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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. I can't promise I have this issue still (got rid of some issues due to space problems) but in one fairly recent (1999 or so) issue of Uncanny X-Men, a massive Shi'Ar ship has two Macross bridge towers jutting from its underside... And only slightly related....in another X-Men issue from 1978-79, Bobby Drake (Iceman) has a Space Battleship Yamato poster in his dorm room.
  2. As usual, I can not take credit for any part of this photo other than finding it, but among a series of pictures of the recent Butch O'Hare IPMS show on Modeling Madness, they included this gorgeous Millia Q-Rau... Enjoy! http://www.modelingmadness.com/scotts/feat...4/1Img_0761.jpg Silly me...there were two other Macross pics from Butch O'Hare there too...just noticed 'em... (VF-1 in desert camo) http://www.modelingmadness.com/scotts/feat...4/1Img_0762.jpg (VF-0) http://www.modelingmadness.com/scotts/feat...4/1Img_0763.jpg
  3. One question: I heard that this Z Gundam set is going to be limited edition. Will there be a second, non-limited (and hopefully cheaper) pressing?
  4. Why destroyed? That seems extreme for them to do...
  5. I'd definetly be there at TRU if this is true, but since the posting is from April and nothing else has been said about it, I'm not holding my breath right now...
  6. Here's a screencap from the episode on UY volume 14... Some of the hair colors have been changed by Oishii Mamoru to protect the innocent... The episode was done in December, 1982, so there would have been ample time for a Macross reference to occur to the crew of Urusei Yatsura, who were not shy about making joke references to other anime or TV shows
  7. ...that he wasn't invited! Misa, Minmay, Vanessa, Kim and Shammy all appear in a cameo in an episode of UY vol. 13, entertaining Onsen-Mark as he masquerades as Urushima-Taro for Lum's New Year's Party. I'll see about getting screencaps later.
  8. Nah...It was during Ep. 10, in a scene where the Macross' radar deck was exploding...over it for a brief moment you can see Hikaru and Minmay's tent from Ep. 4.
  9. It is James Bond-ish...the game's set during the years of Bondmania, so it'd make sense to have a Bondish opening.
  10. I disagree. IIRC, the pilot is also uncovered in GERWALK mode, when they are being used in combat operations, ala early tank destroyers in WW2 (the German Marder series and the US M-10 Wolverine also suffered from being combat vehicles with no real protection for the crew -- Marder had just a front glacis plate and the turret of the M-10 was open-topped) That is very much a design flaw, if your pilot/gunner can be picked off and killed easily while engaged in combat, particularly in a vehicle meant to further assaults and therefore probably a main target for enemy countermeasures!
  11. No, it's not overtechnology. It's actually a Macross-world implementation of a eye-movement targeting system which carries some minor yet significant similarities to the AH-64 Apache's helmet/sensor control system. http://groups.google.com/groups?selm=Dqxqn...m&output=gplain http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&...onoh.attgis.com The technology is actually used in real-life. However, eye-movement tracking has been primarily used in lots of research studies. So no, it's not Overtechnology, it's real-world. Eye-movement tracking was also used in at least one consumer camcorder. Can't recall the model, and it's a bitch to find info on. The premise was you would look at viewfinder icons to zoom in and out, and perform similar basic funcitons, without looking away from the action. I suspect that it didn't work very well... Eye tracking, IIRC, is also used on some high-level consoles for quadraplegics (e.g. Stephen Hawking) to aid in chair movement and speech. YOu look at the control you want to use (or the word you want the voicebox to say) and the system executes the commands.
  12. 2 words: Jolly Rogers. Now use Google. No one help. Let the boy look it up on his own. Can I give him one hint, please? Arrrrrrrrrrr....avast, me hearties!!! Make 'em walk the gangplank!
  13. Meh. It's OK. A Valk, Aestavelis or Vanship would blow it out of the water, lookswise. The Spartas is definetly "no nonsense," but it's pretty vanilla in its design.
  14. The top one makes no sense to me at all...And I don't wanna know The bottom one sounds like it's saying "Yes, we sell adult books, so no minors here and if you're a cop, do us the courtesy of telling us that up front rather than trying to sting us..." right?
  15. That's exactly it. In fact, IIRC, he went even further to say that both the DYRL continuity and the TV continuity are BOTH valid as the "real" way things happened. And you want to talk about continuity headaches? Try Lupin. THere are at least four stories about how Goemon got his sword floating about...
  16. At least they're getting an anime writer to help pen the script...and they're actually crediting him with it. I always thought that HG's M.O. was to deny the nation of Japan even exists...
  17. Pat Payne


    I'm pretty sure, then, you know why American beer is like making love in a canoe...
  18. Ummmm... I'm pretty sure, Nanashi, that it was because the story was ecchi/hentai stuff, and Shawn and Graham have made it clear that they want this to be an all-ages forum. Even without compaints, they'd have to pull it or go against the rules they themselves set.
  19. Well...at least they're accurate...all meat IS flesh, after all...
  20. I am..."cannot find server..."
  21. I'd always liked to think of Roy as a USN pilot...given the "Jolly Rogers" insignia of his Valk...Who knows? Maybe they took the Jolly Rogers and placed the entire squadron under the UN Military's purview...
  22. Yeah, if it's Academy (at least the Academy I'm thinking of), it's probably not a boot. They're known for doing aircraft models (in fact their WW2 kits are reasonably well done and inexpensive, although their decals are a bitch to get off of the backing paper), and their stuff is both in-house produced as well as licenced versions of other company's kits. I doubt they'd want to sour business relationships by being tarred with stealing designs from the 800-pound-gorilla of the Asian sci-fi plamo scene.
  23. Aussie Anti-aircraft, not infantry. Both they and Roy Brown claim the kill. And it wasn't "a few dozen rounds" IIRC, they found a rather large single hole in his chest. As a testament to the gentleness of most WW1 aircraft designs, he didn't so much crash as glide and make a "deadman" landing before nosing over behind the Allied lines.
  24. It seriously wouldn't surprise me. Having read quite a bit about Rittmeister von Richthofen, I'd heard all about that before (the wound was pretty bad, leaving something like three-four inches of his skull exposed -- the bullet didn't just "crease" his skull, the bullet ricocheted off of his skull!). Even in his own autobiography (which started out as a series of memoirs written at the front -- it's still available in English translation) there's mention of the wounds suffered and the effect they seemed to have on his state of mind.
  25. Please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! yeah, bring Dennis Lawson over and have him do some more Wedge Antilles. I'd love to see Lawson step back into Wedge's flightsuit, but probably only as a voice actor in an animated series. It's been 25 years since the movies, and everybody's getting a little long in the tooth. Have you seen Mark Hamill recently? his face looks a lot worse than anything that semi-apochryphal car crash could have done. Otherwise, I'd love to see an animated miniseries on either Rogue Squadron, or the Heir to the Empire. No bloody "pre-prequel," no bloody "Yuuzhan Vong," just good old Rebs vs. Empire action.
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