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Everything posted by BrundelFly

  1. *scratches chin* I have an idea for an entirely new division of the insurance industry.... MECHA CATASTROPHIES! Anyways... though this little bit of info is still a bit on the secret side, I'm planning on selling the Gundam to fund the NEXT endeavor. 1:1000 scale SDF-1!! So, who wants to donate a house for us to gut out and build it in?! Who's got some spare anti-grav generators? I so wish... Signed, BrundelFly - Anime Adrenaline -Home Gundam Builder
  2. There are no legs. As it has been labeled from the getgo, it is a BUST. Not a FULL BODY REPLICA. Were I to build legs, I could not fit it inside my house. It only IS a torso, head, and shoulder guards. That is why the photos you see are at 95% completion. Most of what is left to do is painting and some minor construction like the booster pack I'm working on today... Sheeshe. Signed, BrundelFly - Anime Adrenaline-Home Gundam Builder
  3. The 1:133 thing is a typeo. It's meant to be 1:100. You can see the change reflected on the site. As for what I'll do with it... *shrugs*. People build models all the time. This is simply a big one. It was an exercise of my fandom and my personal appreciation for the Deathscythe COMBINED with my desire to do something like this. It's not at all practical, but neither are building 1:100 models when you think about it. Alls they do is sit around, collect dust, and shatter into a million pieces if they happen to fall on the floor. There are people out there who build dozens upon dozens of Gundam models. Collectively, they've spent just as much time, money, and energy as I have building one BIG Gundam. It all evens out. Not to be cliche, but the motto "Go big or go home" comes to mind. Oh and at the moment, the Gundam is in my basement. I've been building it literally 10 feet away from my bedroom, which is also in my basement. My basement just happens to have uncommonly high ceilings and double doors through which I can take the Gundam (which is modular) out through. The doors fully open are at 56 inches. The Gundam, turned to just the right side, is 54. This was one of the most important things I checked before I ever really got going on the Gundam. I'd hate to build it and then have it stuck inside my house! Signed, BrundelFly - Anime Adrenaline -Home Gundam Builder
  4. Actually... it's simple math. The "real life" Deathscythe is 16.3 meters tall... http://www.gundamw.net/index.php?id=pages/gw_deathscythe This data was checked against the archive of the great Gundam Project (as if Gundam Plus was not enough). 16.3 meters converts to roughly 53 feet... http://www.psinvention.com/zoetic/convert.htm (you can enter in your starting number and convert to English standards [meters to feet in this case]). It's 1:2 scale so you immedaitely take 53 feet and divide by 2. That equals 26.5. Now, I have not built legs for the Gundam. Hence why it is a "bust". Once again I encourage people to reference the Gundam Plus data page as it has an excellent picture of the Deathscythe. Essentially it has been built from the waste up. To be more exact, from the very bottom of the cockpit (or directly above the infamous "kilt" of Deathscythe"). As you can tell, simply not building the legs takes a over half of the height out of the gundam. So once again, lets bust out our calculators... 26.5 divide by 2 = 13.25. This would be the height of the 1:2 bust were the legs comprised exactly half the height of a Gundam and the torso/head the rest. As stated before, the legs take up slightly MORE than half. My Gundam is a smidge over 12 feet tall. Thus, it is pretty much dead on. Believe me, I spent over a month planning on my measurements for this to make it as close as possible. It is not 100% accurate, but it is within 6 inches of being dead on. And yes, you can fit inside of it. As for the comments of it will "fail"... sorry to tell you, but it's already succeeded. The gundam is 95% complete. There is no room left for it to "fail". Now, to address the reason why I built Deathscythe, it's simple. I built my favorite Gundam of all time. Deathscythe is by no means the most popular - but who gives a frell? If you're going to invest the amount of money and time I have (over 14 months of work) then you're going to build the Gundam you want. I did it for my own personal satisfaction. It was only once the Gundam was half way completed that I even had the idea to show it off to the rest of the world at MTAC (www.mtac.net). And yeah, I do occasionally visit the ToonZone forums. I have also been operating in the anime community under the name BrundelFly for well over four years as well. Signed, BrundelFly - Anime Adrenaline -Home Gundam Builder
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