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Everything posted by Coota0

  1. They left out the Hueys, the USMC has several UH-1Ys.
  2. Y-Wings would've been really useful if they had been the BTL-S3 Y-Wings (the traditional Y-Wing with a second seat.) Being able to shoot the TIEs behind you in the very confining trench would be extremely useful.
  3. I think the issue is that the F-35B was a bridge too far. There is a long history of Navy aircraft being successfully adapted for the Air Force (F-4, A-7, A-1,etc.), but trying to shoehorn in a S/VTOL aspect into the plan is just too much compromise. Incidentally all of the successful examples I can think of were Naval aircraft adapted to the AIr Force, not the other way around (maybe YF-17 to F/A-18?) and not a joint program.
  4. Just a quick fix.
  5. If i recall correctly the X-32 out performed the X-35 in the STOVL role and was preferred by test pilots for that role. Unfortunately there could only be one. I think trying to come up with a fighter to be used on the carriers and one for the USAF would have worked, look at the A-1, F-4, or A-7. (Although all were originally Navy birds) Adding in the V/STOVL requirement for the USMC was a bridge too far, just too much specialization required.
  6. Meacham is near downtown and they have an aviation museum there (it has the A-12 Avenger mockup,) maybe the pilot stopped in for a photo op
  7. It's called boosting morale. A low pass is not unusual, the only time I fly above 700 ft AGL is for instruments and cross country stuff, I usually fly at 300 ft or below because that's wear Army helicopters do their job. Yup, he was a dumbass for mushing into the ground, but being a dumbass isn't against the rules and sometimes ends up on youtube.
  8. They weren't really show boating. He was performing a low pass to a pitch back turn, very normal maneuvers. He attempts to convert his airspeed into a climb, but mushes through the climb losing a bunch of airspeed and gains almost no altitude. Then after executing a poor pitch back turn he tries to continue an agressive maneuver instead of swallowing out the dive and regaining his airspeed. Any one of three things would have saved him 1) Better Judgment, 2) More power or 3) More altitude.
  9. That guy is a moron, he mushed his way right into the ground.
  10. He didn't know he was on fire until the flames hit the cockpit, probably thought it was a bad landing that he could ride in up to that point. I'm more interested into what led to him misjudging his airspeed so badly on approach.
  11. That would really limit you for convetinal landing assaults and we've been fast roping and airborne insertions out the side doors for years now, why change something that works. Cutting a huge hole in the floor for an extra door, would require rerouting systems that go through that area and mean having to reinforce the aircraft somewhere else, I assume you're suggesting losing the side doors to do this.
  12. They'll loop and roll, it's all a matter of altitude and airspeed (and an aviator that is willing to get his ass nailed to the wall if he gets caught...so you won't be getting any video of me doing it anytime soon)
  13. Got a picture? I did an image search of NATF YF-23 proposal and didn't get anything.
  14. You'll probably be seeing a lot of FAA Personnel around US bases over the next ten years, as the Brits try to relearn something they invented. At the same time you could have FAA aviators learning the basics at the Joint Squadron at Tyndall, so that when the F-35Cs come online the pilots would then just need to learn carrier operations, or it could be continually trained in simulators until the F-35s come online. Could the Brits alternativley lease F/A-18s from us in the interim? Are the Brits planning on cross decking either with us or the Australians or Canadians to bolster the 12 aircraft airwing? If there is ever a large flare up somewhere with a somewhat equal enemy those FAA pilots are going to be worn down real quick.
  15. Couple of more of the Hammerhead just because I like her. I liked this take on an attack Viper, kinda reminds me of an A-7 And the blue viperish looking ship here
  16. Absolutley, my Kiowa,that abounds in mid-eighties technology, even has HOCAC (like HOTAS, but Cyclic and Collective instead of Throttle and Stick)
  17. Weapons arming switch
  18. I'm heading down to Eglin's next week. Looking forward to the F-22 and V-22 (especially the static) it will be my first time to see both.
  19. In the States the the thumb is not our finger of choice when running into other aircraft
  20. The idea is to use a different tactic instead of low and slow, you use higher speed passes at a higher altiude and smart small diameter bombs. Will it work? Don't know, I just fly helicopters, when we do CAS it's a tad more direct.
  21. I second Knight 26, my first thought was "loser."
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