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Everything posted by astromanED

  1. I never liked the kit, but you make it look so good. Terrific work, I love the subtle weathering.
  2. Yes Yes the flaps, any close ups of those would be great!
  3. Amazing custom, I wish there were more out there. The stand is wicked is there any more info on that? The pilot really stands out from the rest of the model (bright yellow) any chance getting some painting technique shots or close ups? Great model!
  4. I'm anxious to read and see (great pics) your process for painting the leg fast packs. they, as well as the rest of the model, look phenominal.
  5. Wicked good build! I like your weathering alot.
  6. A YF-21 would be nice. sent an email
  7. I wish they were in aprice range that I could afford. I think thats par for the course with most Macross models, resins that is.
  8. Very nice. I'm jealous of the cats eye. I make wishing fountain wishes that they still exist out there somewhere.
  9. very clean great work
  10. I've used alumilite. it didnt work for me because my channels wernt big enough so because of the quick cure time it wouldnt pour smooth. I'd like to know what a better resin for beginers is.
  11. Clean, eal clean. I'm really impressed. Your the man
  12. Damn Damn Damn, no stores in California. I DO love me a hobby sale too.
  13. That looks so good . The cockpit is the best so far. Great job
  14. Thats sooooo good lookin
  15. I love it. The colors are very soft toned, if thats even a proper term. very nice
  16. Looking foward to more of this kit. I've never built one and if you keep going in the direction you are you'll probably inspire me to get one.
  17. Great piece. Very good lines. Will there be any more macross for you in the future?
  18. real nice collection ranger and congrats on the employee of the month. very sneaky
  19. that would be fun, the magazine that is. I love the max type valk I've been toying withe doing a max type myself. Any close ups?
  20. Wow, Thanks everyone! The bar is set really high here so it keeps me inspired to be better. All the tips and tricks I've found here keep me going and not giving up, so well thanks everyone. 007-vf1 the base you see is a MDF award plaque that was going to be thrown out at work because it was scratched up pretty bad. A little putty, sand paper and black paint fixed it up real nice.
  21. burner close up.
  22. straight port shot
  23. Here's a tip: if you break off and can't find the little fins on the kit. take some black and streak it along the edge and voila! instant battle damage.
  24. Top shot
  25. I was gonna drill out the UMM-7 pods but chickend out. the more I think about it the more I think that this looks fine.
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