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Everything posted by cmal

  1. cmal

    Bandai DX VF-31

    god i wish that were me I ordered 2017-10-07 05:46:58 and shipped EMS, so I guess f me. I just feel so f-ing burned by this crap I don't think I'll even feel happy anymore if I get mine, just relieved its over so I can wash my hands of N-Y.
  2. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    Scrander Cross! The Alpha with peg holes would probably be good for flying Rocket Punch poses.
  3. cmal

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Probably not an issue with this group, but I'm up for buying a few sets of the missiles from those that feel they were an unnecessary price increaser for this release.
  4. cmal

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Honestly, the A was the only 31 variant I could muster any frakks to give about, so now that I'm probably not getting one Delta and NY can shove it.
  5. cmal

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Located in US, paid 2017-10-07 05:46:58, still waiting.
  6. cmal

    Hi-Metal R

    Great, now I have to hunt down an HMR VF-1. :C
  7. cmal

    Hi-Metal R

    Finally got my VF-2SS (had to wait for replacement parts for something else before I could ship) and man, whoever was in charge of QC must have been asleep at the wheel. On mine paint is a mess (fortunately, some Microsol and a melamine sponge made quick work of most of it), I'm almost certain the screws on the chest near the arms for folding it down are wrong or the dimensions for the countersink are (they're not flush and are preventing the bars from sliding up), and I've got the tight left shoulder outward swing joint. She's certainly a pretty bird from most angles but fidgety as all hell. Really hate how the chest does not want to stay secure in Battroid. Still, I do like it and would definitely play Preorder Madness to buy a DX. Also, I did the cockpit mod from 2ch posted earlier, if anyone's curious about it.
  8. cmal

    Need a stand

    In my experience, the problem was the pegs where the arms connect to the base. There's a little slop and it wobbles unless you fill and fix it in place. There's also a little bit of flex in the plastic in a few places that can result in a little more wiggling. Between the arm and connection/adapter was fairly solid.
  9. cmal

    Need a stand

    Yeah... I used to have my Valks on Action Bases with EXO's adapters, but in any position other than very low (like how you've got it in the Fighter mode shots) I wasn't comfortable with its stability. My base was even glued together. Maybe they'll work out better for you.
  10. cmal

    Arcadia 1/60 "stand"

    The various Banking/Standing adapters are for attaching the stock clips to a Yeti arm. The "V2 VF-1 Series" adapter replaces the stock fighter mode clip to get gunpod clearance. If you use the stock clip on a Yeti, the gunpod gets jammed against the Yeti arm adapter.
  11. cmal

    Hi-Metal R

    No, you're right. I forgot it was intended for recreating the gunpod coming out of storage, not actually storing. All the previous promo photos always implied the former, this one of a specimen out in the wild just set off a false alarm.
  12. cmal

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh, they got Obari to do the box art. Nice. And the gunpod not fitting is kinda worrying. Hopefully just a flub. Wait, two gunpods? Also, those are also some unsightly sprue marks. In any case, as soon as all my November POs hit I'm smashing that Ship button. Much excite.
  13. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    Hey Yeti, had any luck on finding a laser cutter for your bench after that one crowdfunded project you were in on fell through?
  14. cmal

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So which Super Pack goes on the A?
  15. cmal

    Hi-Metal R

    Only if it also includes a giant tuna head or it'll be a pass.
  16. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    How do the 262 adapters look on the non-262 brackets?
  17. cmal

    Bandai Sv-262 DX valk

    $96 if you pay in Yen with PP at N-Y while the rate's decent. And the question you should be asking yourself is if you'll regret not paying $110 for a sword and some extra plastic bits. Since I'm only going for one Sv262 and the 31A, I'm going to splurge on packs so mine is ordered.
  18. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    I was thinking more to protect the glass while adding some friction and cushion with the felt. And the wider would help with sideways wobble. Wouldn't a dual arm or knuckle accomplish the same thing?
  19. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    The things you do for your customers lol. Heh, nice. That'll definitely reduce the price of admission to YetiStand Land for people with Detolfs. Might be a good idea to put a piece of felt between the glass and clip, though. And maybe make the clip wider to reduce wobble.
  20. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    Those joints the claws attach to have a 3mm peg and that's where people generally attach to when not using a claw.
  21. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    The pegs are 4.5mm tall. Personal opinion below: A Yeti is probably way overkill for HMRs unless you're talking about the bigger mechs like the Zentradis or Destroids or you're putting up a couple. HMRs are, what, 6 inches tall in Battroid and probably the same length in fighter? If I were to use a Yeti for HMR, I'd use a drilled base (5mm holes) with Tamashii Stage arms like how I've got my Hi-Nu's funnels set up, and/or drill holes in Yeti arms and mount Tamashii arms on those (can't be sure about how stable this would actually be without trying it though). You could probably get a pretty cool formation or dynamic dogfight scene on a single base that way.
  22. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    I'm fairly certain the HMRs are compatible with Tamashii Stages, which use the 3mm hole/peg standard for the arm pieces (not the base connector).
  23. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    Not at all, man. You've got a great product and I want to see it succeed, so I'm glad I could be of some help. I double-checked the box and the bubble wrap, but I didn't see any feet. Its not a big deal, I'll just ask for an extra set the next time I put in an order.
  24. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    No worries, I totally feel ya on not wanting to sacrifice quality for cost. Your stands are beasts and the premium price reflects that. But even getting the Beta down to $30 would be amazing. I'm definitely still looking forward to what else you've got up your sleeve. Anyway, report time. I uploaded my photos to an imgur album; trying to get them presentable on the forum is taking more effort than usual. The new Beta Stands are rock solid, there's essentially no more flex at the bend. And did you decide to no longer use the rubber feet on the Betas? It solves the balance issues on the bend end, but now the base is directly on your display surface. Doesn't really bother me, but I don't know about everyone else. The new Bandai Action Stand adapter is pretty much perfect. Fit is tight, size and shape are just right. I modified the 1/6 claws so its not bare ABS on the figure. On one, I used spray adhesive and some anti-skid mat (rubbery foam stuff I picked up at Harbor Freight some time back). On the other, 3 coats of Plasti Dip. The Plasti Dip is nice and grippy and has a little bit of give compared to the bare ABS, but its still pretty hard. Its also a magnet for dust and lint and I'm not sure how well it'll hold up against the finish of your collectible in the long term. It was also relatively easy to apply -- I'm totally rubbish at crafts (even though I build models) and I was able to get a decent application. The skid mat has just as much grip but is softer and there's little risk of rubbing off paint/finish. However, it wasn't easy to apply and runs the risk of the adhesive separating. Neither of these methods are perfect, but still better than nothing. Hopefully it gives you some insight on ideas for the future. I used my SOC Daimos as the guinea pig for the claw test. He's got a good bit of heft with essentially solid diecast waist and thighs. I also test fit the claws on my MP-10 and Apollyon and they held, so if they could hold my Daimos upside-down, there shouldn't be any problem with MP TFs that don't have a specific Yeti Adapter. There were a lot of things they didn't work with due to ridiculous back kibble robots tend to have. I also tried the smaller claw you sent. Again, too small for most of my stuff, but it does work with 1/100 gunpla as an alternative to the Action Base adapters. I'd say the limit on those small claws would be maybe a 1.5-2" wide waist.
  25. cmal

    YetiStand Alpha.

    Once you get your own laser cutter, what's the likelihood of a reduction in price? I've been promoting your stands to my robot toy aficionado friends and they've all been impressed, but the cost can get prohibitive, especially if you need more than the minimum base + arm. Well, I'm sure once you've got your cutter, it'll be easier to produce one-off test samples to try out different designs, so that'd probably help expand the line to cover all kinds of needs and price points. PS: I picked up some Plasti-Dip the other day and the weather's going to be nicer this weekend, so I'll be able to mod those 1/6 claws. I'll post a photoreport early next week.
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