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Everything posted by astromanED

  1. It's always cool to see some valk paint schemes thats not the same run of the mill DYRL stuff.
  2. How many people would look at the sticker sheet and just scratch their heads unknowingly?
  3. and finally for one fram the best missle ever. Sometimes I wish I could get hit with this one
  4. a fuller view with a crappier screen capture
  5. as the missles fly by some star to look peculier
  6. hikaru flies in during the final battle,and fire down the tunnel
  7. Thats funny. My favorite is the budweiser missle in DYRL
  8. Sorry if you already know the names and so. Just wanted to save you from a flame war... What diorama are you putting toghether? What models you are using? There used to be a decals sheet from Wave with a lot of stencils and markings for valks, destroids and zentradi in three different scales. Nowadays they are hard to find and the Hasegawa decals are the best for 1/72 valks. First let me state that earlier a posted "no need to offend" what i ment was I didnt mean to offend. SO let me explain my idea. Well, its gonna be a standard three valk thing from the episode "Blind game". I'm gonna mount it different though, instead of a "place on the mantle" piece I've been thinking of turning it into a wall hanging. Now, I do prefer the macross valk paint, but I could'nt resist this configurition. I've never seen before. Its pretty bizarre, I know, and I'm sure many will think I'm crazy, but I can't pass up doing the bizarre.
  9. No need to offend. I much prefer the macross stuff to the robotech stuff. As for the names? The diorama I'm putting together is robotech specific, thus the naming. Thanks for the "V" tip.
  10. these details are what I'm also looking for
  11. The Max you have pictured is from the Macross Movie Do You Remeber Love. In that movie Max is blue and Kakizaki (Ben Dixon in Robotech) is green. The schemes are identical, just substitute the blue with green. In the TV series Macross, Max and Kakizaki share the same exact scheme again, only Kakizaki (Ben) is tan. There are differences between the TV and DYRL schemes, so hunt around a little for which version you want to do. Look at the old VF-1A kits from Imai and Arii for the schemes. This site has both instruction and box art that lists both Max versions. I pretty much got the color scheme down now. I'm going for the mostly white Max. Now what I need is all the little bits and pieces like arrows, and danger markings. I was thinking about copying all the little bits from the DYRL models, but leaving out the skull and crossbones and most of the color markings. The model I was showing was just to show off and had nothing to do with the thread itself. As far as the ben dixon scheme, it is identical to the max scheme just a light grey brown or some thing. Anyone have a dead on color match? THANKS everyone for the info. what a great community, eh?
  12. Thats me. I had posted it on starshipmodeller when I first finished it. I think it may have been cleaned from that site though
  13. Where oh where can I find the paint scheme (detailed mind you) for Ben and Max? All I come up with is max's all blue white stripe scheme and a mass production sceme insted of Bens. I'm trying to nail these down with out making a bunch of screen captures (translated: I'm being lazy) any direction will be appreciated.
  14. hey that great work there, before I stop working on mine I ran into trouble with the canopy too how did you manage to fit it in? I was thinking on dipping it into some warm water to reshape it I cut it into two pieces and slowly sanded bit by bit down. The canopy didnt come out top notch because of some super glue fumbling. On other kits where I've made bad cuts on the connecting edge I just built up with elmers glue. I'm curiouse on how your gonna tackle it. I'm always looking for a better way.
  15. Looks great. here's a link to the one I built. http://starshipmodeler.org/gallery6/eb_sdyf19.htm I had a wicked tough time with the canopy. Also,if I may, drill and pin the antena behind the cockpit. I snapped that more that a few times. I can't wait to see it finished.
  16. I saw this kit in the flesh (er...resin) and was stunned. It IS a good looking kit. I said to myself that I'd get it some day. Alas the only one I found is for sale for $250, which is waaay outta my price range. I've been praying for a (gasp) recast for less. So whoever has this kit, get busy, I'm not the only one waiting for an affordable kit.
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