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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. Your super power is You can inflict any disease on anyone at any time. (your social life goes to hell, but at least you have a super power) The color of your costume is Olive Green Your Battle Cry is "WHICH WAY DID THEY GO? WHICH WAY DID THEY GO?" Your side-kick is A robot that has a homosexual crush on you
  2. One model paint remover you may want to consider (at least for acrylic paints) is Dawn Power Dissolver. This is a spray-on gel that was designed to dissolve baked on grease and food on dishes, cutting down on the elbow grease needed in cleaning a kitchen. It works extremely well on acrylic paint. I had a A6M2 Zero and A6M2-N Rufe which refused to have acceptible brush-paint schemes, and so I liberally doused them with Power Dissolver, and within a few minutes, they were back to the bare plastic -- even the decals went away.
  3. How do you get puke out of a keyboard? Club soda works well.
  4. It's not completely Engrish...but still well in the same theme music. Why, oh, why, did they decide to do such horrible things to good ice cream? http://mdn.mainichi.co.jp/photospecials/04...cream04/00.html
  5. Yeah...he said during the speech : "Don't be economic girlie men." He'd used the "girlie man" phrase a few weeks before, trying to shame the California legislature into passing their budget somewhere before the 2025... He was immediately sniped at for being "sexist and homophobic..."
  6. Hey guys... I was looking on Aircraft Resource Center (a modeling website) when I peeked into an article by a Malaysian modeler doing kits of the RMAF. For fun, he also did a VF-1 in MAF colors. The article is at www.aircraftresourcecenter.com, in a page titled "The Royal Malaysian Air Force: What is, might be, and never will be" Please forgive the author though, in that he does use RT terms throughout Here's a sample of the Valk pics here:
  7. Are you thinking perhaps of the Zentradi language word "Dekalcha?" (not sure of spelling). In actual Japanese, "Unthinkable/absurd/inconcievable" is conveyed by words such as "masaka" ("really?" "I ain't believeing this..."or "Ya gotta be kidding") or "bakana/bakabashii" ("stupid" "idiotic" "unbeleiviabally idiotic" or "ya gotta be kidding me on just how idiotic that is")
  8. When he said that, my first thought was "No! Bad Arnold! Bad Arnold!" since I was convinced that the other side was going to try to glomp on that like they did when he used the phrase here in CA. Then, I started laughing, because it still is a pretty good line.
  9. The manager has a name? I thought he was credited as "manager..."
  10. I wonder if Animeigo might try to work out a deal to sell these...they ARE releasing an updated BCG box set after all... and there's no pesky licensing issues like another favorite Yamato toy I could mention... *coughvalkscough* Also, I wonder if that ominous pair of legs behind priss in the second picture might hearald not only the Knight Sabers but the DD battle armor as well...
  11. Probably closer to 100 years old...Origins took place in the very late 1800s (1880-90, thereabouts, IIRC). Mystique is normal-aged (probably in her 50s, given the fact that she has two full-grown sons [Graydon "Ah hates mutants!" Creed and Kurt "X-Chaplain" Wagner]). Apocalypse IS older than dirt, having been around for the building of the frecking pyramids.
  12. Puppet sex, now that's a scary thought. It's the first time in Hollywood, that you'll see boobs that came originally with the star. Well... aside from Dennis Franz... DAMN YOU, EXO! NOW I HAVE IMAGES OF A NAKED DENNIS FRANZ FROLICKING IN MY HEAD!!!! Must think Heather Locklear, must think Heather Locklear....
  13. I read somewhere that Paramount's a slight bit worried abotu the movie, as with the sex and violence, it's almost a guaranteed NC-17...
  14. Magic 8-Ball says...[shakes it]...It says...[shakes it again] ...It saaaaaaays...[shakes it more] ... dammit, say something... [shakes it violently, then throws it on the floor in disgust, breaking it] ... [picks up little message cube thingy] ... it says "answer unclear, but don't hold your breath, kid."
  15. Very much speculation, as why would BW suggest that ADV go to Harmony Gold, when HG or Tatsunoko had no part in Macross Zero? Still, if it's true, that could be very good news concerning other Macross releases, but I'm not holding my breath.
  16. Actually, to be fair to him, he is talking about OTHERS mucking about with someone's picture. If Messers Moses Horowitz, Lawerence Feinberg and Jerome Horowitz got together with Jules White and Harry Cohn (a long shot, as all of the above are long since deceased) and decided to colorize the Stooge films, I'm kinda sure that Lucas would have kept his big trap shut. EDIT IN: Damn -- beat to the punch again! Darn you, Skippy, Darn you to heck!!
  17. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now I've got images of "Junior" playing in my head. A pregnant Arnold "Der Governator" Schwarzenegger is not a pretty sight! (Must think Terminator, must think Terminator, must think Terminator...)
  18. Ore no namae wa Saruwatari Taiki. "Monkey on a crossing bridge" and "Large Radiance." So I'm bright as a chimp? If I put in "Pat Payne" as opposed to "Patrick, etc.", It comes out "Akimoto Taiki."
  19. IIRC, nothing at Anime Jungle is a bootleg. All of the DVDs and everything else is genuine.
  20. Am I already behind the curve? I've never heard of Blu-Ray...
  21. I got Han Solo also....I guess that's just because Carrie Fisher was so darn hot in that metal bikini that I chose every option related to getting in Leia's pants...
  22. Loved the alien, but other than that...Family Guy (except for two segments) almost always made me laugh more than cringe...this one was just the opposite. From the overly horny fish (Brian was a saint compared to that goldfish!) to Mr. Smith frisking his daughter ("You never do that to Steve...") this was just too much.
  23. I don't think the longest thread is coming back. Even though it was cool, it became a big headache as it became our surrogate "battleground." The mods aren't about to give us another set of lists to tilt at (the HG thread's been problematic enough for that).
  24. It'll never happen, but I'd love to see them go back and make faithful adaptations of all of the Fleming novels and stories (except Spy Who Loved Me -- Bond doesn't enter until the last few pages of that novel) and set them in the 1950s-60s setting. Come to think of it, if MGM can ever get the rights to Casino Royale, they ought to do that as a FA.
  25. That's still really good if the ORP was $50, since the movie in Japan costs circa 7800 yen, and assuming an exchange rate of 100 yen=USD $1 (it's actually somewhat over like 120=1), that would be roughly $78.
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