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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. Col. Flagg: "Now, you all have to close your eyes. I can't let anyone see me leave. I'm the wind." Hawkeye and BJ: "You have gotta be kidding..." Col. Flagg: "If you don't close your eyes, I'm not leaving!" Hawk and BJ: [closing eyes] "Bye, see ya!" [Flagg runs, tremendous crash of glass from window.] Hawkeye: "The wind just broke his leg!" 100th reply in this useless thread...
  2. I second what Keith said, VTP. The actual going rate for a DYRL DVD is about $70-100 depending on the exchange rate, fees and tarrifs and the establisment's markup. Your buddy got a sweetheart deal, and he oughta consider himself fortunate.
  3. Aw crap...I was hoping for Hugh Jackman, or one more film with Pierce Brosnan. At least they didn't go with Orlando Bloom. That would have been an unmitigated disaster.
  4. VD: Since you threw down the gauntlet... All this from a five-minute search on Google News. http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&cat=2&id=306889 http://www.asahi.com/english/nation/TKY200407310176.html http://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2985581a12,00.html http://feeds.bignewsnetwork.com/?sid=aee27b2042d51c13 http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040731p2a00m0dm009000c.html http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040731p2a00m0dm011000c.html http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040731p2a00m0dm005000c.html http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040731p2a00m0dm008000c.html http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040731p2a00m0dm001000c.html http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/news/20040731p2a00m0dm004000c.html http://www.asahi.com/english/nation/TKY200407290212.html http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&cat=2&id=306080 http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&cat=2&id=306350 http://news.com.au/common/story_page/0,405...255E421,00.html http://www.phuketgazette.net/news/index.asp?id=3568 http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/28607 http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2...tent_351922.htm http://www.sznews.com/szdaily/20040726/ca1064561.htm (Hmm! 733 homicide cases in one year!) http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=...uspe&sec=latest http://www.emedia.com.my/Current_News/MM/S.../20040731100054 Still want to play?
  5. The loon is a damn troll. ALL of the bigot's posts have been in ths thread. Sigh...I've had enough nimroddo the monk for one night...wake me when DYRL is officially released.
  6. Well, Dr. Crick just died...he discovered the double helix of DNA back in 1948, explaining how a gangly collection of blasocysts can become a thinking human being. He did this by not responding to threads by an obvious thin-skinned individual who can't take a little honest debate (and a little bitching and moaning by fanboys).
  7. Kinda reminds me of the WW1 ace Mick Mannock, who shot down at least 20 aircraft although he was almost completely blind from cataracts!
  8. I'd like to propose a moment of silence for all the virtual oxygen that's been wasted in this thread. And now, on the next Seinfeld...
  9. "Sanctuary! SAN-CT-UARY!!!" "Why, oh, why did I teach him that word?"
  10. Ummm...for me, it's still saying "Opening soon..."
  11. Well, we do know that Zents age, though. Bakorela, the old, soon to be retired gunner on Kamujin's ship, for instance.
  12. I see shades of the USS Greenville and its sinking of that Japanese fishing ship a couple of years back...If those in the dhow weren't terrorists -- hell, even if they were -- the Navy had better expect a lawsuit...
  13. Everyone, let's say this together..."If it's on E-Bay, it's probably a bootleg."
  14. Poor Californians. Ol' Arns seem like a "one term" guy. Actually, until this budget thing came up here, Arnie wasn't doing a bad job (or, at least he was better than his predecessor). He was building concensus and even was charming the pants off of a Democratic leadership who despised Gray Davis. This, however, is where the rubber meets the road. Budgets here have always been acromonious (last year, it was all they could do to prevent fist fights from breaking out during the prolonged session) and discussions have routinely lasted into the summer months. Sadly, I'm not sure that this is a problem that Arnold Schwarzenegger, or any governor, could "terminate."
  15. Prototype/evaluation only. YF-22 was both the "Omega-one" prototype fighter, as well as the evaluation version of the real-world (late and unlamented) Lockheed F-22 Raptor/Lightning III, for instance. "X" (eXperimental)-designated aircraft are craft which are made not for actual production but as testbeds to test designs or technology.
  16. I'm sorry, DA, that was a joke. RT The Movie was never on MST3K. I was just trying to be funny. Besides. as cruel and evil as Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank may have been, even they had their limits. (Not terribly high, mind you --MANOS! -- but they did have standards.)
  17. I'd heard that it was even beneath Carl Macek's standards, and that he has actively opposed (as much as he can) a release. Coupled with the fact that 1) HG/Carloco no longer have the rights to Megazone 23 IIRC, and that 2) the film was a massive flop (it only was screened in Dallas and on a spaceship for a human and two smartass robots ) I doubt we'll ever see it released.
  18. I don't mean to sound too sarcastic, but isn't that a blinding flash of the obvious? The friend. Not Reba West. Sigh. . . Oops, my bad.
  19. I don't mean to sound too sarcastic, but isn't that a blinding flash of the obvious?
  20. Although I do have to ask where this leaves Bandai...since they released the DVD version under their Emotion label, and there was little mention of Shogakukan or Toho in the copy-distro rights mark (IIRC, it was BW/MBS), did Bandai buy the DVD rights from Shogakukan, or were they awarded DVD rights as a new, distinct right (DVDs obviously not having been invented in 1984)? Could all this have anything to do with why the English SSF Macross dub isn't on the DVD (not that I'm complaining, mind you ) And, finally, I wonder if they were the other companies (along with BW and Tat/HG) whom Robert Woodhead was referring to as being obstinate in any stateside release of DYRL.
  21. Could it be this one?King Arthur and the Knights of Justice
  22. She and Leonard Nimoy really need to start a support group for typecast celebrities...
  23. I'm just floored that a Di$ney park would surrender valuable shelf space for non-Di$ney toys...
  24. Although I actually liked the version with Raymond Burr (Ok, so I'm a hypocrite. Ya wanna piece of me? C'mon! ), now that the original Gojira (1955) is being released here, maybe we'll get the original Japanese version on DVD here in the States.
  25. Just in case you're interested: Tatsunoko is one of the older players in the anime field, having started back in the '60s and was responsible for a number of hits back in the day (such as Mach Go Go Go [speed Racer] and Tekkaman). Hey, a random thought that I'm sure I haven't seen anyone bring up in the thread: Now that HG has basically said that they don't own the film rights to DYRL, how does that affect their "we own all Macross" stance? IIRC, when challenged on not stopping Mac+ and Mac 2 in the '90s, their answer was "well, we were short-handed, and would have stopped it if not for that &%$# Haim Saban." But since Tatsunoko had input on DYRL, but precisely nil on anything after DYRL, how can they figure that they had the rights to Mac+ and Mac II, yet have to say that they're going to have to go begging for the rights to DYRL? I smell cognitive dissonance there...
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