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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. DOn't know if anyone cares, but check this out: ACE COMBAT
  2. Anybody else think BF is a little short one multiplayer servers?
  3. Anybody else seen the commercials? What about the commercials for SW:GB? They must a put out a call for nerds. (Guess I should've applied )
  4. Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!
  5. I like the original Call of Duty game, I'm thinking about buying the expansion, anybody have it yet? What did you think?
  6. Is there a demo of the PC version?
  7. If anyone is interested the F/A-18 is on Heavy Metal on the History Channel at 7 P.M. Central tonight.
  8. Even if it is all clones (Not my preferred theory, I always figured there were some clones mixed in with regular folks) it's only the stormtroopers we're talking about, not the rest of the army, the pilots or the Navy
  9. I'd say Iron Eagle two is slightly worse than the original but nowhere near as bad as the other Iron Eagle movies. Has that hot chick in it from "The Spy who Loved Me"
  10. Who said the F-4 was in the Final Countdown? The F-4 is used as a MiG in the second Iron Eagle movie.
  11. They did it with the B-29
  12. They used the paintjob on F-5's at Miramar in the 1980's to simulate MiGs. The F-5 simulated MiGs, and it was painted up to look more foreign. There is no MiG-28, the flying scenes were filmed from dogfights between Topgun instructors and students. At the time they were using A-4s and F-5s to simulate MiGs, so they producers used the fights bewteen the F-5's (MiG-28s) for the scenes against the "bad guys" and the shot's of the fights with the A-4s for the fights with the instructors. Hope that clears it up for you a bit.
  13. He resurrected this thread after it was clearly dead. He's muckraking, just trying to cause a fight.
  14. They used F-4s in the second one. TopGun has it's great points...Like the flying, real pilots in real jets, the photography of those scenes is incredible.
  15. Took a while to download, but it'w a lot better than the other Medal of Honor games, which were good, it beats out call of duty in that you can control your squadmates to an extent. I liked it.
  16. I like the Tri-Hull. I don't know how well it would work from a blakc shoe' point of view, but from a pilot's point of view, better stabilization in all seas is a good thing.
  17. There is also Splinter of the Mind's Eye
  18. Can you give me the link where you found this?
  19. Where are you from? I grew up in Dallas
  20. No offense, but in real world only few people would care about this. 'Indiscriminate effects' was one of the reason napalm was banned in 1980 by Convention of Geneva, but napalm is still used today. FV Bullshit. Why does the Govt. freak out everytime we kill civilians and the news jumps all over anything that looks like a civilian bystander may have been killed. Look at the drop in civilian casualties in the last 50 years, why don't we still carpet bomb countries to get rid of terrorist. Why did we use tons of LGBs to hit Baghdad when we could of leveled the city in 1991, whay did we risk the lives of U.S. servicemen in Iraq to leave power and water on and running in Baghdad. World/Public opinion cares and it is therfore an issue. P.S. the U.S no longer uses Napalm we use Fuel Air Explosives (FAVs) and cluster bombs which have much of the same effect.
  21. The days of manned combat aircraft are numbered anyway. With testing of sophisicated stealth UCAVs, improved uplink technology, the ability to handle G-forces that would instantly kill a meat pilot, and autonomous control systems getting smarter on a weekly basis the scarf-and-goggle days will soon be over... Watch out folks, the X-9 Ghost is the airshow demonstration craft of the future. You'll never replace the pilot. Some people think you can but you can't there's always going to be apilot in an aircraft hanging his butt out there, he's going to be onscene and see what's going on. UCAVs can be jammed Fire and forget hits where you tell it to, it doesn't care if that's a convoy of refugees or an enemy armored column on the ground. AI doesn't adapt and is far more predictable than any human
  22. I'll bet you agreed to it in the lisencse.
  23. No Gun. I believe I read that the gun would scew with the jamming equipment when fired, and there wouldn't be room for it anyway, so the compartment is being used for more sensors and jamming equipment. The EA-18 will however always carry sidewinders on it's wingtips, and is capbale of carrying both AMRAAMs and HARMs along with it's jamming pods.
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