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Everything posted by edwardling

  1. Neova Yes, I live in Hong Kong. Actually, Jet Turbine is very very expensive!!!!! and Also very high risk on building and playing...!! Also, normal motor ducted fan can't give enough power to build Jet So I choose the cheapest and powerful soluction, push propeller to build VF-1 I hope one day, I can see a Jet Turbine powered VF-1 fly onto sky with 3 modes transformation!! Beside, who are your model?? how can he/she know about this job??
  2. Thanks for you all reply!! Yes!! I modified the wing to be a bit wide to increase it's floating power Also, it use a Elevator and Aileron mixing to achieve pitch stablity/control But I will modified V-tail to control pitch next time. It is more efficient!! Next time, I will post a building method to all of us Thanks!!
  3. I recenty self made a foam board Macross VF-1A If you have watched this famous Japan Cartoon, you may know what I am taking about I use Himax 2015-4100 with 4025 direct drive and 11.1v with Elevron mixing I am planning to make a 2nd transformance.... but quite difficult!! here is video!! http://www.edwardling.com/flighttosky/video/VF-1.wmv here is photos Welcome to visit and comment!!!
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