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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. I thought the JSF was the new Commonality
  2. So much for the EU's depiction of the Wookie part of Kashyyk being way up in the air, avoiding the nasty critters that live closer to the ground. Not completly, Oceans tend to not be surrounded by trees.
  3. It's a helluva lot harder to upgrade an airplane and decrease it's maintance cost than adding some new computers and mvoing around some panels.
  4. Since when has looking cool been a requirement for a Military weapon, there have been some ugly ass looking machines in service.
  5. What Brand is the the Tomcat?
  6. Said it before I could
  7. I'm pretty sure all the F-111s were out of servic before Iraqi Freedom. (In fact I'm pretty sure it was don by the mid to late 1990's)
  8. The B-52 was originally supposed to have the Co-pilot behind the pilot, but the USAF said the crews worked better together when side by side.
  9. I vote for the EA-18 as the true successor to the F-4G (if the USAF buys them) and to the EA-6B
  10. His head in indeed supposed to come off. Supposedly he made kind of a joke in an interview about LotR, because his head comes off in the extended version of RotK, and so he'll have lost his head twice. I think that's what it was. I wish you had listened to Duke when he said not to post the answer... not that I'm suprised by it at all. If you don't like it don't look at the thread Everyone else on the boards shouldn't have to censor themselves to please you. If you don't like it you don't have to click on the thread.
  11. His head in indeed supposed to come off. Supposedly he made kind of a joke in an interview about LotR, because his head comes off in the extended version of RotK, and so he'll have lost his head twice. I think that's what it was. I wish you had listened to Duke when he said not to post the answer... not that I'm suprised by it at all. If you don't like it don't look at the thread
  12. They've got EF-2000s on order to replace they're F-4s
  13. Any Helicopter sims?
  14. Crimson Skies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Can you imagine what it would cost?
  16. I really enjoyed Janes USAF, I always wished they had done a Navy version of the sim. One sim I really enjoyed was Janes Anthology; there were so many aircraft to fly and so many options! I want a sim that has a descent carrier landing, I want a fresnal lense!
  17. I warn you that while I've played most of these sims, I can't play most on my current PC. Not becuase my PC is crummy,but because the sims can't deal with newer technology. Jane's F/A-18 (which I loved) won't fly, USAF will load but looks like crap on my PC all kinds of weird stuff happens there.
  18. I know we've all seen the YF-23 and F-22. But I was watching tv earlier and they said there were 15 designs submitted for the ATF program. Anybody seen the 13 designs?
  19. I gotta get one of these, the living room theater of operations has been at a serious stand still
  20. Info Never mind it opens Dec. 2nd Found this if anyone is interested
  21. Do you have a website with some info, I'd love to see it, but I'm in Lubbock, Tx (not quiet the ass end of the world but definatly the lower intestine, but hey we got Buddy Holly and Waylon Jennings) for grad school and there's only one IMAX. I may get to see it (hopefully) when I go home for Christmas (near Dallas) does anybody know when it starts?
  22. Any options on the decals for the squadron?
  23. I'd give it to the F-5 also. The extra thrust is going to give the F-5 pilot a choice between a turning fight (I would avoid this) or an energy fight (I would go with this one)
  24. Huh, that's odd. Not trying to start another debate, but maybe it's because they aren't as prepared emotionally to part with the old plane as they were all the other times. Excited about new plane = new paint scheme to signify the beginning of a new era? Could just be a lazy C.O. too
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