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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. I don;t have them to hand at the moment, but a couple that I can tell you about: The track that goes with the scenes of Hikaru and Minmay travelling through the city on their date and then "borrowing" a Super Ostrich for a joyride is "Teenage Dream" The track that goes with Millia's first appearance and attack on the Zentradi (and later reprised during the Zent's assault on Earth just prior to Hikaru making it to the park to coax Minmay to sing) is "The 50,000 Year War." Hope this helps a little
  2. I discovered this show over at AX this year and ... my God, it is a wonderful show. By turns a wacky comedy, bittersweet romance, thrilling action and existential rumination on the nature of reality. Usually I've no time for "teh new h0tness anime" but Haruhi is one of the good ones.
  3. Did he get his gear back eventually from the dumpster? If not, maybe he ought to consider suing StaffPro, the LBCC and perhaps even the SPJA itself, because if they threw away anything that had his personal info on it (particularly if he was carying anything that contained his SSN around), they put him at severe risk for identity theft. At any rate, that was still technically theft and destruction of personal property, so if he feels wronged enough, perhaps he ought to consult a lawyer. That sort of thing was thouruoughly unacceptible.
  4. When they find him, arrest him immediately and show no mercy. I have no love for or regard for HG, but really...there is no call for this kind of assault on a person, over a cartoon. It's like those idiots who pie politicians because they dislike theor policies or the animal rights people who throw fake blood on people wearing fur coats. It crosses a line that doesn't need to be crossed. I'm glad that Tommy Yune is being such a good sport about it but he still needs to prosecute this Tom Cruise to the fullest extent of the law. There is no excuse for this. EDIT IN What? Now I can't even say "Tom Cruise?" If Matlock, Jack Benny (in the '30s, no less) and a rather dimwitted MTV "reality" series can use "Tom Cruise" with impunity... And what if I were talking about the animal of the same name? Though, I must admit Tom Cruise IS one anyway...
  5. Meh...it was OK, nowhere near as good as last year. The center was poorly laid out and labyrinthine (to get from the dealer's room back to the convention floor using the most direct route, would have taken all of one-two minutes, at most. However, the only route you could [read:were allowed to] take was a route that looped all the way back around the center, was about a half-mile and took 15), the AX staff was polite but clueless, food was expensive inside the Hotel/LBCC grounds, I think I caught a throat infection from the Hyatt hotel room , and most of the fun events from last year were either non-existent or so neutered that they were unrecognizable. But AX still did have some good hings going for it. I became "Haruhiized" while at AX, for instance (don't worry, my first allegiance is to the UN Spacy though ) and found myself a Optimus Prime still in box for only $95 One thing, though -- I came this close to breaking Godwin's Law on a couple of occasions with those StaffPro goons the LBCC hired. Seriously -- they were the most arrogant, obnoxious, stuck-up, power-drunk creatures I have ever had to deal with. They seemed to appear as if we were all potential trouble-makers and were going to keep a tight leash on us. at the ORESKABAND concert, there were StaffPro goons all over the stadium floor as if they were there to quell an imminent riot. WIth me, they gave me the 3rd degree as if I were a Russian spy for having a big, bulky caera, necessitating a half-mile trip back to the hotel (of course, THEY wouldn't let anyone go the most direct and logical route, because that would be "against the rules"... ) to drop it off. They even had freakin' MEGAPHONES and were barking orders at congoers through them ... I heard horror stories of them taking personal belongings from concert attendees for safekeeping... ...and then throwing them in a dumpster, even including backpacks that contained wallets, cash, ID, etc. If I, in the caprice of fate, were ever to take the reins of AX, I would negotiate it in the contract that StaffPro is explicitly banned from the premesis for the duration of the con. As an aside, I'm thinking of coming to MWCon. There's going to be none of those StafPro goons there, right? The Good: ORESKABAND's concert, the Transformers preview, the Pirate gathering (even after the %^$% LBPD made them stop serving soft drinks -- wonder what would have happened if the "Rum Party" had actually lived up to its name ), the selection of anime showings in the vid rooms, the panels (especially the NEEC Voice-Acting Hands-On Demo), and the other fans who were there who were all great people to be around. The Bad: The lines, the waits, the incompetence of the planners (apparently Halko Momoi was VERY annoyed by the AX people for cheesing off the fans by cancelling some of her events -- she actually broke down and cried at her focus panel) the extortionate prices of the food and drink at the LBCC (and the cheap and tawdry practice making peope throw away beverages that they had bought from LBCC vendors outside venues -- so that they could sell them the exact same stuff inside) The Ugly: The aforementioned StaffPro guards. I now officially despise yellow polo shirts and all who wear them. But even worse is the idea of having a 24-hour, 4-day con in "beautiful" downtown Los Angeles. As I wrote once in a review of the Weller Court area, there are areas that mentally sound man was not meant to tread lightly on in El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula, or at all if humanly possible -- and they are a few blocks in any direction from the convention center. If they keep to the plan of having the con at LACC next year, I may just not go -- I'm not about to let my tombstone read "He gave his life for anime." Nor do I really desire giving the Crips, Bloods, MS-13, the Avenidas, et. al. the opportunity to use me as target practice. I miss Anaheim!
  6. That's too bad...he composed some of the most iconic music for Macross. Everything from "My Boyfriend's a Pilot" to "Ai Oboeteimasuka" really is his work. If not for him, Macross might not have had the rich musical palette it did. He's going to be missed.
  7. I'm thinking they should. My only concern is that they're apparently going to be a "made-on-demand" item coming from RightStuf -- essentially RightStuf, when they get an order will be authorized to burn a DVD for that customer. I hope they've got all the kinks out of the system. But ImaginEAsian, headed by Justin Sevakis and RightStuf together should have no problems at all with the translation and mastering end of it -- they love anime as much as we do
  8. They've finally done it...ImaginAsian, according to ANN is going to release the original SDC Orguss TV series on DVD! Here I though that that show was going to languish in the Valhalla of great shows that were never going to get released to a Naruto-crazed anime-watching public. News is on the front page of ANN (and there's a blurb about some show called Macross as well...have no idea what that is , apparently it's going to be a full TV series...) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/
  9. But, OTHO, how about Gene Roddenberry, who was essentially thrown off the Star Trek franchise for a number of years (c. 1980-1987) after the quasi-failure of TMP by kicking him upstairs to a high producer position that held no real power? Those were the years that prodced TWOK, The Search for Spock and The Voyage Home, IMHO the finest entries in the entire franchise.
  10. "No thanks, um...ma'am, but I don't want to play 'The Crying Game.'"
  11. "I accuse Hikaru, in the Conservatory with the Poison!"
  12. Don't make me get out the straightjacket.
  13. It looks like a real cutaway -- it's not any of the tracings and "borrowings" from the Palladium RPG book. I'd wager that the identifiyers were added later, though for a website. As to its exact provenance, I don;t know. It might be from one of the R-word books, but given that there's no mention of Protoculture...
  14. Excellent site, Mr. March! :) :thumbsup: Y'all just became one of the one-stop resources for Macross mecha right up there with Nanashi's and the Compendium in my opinion. I just have one tiny nitpick... Aren't the engines on Hikaru and Roy's D.VII replicas actually turboprops? The original D. VII didn't have that large exhaust on the side (usually seen with turboprop engines), as you can see in the pic below.
  15. For me, it's Misa or nothin'. Or Miriya. Or Lucy MacMillan. Or Sally Ford. Or maybe Minmay. Or Yellow Belmont. Wait a minute... ... scratch that last one...
  16. I'd color mine in an all BMF (bare-metal finish), with a blue nosecone and blue rudders -- the colors of the famous 352nd Fighter Group, the "Blue-Nosed Bastards of Bodney". Of course, can't forget the D-Day stripes... http://www.preddy-foundation.org/images/preddy_f16.jpg , except with the blue rudder
  17. Please tell me that big piece of ugly is another April Fool's joke OK, it was a joke... they got lucky this time, grrrr... If there are three things that should never be messed around with they are Beethoven's Fifth, Beowulf, and the design of the TOS and movie-era Enterprises.
  18. "and now you say 'Ha hah ha, gotcha, Charles' -- and then you leave." -- Charles Emerson Winchester III, "M*A*S*H". Seriously, while the photo looks legit -- Freakin' SNARF as the leader? How about the real news on yet another insult to nostalgia?
  19. Eh...these young whippersnappers woudn't know quality if'n it stepped on their toes... Oh yes, before I forget... PUROTOKURUCHAAAA!!
  20. From all I remember the HG set was just the remaindered stock of Animeigo's run that AE hadn't sold.
  21. That one looks like it may be fun.
  22. When is Max going to just put the oil out of her reach?
  23. They tried before, with the (IIRC) "Sunwards" line of a few years back, but apparently either there wasn't enough interest or they were advised by their lawyers that selling an non-Macross Macross would still open the legal can o' worms.
  24. Just a few years ago, they were selling something like that here in the states -- I actually had one for a while, but the thing never worked properly...
  25. The later was a XB-70 Valkyrie, an experimental supersonic bomber developed for the USAF in the '50s and '60s that Kawamori fell in love with the design of, prompting him to study aero engineering. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XB-70_Valkyrie
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