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Everything posted by Coota0
I agree with you, but I think the writers may be trying to cause paranoia among the crew.
You're saying the VF-19 isn't at the very least inspired by the X-29? Seeing how many forward swept wing aircraft are floating around this sounds like BS to me. By the way I'm with everyone else about the spoilers, if you don't like where the thread is going don't click on it. Instead of trying to force the thread in the direction you want it to go, start your own.
Aircraft VS super thread!
Coota0 replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
George H. Bush (a former Naval Aviator) is the one with the carrier being named after him, George W. Bush is the President of the United States. Not asked of me, but I think a backseater is always a good, thing, some aircraft need them, some aircraft can function without them, but I feel that almost all would be improved by a backseater. -
Gotta agree with you I love SAAB, but i have a few problems with the way things are done aboard the Sara and within the Wildcards. P.S. I do however like the new BSG
We can only hope. My biggest regret about that series is there is no real conclusion to it, it just stopped. I always kinda wished someone would pick it up in novels or that a movie would be made or something, I however doubt it since it hasn't even been released on DVD.
Aircraft VS super thread!
Coota0 replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Roosevelt is a sub, the Teddy Roosevelt (former under Secratary of the Navy and one of the greatest Presidents of the 20th century) is an Aircraft Carrier. I don't think having two carreirs both namned Roosevelt would be wise. -
Aircraft VS super thread!
Coota0 replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
I'm still disgusted that the Navy would name a carrier the Thomas Jefferson. If there was ever someone who didn't support the Navy, it was Jefferson and then the arrogant SOB sent the Navy (an ill equipped or prepared Navy) to fight the Barabry Pirates, losing several ships in the Atlantic crossing, and these were ships that were never designed for ocean crossings in the first place. Sorry rant over. -
Aircraft VS super thread!
Coota0 replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
There is also a vertical stabilizer in the wrong place, it seems, and are those more air intakes above the cockpit? -
You'd think so, but there's also fans who still have difficulty accepting that Stromtroopers are clones. I still like the idea of it being a mixture of clones and recruits (among other things I accept that are not proven or disproven in the movies, like Jedi getting married up until just before the prequeals or that Anikin is not emmaculante(?) his mom was just a slurm or got confused by a Jedi mind trick)
One last post: Dude, I love Legos! ANybody know when the new action figures will be released from Hasbro?
Isn't it possible that Jedi were once allowed to be married, but by the time of the movies this has changed for some reason?
What makes you say that? In KOTOR it seemed as if ny character was coming on to the girl pretty strong and she wasn't exactly rejecting my guy.
IF you're West Point you won't make Admiral either. A Major/ Lt. Commander in real life wouldn't even command a squadron in the U.S. military, Squadrons are commanded by an O-5, a Colonel/ Commander. All the Squadrons of a Carrier Air Wing are Commanded by an 0-6 Navy Captain known as the CAG (Commander Air Group, refers to an earlier time in Naval tradition) HE DOES GET TO FLY, quite a bit and he flies everything on the ship, and has often been known to lead major exercises as the lead aircraft, although in real battle he would most likley be in CIC keeping an overall picture of the situation, but he does have desk work to do, he flies whenever he can get in the flight schedule.
Aircraft VS super thread!
Coota0 replied to Shin Densetsu Kai 7.0's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
A-1 was originally inteneded for WWII as a fighter/light attack aircraft but was to late for the war, by Korea and Vietnam the fighters were jets so the A-1 was put to use as an attack aircraft. -
If it were a galaxy it wouldn't be a spiral it would be an eliptical.
The idea behind the JSF is that you use the smaller stealyh payload for the first few days of combat while the combat area is very high threat. After the enemy air threat is gone (Day 1) and the majority of the Surface to air threat has been destoyed (Day2 and 3) then you fly high to avoid IR SAMs and load up the wing hardpoints for close air support and intradiction as the ground forces move in on your enemy.
If you already know where the SAMs are then you hit them with laser/GPS/Optical guided bombs, or cluster bombs (more dangerous) because it's cheaper than using HARMs. In order to find a mobile site that's been moved you have to put some aircraft in the air with HARMs on them so that the SAMs will turn on their radars and can be found. Then there are those damned IR SAMs...all you can do is fly high, or fly real low and bypass them quick.
Is there much point in looking for SAM's if you're stealthy? If they can't see you they want try to track you and shoot you. If you're not stealthy they'll see you, track you and then you can shoot them with the HARMs
That same strike mission also costs much more with an F-14
Jedi mind trick have a tendency to make one think they wanted to do something
Then maybe we can get Master Replica bongsabers. Am I the only one who doesn't like Jedi? They're a bunch of panty-waisted do-gooders. They're like the Mormons of outer space. Nope not a big fan of Jedi, they pretty much suck.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssse let this be the case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
That's not how Air Superiority works. You take the battle to the enemy, you hit their air bases on day 1, either destroying aircraft in the ground or in the air. We know where their bases are becuase unless someone is pulling some Tom Clancy BS and hiding hanger in mountains without anyone ever noteing the construction, the satellites are seeing the bases. Even if this were to happen, the enemy is going to strike at our fixed airbases not at the carrier, trying to find the carrier is just too difficult. There is one other option, the enemy carrier could go hunting for our ships, but what are they going to do about it. The French have the only other serious big deck, nuclear powered carriers in the world, and I'll admit the Rafale is a fine aircraft, but the French have only 2 carriers and they have to get out of the channel before they can do anything. Seriously what are the chances of going to war with the French (insert joke about Frenchies here)? If the EU were to turn very militant (which I doubt since there are a multitude of U.S. bases throughout the member nations) the Brits would most likley end up on our side so the Carriers would have to get past the Brits when getting into the Atlantic. Other Countries do have carriers most are along the lines of the British carriers, a few are along the lines of the Russian carriers (a squadron of fighter and some helicopters), a few countries have ships along the size of our Midway class, but these have size problems, bobody has more than 3, and no one can keep up with the money we spend on our carriers; maneing even if a country has a carrier most can't spend much time at sea. On Day 2 the Enemy airfoce is gone, and you can go to work on infrastructure, enemy Army/ Naval assets and the biggest threat at this point SAMs and AAA.
While we're on the discussion of the Navy's need for an interceptor/ Air Superiority fighter, there's very little need for a Navy aircraft that's a pure fighter. In today's era of Joint Operations the USAF is in charge of the Air War (look at both Gulf Wars) and decides that their fighter jocks get to have the missions with the best chance of seeing enemy aircraft, that means the Eagles and Raptors get assigned the MiG Sweeps.