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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. Kinda reminds me of Bret Michael
  2. Thank You! This has been driving me insane
  3. When I read the forums, the responses are all at the bottom and have to be clicked on to see them. Anyone know how to fix this?
  4. Like this one too
  5. Not an expert on CBT "history" but the interview said that it during the second war
  6. Ain't that the truth
  7. Yeah, I learned to go for the belly
  8. "Goose, she's lost it" "No she hasn't" "She's lost it" "I hate it when she does that"
  9. It's great to plan for the next war, but if your military is in pieces from the last one, you have no one to fight the next war with. You may have people, but the xperience to fight the new war with is gone.
  10. No, you work with the amount of money alloted by the current government, he took the budget that was to be given to the DOD and made it work for the two wars we're in now, to keep people alive now, not to fund the USAF's wet dream for a war in 20 years.
  11. I missed it too. My DVR went wonky on me.
  12. Don't know if anybody hs brought this link up yet Star Wars Toys
  13. Anybody know anything about the Sony BDV-IS1000. Sony Site I've been thinking about a BluRay system every since I bought an LCD TV, but we're trying to cut down on the amount of boxes under our TV. Does anyone know of any players that either have Wi-Fi or an ethernet port so that the player can be updated?
  14. I love people like you. Many times before it has been said that technology (specifically long range missiles in one case) would lead to the end of the fighter, but they're still here. I think UAVs/UCAVs will support manned aircraft. Dale Brown's take is one of my fovorites, his EB-52s use UCAVs for recon and escort and are controlled from the bomber, he also talks about using F-15Es for the same job with the WSO doing the flying. In the realworld UAVs can already download real time imagery to our aircraft and one day will be contolled by the pilots of the aircraft they're scouting for. You'll never see unmmaned aircraft in the utility, cargo missions, or civilian airline industry, nobody is going to turn their trust over to a computer completley. The aircraft may be largly computer controlled, but not fully...example the UH-60M and CH-47F can both be flown pretty much by computer, you load up a memory stick with a flight profile, plug it into the aircraft and the bird can take off, fly the waypoints, dodge trees and hills and wires, and then land at the designated point, but the pilots are still monitoring the aircraft the hole time. It's great for offloading pilot workload on long flights but you still need the pilots in case there is a problem with the system or somebody starts shooting at you. The best networks can be hacked and the most secure signals can be jammed you'll always need a man in the air with any system you send up. Pilots working with UAVs/UCAVs as wingmen, direct recon, support, or supplement to their misison...absolutley, it will happen and already does, but you'll always need pilots. Hell, maybe I'm biased because I am one, but that's my two cents.
  15. Heard on the news this morning that the Blue Angels will be finishing the season a pilot short.... Story on CNN
  16. That's from the article that Vifam7 posted. Sounds an awful lot like the stuff said between the Korean and Vietnam conflicts here in the states. We got our asses handed to us until our pilots learned tactics to fight up close and personal instead of fighting their aircraft as missile platforms. As someone flying under the USAF's Air superiority I really don't want to see that happen agian.
  17. Are the F-35C and Super Hornets an option? If ya'll went with the F-35C after pulling out of the F-35B program that would be one hell of an irony.
  18. Unless you're talking about the F-102 and F-106
  19. From what I've heard, the Georgian air force consisted of 7 or 8 SU-25s and a handfull of Hinds and Hips. No fighters to speak of, but their air defense was standard rooskie studd, SA-6, SA-9, SA-13s and their manpads, as well as ZSUs.
  20. It's interesting in a perverse kind of way to watch the news to see the attack aircraft. But I'm doing it too. Did anyone hear how the Georgians accomplished their alleged shootdown of the Russian aircraft? I looked around the net but didn't see anything.
  21. That's what they said when jets were introduced and when missiles were introduced to aviation, but there were still close in fights.
  22. Coota0

    Which Scale

    Looking at getting some groundcrew figures to go with my 1/60 valks...Which size do you use with yours?
  23. Coota0

    VF-0 Transformation

  24. Coota0

    VF-0 Transformation

    I found a guide for the 1/60, but not the 1/48, can somone direct me to the 1/48 guide?
  25. Is there a video or walkthrough for the VF-0 transformation. I can't figure out the arms from looking at the picture.
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