japanese and no one thought they would attack the U.S. on December 6th of 1941.
  3. Heres a scenario: I read either yesterday or the day before (On the yahoo Welcome screen, can't find the story now ) that the EU was considering placing sanctions against the U.S. Could picture the EU led by the Germans and French in a war against the U.S. with they're advanced aircraft and those of their allies. Do I think all of the EU's nations will fight us? No, I'm sure some woould ally with us or sit out notably the British. Now do I think this will happen tomarrow? No, but in the next 20 years yes. I think the Germans will either kick us out or we'll voluntarily decide to, and maybe the same for Italians, but I do think the next war will be in Europe and it will be against the high-tech countries of Europe.
  4. They can. In my opinion the F-15E is a better fighter than the F-15C because of the guy in the back, he's deticated to the radar, and an extra set of eyes never hurts
  5. Because the Air Force ran the Air War and kept the Navy and as many of the Allies as possible from getting any aerial kills. I've heard stories about Hornet pilots picking up MiGs after fropping their ordanance and being ordered no to engage, so that Air Force F-15s could be diverted to intercept instead, even though the Hornet pilots were way closer.
  6. More F-117s aren't the answer. The F-117, carries two bombs, isn't manuverable at all ( about like an A-7) and it's aerodynamically ugly, it has no internal gun, and most importantly it does a different job than the F-35 will. F-117s sneak into a target, at night, past all defenses including fighters, and bomb 1 target with it's entire payload, the F-35 is supposed to be a back up (way back ) fighter, and a strike fighter, as well as close air support. I keeps talking about making it better than the F-16 and F/A-18 son't just make it stealth. How would an F-117 be better than the F-35? The F-117 is a bomber with the speed and manuverability of an A-7, without the payload, it survives through stealth and only flies at night, it couldn't defend itself or anything else. Also how would it be made SVTOL? It doesn't carry a gun now where would it be places or what would be taken out to make room? How much heavier would it be to navalize the F-117? The F-35 may not be the answer, but the F-117 isn't either.
  7. These what?
  8. Heard that story too, I'm pretty sure it was the RIO.
  9. Can we assume that the VF-1 Valkyries have rearward looking cameras, then, because I think that those planes have crap as far as rearward vision goes too? Weird, because the VF-0 has raised bubble canopy. No, I think they just have crap for rear vivibility
  10. The F-35 is so far away from it productions date that it would not be hard to envision a hole host of external stores being added to it arsenal, whether it be AIM-9's or AGM-65's. I read that in a "Low Threat Enviroment" the F-35 would be able to carry external stores in order to carry more ordanance.
  11. Funny that's what people "in the know" said after Korea, then we got our asses handed to us by a bunch of low-tech peasents over Vietnam. Angel: The A-6 was "replaced" by the F/A-18
  12. Why the hell would the Mairne Corps want the A-10? A Marine Aviator is a Naval Aviator, they fly off of ships as any other Naval Aviator does supporting the grunts until a beachhead is made then the Cobras and Harriers move inland and fly from gravel roads and pastures moving with the grunts. There are exceptions to the flying off of ships, notably the C-130's (there were however tests landing and launching C-130s on Carriers) The A-10 is useless if you can't put it on a Nimitz or Wasp class ship and get it to the combat zone. The idea behind Marine Corps CAS (this came out of experience in WWII, Vietnam and Korea) is that within minutes of calling in support the zoomies will be there to save the grunts. That's why the Harriers and Cobras are based nearly on the front lines, they're slow so they have to be close, the Hornets are faster so they can be based at sea or further in the rear and still get to the front within five or ten minutes. A-10s have to be based at a real airbase, not a dirt strip, a 2 lane road or a soccer stadium, A-10s are slow meaning it will not take them the five minutes to get to the grunts needing support that an AV-8 will. There is also the price of trying to navlize an A-10. It may be good at CAS, but that doesn't mean the Corps wants it. If you want to give it to someone, give it to the Army, some of those Warrant Officers are unbelievable pilots.
  13. Original A-12 program became the SR-71, the most recscent A-12 was the Avenger, a Naval Aircraft program, NOT USAF, designed to be a stealth replacement for the A-6.
  14. No Hi-Res (Sorry) but there are some other cool accesories Here Here Here Here Here Here and Here Don't know if thei will help any.
  15. Maybe these
  16. Bingo Hence my remaining skepticism. I hope for good news, but why not settle a controversy right away instead of letting it linger for months on end. There are legality questions being raised, most companies would have said something by now. Publicity?
  17. Who says that the engines, gravity generators, and all other mechanical elements of the Macross take up more space per ton than conventional technology? Further, where is it said the "majority of the Macross consists of machinery and overtechnology?" Looking at the anime series, the Macross is clearly streamlined and vacant. Huge sections of ship's interior are vast, open chambers. The ceilings are soaring, the docking bays are immense, and city sized sections of the ship are all open. The Macross is built like a can from what we see in the anime. And that's just fine. Overtechnology is clearly a marvel of miniturization...just look at the Valkyries. The Valkyries contain all the internal components of a top of the line fighter and all the components of a top of the line mecha...in a chasis no larger than conventional fighters and weighing no more than comparable military equipment! Even more amazing, Valkyries contain everything necessary to travel in space for extended periods of time and later models even feature internal hardpoints! So you see, Overtechnology is in fact smaller and less cumbersome than convetional tech. Were a Nimitz-Class aircraft carrier built with OT, it would probably fit twice as many people. You're absolutley right, the part of the ship Hiriku and Minmay were in after being lost was sealed off and completley unused.
  18. Coota0

    Would you buy it?

    1:18 is the same scale as G.I. Joe, so it's not the biggest toy ever by any means. I'd love to see some pictures of yours (the 1: If you find one of the Corsairs let me know where, on their website it says they're coming out with an Avenger
  19. A Nimitz Class carrier has a crew (counting the Air Wing) of over 5000, so your estimate of 3000 for the Prometheus is low. The Wasp has a crew of 1108 +1894 Marines =3002 (you were just about right, but this doesn't count flightcrews or groundcrews for the embarked aircraft) but at the very least you're talking 8000 crewmebers from both ships rather than 6000, and if I rember correctly the Prometheus and Dadeleaus (Sp?) were supposed to be larger than their modern day counterparts.
  20. Coota0

    Would you buy it?

    So, I'm at Walmart yesterday, I see these 1:18 scale fighters (P-40, P-47) and I was thinking wow wouldn't a 1:18 Valk be cool (and cost and arm and a leg) SO I thought I would ask what ya'll think.
  21. Check out the current price!
  22. Maybe slightly offtopic: But wasn't there another anime like voltron that took more cars/spaceships(?) to build? Anybody have anyclue what I'm talking about? I know where I lived you got regualr Voltron with Lions 4 days a week, and on Fridays you got this other Voltron like show.
  23. I never did figure out how that big ass bass mouthed air intake was stalthy on the X-32
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