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Everything posted by astromanED

  1. Super sweet. I like the smudged panel lines it gives the model a realistic feel. When I was stationed on a carrier ALL the planes were leaking something and wisked rearward, except for the CAG plane his was in good shape. did you achieve this with pastels or in your panel wash?
  2. Simply beautiful. It IS art.
  3. sacred heart of sharon apple thats sweet. whats your mounting secret? wow your amazing
  4. Thanks for the link. Does any one know what is said about the Imai kits arms? Do they come beefier or were they made that way?
  5. Very nice. You raised the VF-4 bar. Yes I'm using the recast, its very sweet. I'm having alot of fun with it. Where did you get your decals? How was your canopy? I'm a little worried I'll take any tips or tricks for the canopy.
  6. So I finally got the chance to continue on with my VF-4. I was'nt gonna post till I was finished, but I'm excited that I got so much progress done and I wanted to show it to you all for cheers or jeers. I got the base coats down and the first level of drybrushing. I know I have to sharpen up some of the lines before I lay down a wash. Ultimatly I'm happy so far. I'm building up my confidance before I handle the canopy, I've been concerned about that for a while. I'm not so experienced with vacuformed canopies. Anyway here you go.
  7. The decals look great. I also like the trailing greys on the laser blasts. It gives the impression of smouldering metel as the valk is flying. Top notch mate. Tip top
  8. To buy? I dont have the japnese connection
  9. Anyone see the SD YF-21?
  10. Very cool. The fact that it's authentic macross is what, I think, will make this an A++ piece vice an A+ piece. Thank you for adding great macross models to the macross modeling world
  11. it keeps getting better and better. Do you think your gonna have trouble with the hatch that hides the wing gears? its always a pain it the ass for me. what are your tips for this?
  12. I'm excited to see where this project is going to go. Keep it up. I look foward to your next post.
  13. very sweet collection. great job on the panel lines. I've always had a problem getting the decal to settle in the panel lines on the gun pod for some reason, but its obvious you dont have these problems. Great work!!!!!
  14. True true. I remember a thumb wheel being used some where though. My memory must be getting rusty. Now I should go through all my dvds to re-lubricate
  15. I like the retinal scan for missle targeting aspect. It would've been cool to carry that into the VF-1. To think of what people would've thought of that idea back whhen macross was created. I'm sure they would've said imposible, eh?
  16. astromanED


    do you think there may just be a wing conversion kit
  17. astromanED


    So how long do you think it'll take for the VF-0D to come out? Has any one seen any good converions into VF-0D? I suppose many will be made after the release of the B version . What episode is the B version based from any way?
  18. looks real good. what colr paint are you using? Are you mixing to get that color? Also a tip, wait until the decal is dry and with a wicked sharp xacto knife cut all that excess dcal film away from the U.N. spacy emblem. that way when you lay your wash it wont have that dirty circle around it. Also you could cut reeeeeaaaaly close to the emlem, just enough to cut the film, before you dip the decal in the water. Hope this helps, I did two kits before I learned this tip from a fine scale modeller
  19. looking sweet, ilikethe color choice. are you gonna keep it shiny or matt? I can't wait to see the completion shots.
  20. I've only seen the tail fin missles once. here's a screen capture
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