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Everything posted by alvaro

  1. real newbie is here Nicey&toy alike may i ask the bandai's type need painting?(i sucko in it)
  2. If I understand you correctly, you are telling us that you believe jet engines are superior to nuclear engines. Macross Zero has the lowest technology level in the entire Macross franchise. That is why the VF-0 is a large, gangly, bulky patch together job, whereas the VF-1 is sleek and refined. However, the VF-0 gets better animation, because it shows up in a still being made high budget 5 episode OVA series, whereas the VF-1 showed up in low budget 80's tv series. IcICs~thanks for clearing me up after Zero, hope the m0team can revamp the old series into nicer graphics animation as well.
  3. Time shall prove everything gees 1/60 1/48 once yamato had produce everything in 1/60, make a damn guess what will their next move be? I'll say 1/48GBP is the one for me.
  4. topic: 1/48 yamato valks escape system Continues... polycap? I duno what the it is.(remember i'm still new on customizing, hehe, btw, ur plugin method i've thought of it too, i'll sort out all ways to get my best method personally i feel alittle hard & fragile for head to do unpluging. well, another new idea been solve to old problem. since the bottom screw is not opstructing the front wheel/transformation, i may extend it to a longer screw & screw it or other better utilities Tranforming into life jet pod is just simple as lowering the bottom part (remember to cut stickers into half along the line ) and den move it out. The seat!, theres a moulding glue part to it. I'm not pro so i wasn't sure how to melt it off. maybe by harsh way of removing it. well this let u get ejectable seat lastly the head & engine,...hmmm ZZZZZ *gonna fell asleep* might edit by sawing along the screw size, n just pull out n insert the engine along it(my current way). well i gotto leave this the last part coz i plan to take up modelling course hopefully can learn some painting & making my own mode out cya guys
  5. topic: need professional to modify 1/48 into escape capsule been thinking for nights, yamato 1/48 life-pod can actually easily take out by just unscrewing the bottom screw & back head screw. it's still kindda troublesome to screw & unscrew for transformation. (if anyone had a better idea solving this problem) well, my main concern wasn't this. wondering if yamato will come out a new vf-1 toys with escape capsule anot, even if it will, i think it gonna take yearssss... i need someone who can do moulding. doing of the part of escape capsule rear engine(see my 2nd hand-draw novice picture ). my idea for it is able to attach it to remove head screw hole. and with hidden/extendable gunpod stick-to function (like the vf-1 gun hanger) i'm volunteer of just providing idea only. hehee exact measurment, design & moulding part gotta rely on any professional customizer whom interested in doing it. i wish i can buy 1 after job complete
  6. singapore, all money chopping shop mafia well, my frd charge sg$285(included shipping fee.maybe 5-15$ discount) 20% for downpayment preorders for it(MISB import frm HK)
  7. awwman, who have fax machine, fax it over to yama for notice
  8. seem toy-wave got it but...usd170
  9. thanks a million great to have helpful guys around last qns pls, what about 48s fastpack? ok my last post. sorri heehee
  10. wow, thanks, nearly step into 1st products. may i know what specific detail to look for when purchasing it to make sure is not 1st production?
  11. hi, i like to ask is there any differents between 48s 1st production & 2nd? anything different?
  12. S&S, anime&toys
  13. wad the....he reborn, if not why look so young? how absurd it is if this was earliest part of macross when they are most technologize!
  14. i got a question, i wonder both roy fokker in 1st series n m0 are they related?
  15. alvaro

    Custom JM 1S Hikaru

    oh what the....U the MEoW!! incredible till u change my attitude towards Jokes.,.hees MUsT geT for JMlovers!
  16. alvaro

    Which 1/48 first...?

    this need to ask.........? get your most favourite 4 god sake. i will say it's hard to keep 1 only. well if u want those look nice, i highly reccomend top1-1Amaxi(nice with all transform modes) number2-1Sfokker(nice with gerwalk) last-1Jhikaru(thou my fav,look little dull in battroid) if u want sumthing rare n worthy, get low vis. suitable for custom stickers without much modify needed. lastly 1J is gonna be nice for display in fighter/gerwalk with FB n yama comin hanger.
  17. 1/48=-1+3+(2waiting+1pending) 1/55=1 1/60=0+(1waiting) since Jan 2004 noobie still
  18. hey izzy, frm whom u getting it? yama moved keep delay stuff. even its real im not surprise too. well gotta check out wit my supplier. he said mid/end but plus shipping, guess no diff wif may ahaaz.... MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT FOR MYSELF!?
  19. agree with you. i more dumb i dump 48s once to get mpc, now getting back 48 plan to get rid it @ US$58 with FB but after recent MPC price shot up to US$300++. the buyer more dumb honestly i felt it's a con auction done by the same seller
  20. any macross website tat's provide more exact details of sticker to paste? or detail ways of valks pic showing? anything. thanks. there's alot loopholes in manual guide paste
  21. hey, relac. wad apologizes, nah need. instead i shall say sorry for letting u mistaking. hows muai noodles drawing btw. opps dun spill out guess i gotta wait for maybe 30 or 40th or even higher macross anniversary to get. hopefully i didnt part the world n you nice guys yet
  22. Well we got some fans of the Joke Machines here... You should check out Solscud's JM's Anyway, I like macross toys cause they're cool robot toys. I'm a robot junkie. sure, no bad feelings, i dun mean to condemn the collectors. jus like every single ppl have their different ways of life n motion
  23. DUDE.... THERE'S NO SUCH THING. GET OVER IT. That was from a dream Hikaru had. A DREAM. You know, like when you go to sleep and you see weird images that doesn't really make sense in life. yes, indeed horrified nightmare he's having was only a dream. that isn't the point to end yet. who know the escape function might be real to the valks
  24. did sum1 mention joke machine? awwman awwful is that a joke? well it's abit cute looking but i felt the very 1st release of ''jokes'' indirectly hurting the fans. anyone felt it? as seem it treating it for craps. personally i feel tat way. hmmh...remind me the only 1 macross joker i had before. if i kept it nicely, it should be rare price over 10times. it's belong to SDgundam-mix series 3-ways transformable(head can pluck out) not samurai series. seem can't find any ppl who have it wif pic. anyways cheers, if mac is ur hobby, hahaz u know wad i mean. mac toy, jus like it's way of transforming, sure every macy does. but still pinning the future for fully fuctions of valk into toy. escape capsule cmon cmon
  25. alvaro

    1:48 TV hands recast

    what is this? any pic?
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