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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. All the Starwars fighters The Hammerhead, but the rear vicibilty sucks ass I like the Vipers from the new Battlestar Galatica Exofighter is Cool I not a big fan of the tac fighter, looking at it there's no vicibilty for the entire bottom half of the fighter.
  2. I don't get. Why would they all be assigned to Captain Dagger? It seems obvious to me he was the instructor assigned to that aircraft. Before I'm accused of saying all the 1D's are trainers I don't think they are, just that VT-102 is.
  3. Me Too Since it looks as if most of the aircraft are naval, I hope the Carrier landings are a little bit more complicated than in AC4, maybe add in a Fresnal Lense.
  4. My point was that both F/A-18D's were the same airframe with different avionics (The controls can be put back into the backseat of any Marine F/A-18D its just takes a while)
  5. I wasn't saying that the VF-1D was a trainer just because it had a "D" desiganation, what I was saying is that all of those aircraft are trainers, but are perfectly capable of loading up with ammunition and missles and fighting. Hence the Mentioning of the F/A-18B/D, the F-5/T-38 and the F-15B/D all are trainers that can function like thhey're combatant counterparts in the case of the F/A-18D the Marine Corps uses it as a night attack aircraft and the F-15E was developed from testing either an F-15B or D airframe.
  6. I think it's probably both just like the F/A-18B/D, the F-15B/D, the F-16D and the F-5/T-38. Both a trainer and an actual fighter.
  7. I agree, but a different pilot would make it more realistic
  8. Anybody else having trouble updating the demo?
  9. I don't think he stalls i thin he just slows waaaay down. aWHat I always thought was weird is that when the F-14 pitches up like that you at the very least have trouble keeping your eyes on the target, whenever I try it in a game or sim (more likley) I roll the plane on it's back, so I can keep the enemy in sight.
  10. Who else downloaded it?
  11. anybody heard if the F-35 (in any of it's variations) will be in the game?
  12. CIC not CNC- stands for Combat Information Center
  13. A prowler squadron just like a C-2 or E-2 squadron consists of a dozen-14 aircraft and detachments (usually under the command of a Lieutenant Commander) of 4-8 aircraft depending on what the CAG wants and thinks he'll need are sent to the carriers.
  14. You really think they'll put a whole squadron aboard, I figured they would do the same as the prowlers and put a detachment of 4-8 aboard.
  15. What's the Official website?
  16. I've got soooooooo much wood. Intruders a combat (ie. BAE aircraft) T-45 and is this an EA-18? Screen Shot Is this NAS Key West???
  17. I figure it would be more like WWII, the same pilot shortage was occurring.
  18. I don' have th game what's the F-15U?
  19. My thoughts exactly
  20. <img src="http://images.quizilla.com/A/Avatar9000/1052710833_picsgamlin.jpg" border="0" alt="Gamlin Kizaki"><br>GAMLIN KIZAKI --- Gamlin entered Air Force academy<br>of the United Space Army at the age of 15 as a<br>scholarship student, and finished the<br>three-year training course for two years.<br>Gamlin is devoted to Mylene and determined to<br>be a good boyfriend to her. He wants<br>desperately to be her hero and this gets him<br>into trouble. Mylene truly cares for him, but<br>she also adores Basara. <br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/Avatar9000/quizzes/What%20Original%20Macross%207%20Character%20are%20you%3F/"> <font size="-1">What Original Macross 7 Character are you?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font>
  21. Wait, Wait, Wait, 25 is a squadron?
  22. In America's Army in the training stage you unjam your weapon, but I never had it happen to me in a game
  23. Can't get the Link to put up the pictures
  24. This may look good too
  25. 1763 sounds like a lot of aircraft to me. But it does say that the AIr FOrce will purchase that many aircraft. Is it a typo?
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