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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. I like the 2nd crew member of the F/A-18D. Better bombing accuracy in my opinion, better for night attacks, less for one crew member to deal with, and a 2nd set of eyes air-to-air engagments...can't beat having a 2nd crew memeber.
  2. Players sucks, but so far I haven't seen anything I don't like. I think the G4 show they brought over that's got the two guys that do the Videogame reviews (Judgement Day?) could use new hosts, but I do like the more gamer directed televison. I'm just glad they kept Screen Savers.
  3. Shin you're being biased too. You claim that Dubois is being illogical, but you couldn't even quote him.
  4. How is the Super Hornet an all new aircraft?
  5. Of course that didn't stop anyone form advertising it as "Not a pound for air to ground"
  6. Coota0


    I like it i think it looks cool, but I don't really see how the D model and the S model are the same aircraft, the B and D makes sense, but the D modle looks like it should be a whole ither aircraft, just my two cents.
  7. Any subbed ones out yet?
  8. Here's a huge complaint of mine about the F-35, one that should never come up... THE REAR VISIBILITY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! All fighters built in the last 25 years have had buble cockpits so you can see the bad guys sneaking up on you so why doesn't the F-35?
  9. That picture is from our National Guard here in Texas, I would even hazzard a guess that it's from one of the Squadrons at Fort Worth JRB (Used to be Carswell AFB) What made you think it was an Army bird?
  10. I understood the "P" designation for pursuit vs. the Navy use of "F". What I didn't understand between teh Navy and Army is that an aircraft of about the same period in the Navy is the F4F where but the Army had the P-38 and P-39, big jump in numbers, so I'm assuming the Navy numbered their aircraft independtly of the Army until after WWII.
  11. I was only referring to fixed wing, and if we were to do the onehundred series we would have to start at the original P/F-1. I think the Army and the Navy had a different numbereing scheme prior to the end of WWII. But if you want to I know a few of them. F2-Buffalo F4F-Wildcat F4U-Corsair (Never understood the exact difference in the numbereing with these two) F6- Hellcat F9-Panther then for what I know you skip up to the Army aircraft P-38- Lightning P-39- Air Cobra P-40- Tomahawk P-47- Thunderbolt F/P-51- Mustang F/P-80 Shooting Star F-86- Sabre F-100-Super Sabre F-101- VooDoo F-102-? F-103-? F-104 Starfighter F-105 Thunderchief F-106 Delta Dart F-107? F-108? F-109? F-110? F-111 Ardvark (Never understood why this had an "F" designation instead of an "A") F-112? F-113? F-114? F-115? F-116? F-117 Nighthawk (Another why an "F" and not an "A")
  12. Only the "E" Model
  13. Allright I'm trying to figure out all the aircraft that should be listed. F-1? F-2 Skyray? F-3? F-4 Phantom F-5 Tiger II/ Freedom Fighter F-6? F-7? F-8 Crusader F-9 Panther or Different naming convetions? F-10 F-11 F-12 F-13 F-14 Tomcat F-15 Eagle F-16 Falcon F-17 Cobra F-18 Hornet F-19? F-20 Tigershark F-21? F-22 Lightening F-23 Does it have a name? A-1 Skyraider A-2? A-3 Skysomething? A-4 Skyhawk A-5? A-6 Intruder A-7 Corsair II A-8 A-9 A-10 Thunderbolt/ Warthog A-11 A-12 Avenger
  14. I think you're gonna get flamed but I think you're right.
  15. The Corps is keeping the Bullfrog for a while longer, the last time I talked to the recruiter about OCS, he said the last CH-46 pilot probably wasn't even born yet. The Corps is keeping the hiey too. Assuming the V-22 works out well, both choppers will be kept well behind the lines. The F-35, could be some bad mojo, not enough firepower, if you have to unload most of it's stores for STOl, and the rear visibility sucks.
  16. Where are you finding them for $30?
  17. My Best Buy told me that they didnt know of any sale.
  18. It's not even a 1/60, so it won't go with my other Valks (well it will, but you know what I mean) I don't have a huge problem a few swappble parts (ala 1/60 style) but the whole thing is nothing but swapble parts...it's just disapointing.
  19. What is the Minmay Guard? Is it a special detachment to protect Minmay? Special Forces? What?
  20. like it? I found it on a gallery site featurign th emnay enterprises. What's the adress?
  21. Unless you're the next kid in line
  22. How much is that in dollars? Does that tailhook move?
  23. If it's actual combat instead of clicking a button that says fight, I think I'll try it, but if it's just more roleplaying in space forget it
  24. Have you played F/A-18:Operation Iraqi Freedom? I saw it the other day, didn't see Lock On at Best Buy though, but I would definatly get it if there was to be an expansion for Navy Jets. My turn off on Lock on was that there are only the wo American fighters, I want to fly U.S. fighters not Russian ones. As for as realism goes this one is lacking somewhat, but if you want to fly a bunch of different aircraft, pick up a cheap copy of Janes Fighter Anthology, it's got tons of aircraft, plus the mission editor is really awesome.
  25. I don't but from what I've heard on Tv, and what I read on the net, the new expansion is supposed to be a lot like X-Wing in gameplay, that and Lucas Arts seems to be concentrating a lot on the newer stuff and less on the OT. I just figure the only thing close to X-WIng we're gonna get is Lightspeed.
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