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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. I hvan't really enjoyed the Republic comics , but I think the Empire series is outstanding.
  2. Could be a Clone, the reason I question it is that this picture looks as if the clone pilots in the ARC-170 are wearing full helmets just as the pilots did in Ep.II, like this picture Where did you get that picture? Is it the toy of the ARC-170?
  3. Clone troops with the Yellow Markings are supposed to be the pilots, right? So who is the guy that gets killed in the trailer? (00:47) Is it a Jedi? But the Jedi didn't wear any flight gear in Ep. II.
  4. AV-8s put down on the same spot on LHA/LHDs all the time.
  5. Ok, I read another interview (I'll have to see if I can find it) where Jenderson said it would be before Kirk but after Enterprise. I think I'll take anything said at this point with a grain of salt.
  6. In the screencap is it changing to Gerwalk or just putting the legs down so that it can get more boost? (I know semantics, but I'm curious)
  7. Are Jango and Boba's Armor supposed to be the same set of Armor?
  8. The only way the JSF is going anywhere is if the wings start falling off the damned things.
  9. How's the multiplayer? Can you only play up to 16 people on the PC version too? How would ya'll say it compares to Rainbow 6?
  10. Does the VF-1 have two Tailhooks? It just doesn't seem right to me (if it does have dual hooks) the possiblety of only one catching just seems that it would be a problem.
  11. I'm a survivior, Whoop! Official Survivor Congratulations! You scored 81! Whether through ferocity or quickness, you made it out. You made the right choice most of the time, but you probably screwed up somewhere. Nobody's perfect, at least your alive. Test statistics: Compared to users who took the test and are and in your age group: 100% had lower survivalpoints scores. With respect to survivalpoints, users aged 25 to 29 scored highest.
  12. Hey pilots gotta pee too! I would think they would keep the same method as in use today, but hey things change.
  13. Why do you assume they're are on the ground? Just Curious.
  14. What I meant was that you would think there would be a gantry or something to make access much easier, like the way you see Imperial pilots enter their TIEs in the StarWars Universe, or the way that the pilots enter their Mechs in Battletech.
  15. I want to know how the pilot is going to get into the Valk.
  16. Didn't we go through this about six months ago?
  17. The picture at the top of the page definatly has a couple of curves.
  18. You continually bitch about a thread entitled STAR WARS EP III PICS, did you not understand that there would be pictures from the movie here? If not here's a newsflash THERE ARE PICTURES FROM THE MOVIE HERE, that's right, here in this thread. If the thread title should be changed it should have the word spoiler added to it because some people obviously don't understand. If you want one without spoilers start another thread, because as of now we have two spoiler threads.
  20. That's one ugly-ass airplane. If anyone gets behind the aircraft the pilot scewed.
  21. Whoohoo a thread with no bitching about spoliers!!!!!!!!
  22. I agree with what you say, and I knew that the colors meant differnt ranks, I was referring to the picture on the page before this one that seems to have far more color than the Clones did in Ep.II
  23. The Isralies getting F-22s will have nothing to do with what they've sold the Chinese and everything with the fact that if we sell them (F-22s) to a Jewish State, wich many within the world belive we already over suppport (I disagree, but that's a differnet thread) while we're attempting to win the favor of the Arab world, and attempting to work out a peace between the Arabs and the Isralies. It's all polotics.
  24. So the Storm/Clone Troopers in Ep.III are they supposed to be less clones and more individuals? Is that what is up the colorful Armor?
  25. I know what you're saying the hotties tend to be seen in Air Force blues or Navy whites, I've seen a few good lookin' Marines and I saw my first attractive Soldier last Friday at MEPS.
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