While you're waiting for Ace Combat 5, do yourself a favor and just play Ace Combat 4 again. Maybe bust out the old PSone copies of Ace Combat 2 or 3. If you're really desperate, try Air Force Delta Strike (but be warned that the developers seem to be trying to go out of their way to make overly frustrating missions). But, for the love of Kawamori, stay as far away from the Lethal Skies games as possible. I made the mistake of playing the first one... and then, because IGN reviewed it pretty good, I made the mistake of playing the second one, too. And let's put it this way... it would have been more fun to sit in the hamper out on the front porch and make airplane noises.
Well in that case maybe I'll look at my PC, anyone played Lock On: Modern Air Combat ?
I'd been avoiding it because I'm not big on Russian Aircraft, but desperation is beginning to set in.