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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. I can't believe no one has made any jokes about the P-51's outrunning the A-10
  2. Wow even South American countries have carriers!
  3. That story has to be one of the worst written reports I've ever seen. I can't believe the writer works for CNN. You would think someone above him would have looked at that article before putting it on the web.
  4. First you have to decide which F-35 you're comparing (has it become the F/A-35 yet?) The USAF Version is the lightest, while the Naval one is heavier. The Marine Corps' version can't get off the ground. I don't think the Royal Navy or the Marines will end up buying the F-35. On paper it's a great idea, but they tried to make one aircraft do to many things. I think the Royal Navy and the Marines will end up passing on the F-35 because it litterally can't get off the ground. I figured the Marines had planned on loading it up with external weapons as well as internal, since their version will rarley if ever be used for a penetration strike. So if the Marine's version can't get off the ground now, what about with the extra weapons?
  5. Better than Jude Law
  6. While you're waiting for Ace Combat 5, do yourself a favor and just play Ace Combat 4 again. Maybe bust out the old PSone copies of Ace Combat 2 or 3. If you're really desperate, try Air Force Delta Strike (but be warned that the developers seem to be trying to go out of their way to make overly frustrating missions). But, for the love of Kawamori, stay as far away from the Lethal Skies games as possible. I made the mistake of playing the first one... and then, because IGN reviewed it pretty good, I made the mistake of playing the second one, too. And let's put it this way... it would have been more fun to sit in the hamper out on the front porch and make airplane noises. Well in that case maybe I'll look at my PC, anyone played Lock On: Modern Air Combat ? I'd been avoiding it because I'm not big on Russian Aircraft, but desperation is beginning to set in.
  7. WHile I'm waiting for Ace Combat I've been kinda lacking in the flight gaming area. I'm tired of WWII, and the few computer sims out just aren't doing it for me. I saw Lethal Skies get a 4 out of 5 on Tech TV and wondered if anyone had played it, and what they thought?
  8. That redhead is kinda hot
  9. Space War I
  10. Army- The Caissons keep Rolling Along (It's no longer the Battle Hymn of the Republic, changed during WWII) Marine- The Marine Corps Hymn
  11. Assuming Vinne is right I apologize.
  12. I'm sorry I usually avoid anything personal, but ~Duo~Trenten yours is possibly the most singularly dumb post I’ve ever seen.
  13. You get used to the noise. Carriers perfrom flight ops around teh clock. You think no one on a carrier ever sleeps?
  14. That OOD is Fvcked. But in the JFK's Defense, they may have seen it to late. It was during night ops, there are critical times in which you can't turn the carrier durring launching and landing of aircraft, and a floating city doesn't exactly turn on a dime.
  15. Didn't Lando say that about his mining operation?
  16. Maybe the USAF should buy the Megafortress?
  17. Will the FB-22/ YF-23 be two seaters, becuase that makes a fifference in my opinion. Low level pentration strikes, need to have a crew of at least two. I also think a tandem cockpit, like the A-6 or F-111, is better for crew coordination in the bombing role, but in the fighter role a cockpit along the lines of the F-15E or F-14 is better. Also what's the mission? Fight/Sneak into a target and then bomb the hell out of it or more of a high altitude precision strike misison?
  18. The original idea for the F/A-18 was for there to be an A-18 to replace the A-7 and F-4 in the bombing role, with a look to the future and replacing the A-6. Another Fighter was supposed to be th F-18, which would support the F-14 and and replace the F-4's in the Air-to-Air role. P.S.- Noyhauser, I'm not disagrreing with you, I'm just supplementing your argument.
  19. Even if the YF-23 was planned to have an APG-71, no way it was planned to have Pheonix missiles, it was designed for the Air Force, at least pretend you're not completly biased agaisnt the F-18 first.
  20. That's not fair, if you're going to pretend the YF-23 has all that extra crap, you should do the same for the Hornet. Otehrwise you're biasing your argument for the beginning.
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