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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. The audio tracks and all of that would have come from HG, as they were supposedly given telecine masters direct from Tat when they first concluded the deal in '84-'85 that inflicted us with Robotech. Those masters, IWA, included the magnetic/optical soundtracks on the film itself (most of the surface of a piece of motion picture film is given over to the picture, but a part of the edge just inside of the sprocket holes is used to encode sound either magnetically or optically)
  2. Well...actually there was probably one or two made by Kenner, but after the Battlestar Galactica Viper toys put a few kids eyes out, they decided to glue the rocket into the backpack.
  3. Actually, I've got a Droids A-wing that I've had since 1986...granted it's not in the best of condition since I was a 7-year-old in 1986...
  4. No...ARII 15th anniversary figures!
  5. Just for the record, how long SHOULD a DVD last, given normal treatment?
  6. Yep. He was made up for the Battlecry video game.
  7. Good point. Although it's not anywhere near as bad as you'd hear on Howard Stern, I do have a fear that Viz might have to take out the scissors...then again...they went back and un-edited Dragonball...
  8. I'm beside myself with joy to hear that Dr Slump is coming over here to the US. Hopefully, the TV show won't be too far behind.
  9. That nitwit is up to his elbows in TV production, and yet he can still find the time to be an arse here on MW? Bloody SAG/AFTRA...
  10. I did, and Robert Woodhead said that yes, they were stopping production on 31 December 2004. He didn;t give a reson, and perhaps they can't say anything yet.
  11. Can't promise I'll try, but I'll try to try. Ah, the heck with it...
  12. Optimus Prime's getting some in a funny, spam-inspired picture here...http://spamusement.com/view.php?id=144
  13. But---but what if AE can at least make a play for the translation, making them do a new...oh, right....that's gonna make it worse, isn't it...
  14. Hayden couldn't act his way out of a paper bag...so sadly, I think him f'ing up the scene is in the cards... luckily, they've got a lot of genuinely good actors to balance his suckiness out.
  15. eh, what is a grassy-knowl, and what instincts are usually associated with one? Ah, I see...you mean grassy knoll. Makes sense now. Must learn how to spell... Anyhow, I just got a response back from the man himself, Robert Woodhead: This is sad news. But I guess it had to happen. To all good things...
  16. Sometimes, I'll just watch an episode a day, sometimes, I'll blow through the whole disc in one setting...Rarely, I'll plow through the whole damn thing in one sitting if it's a short series.
  17. On the sites I've seen, it seems that much like Spirit of Wonder, AnimEigo just got a short-term license, and they weren;t able to renew...although the fact that there's supposed to be some big RT-related announcement can't help but stoke my "grassy-knowl" instincts...
  18. Well, I'm just glad I got the box set when It first came out, although I'm now going to be major-league paranoid about scratching any of the discs...I e-mailed Animeigo direct to get the word from the horse's mouth.
  19. Not only that, but Animeinsider, much like its sister mags Wizard and ToyFaire are nothing but big, sloppy wetkisses to the mags advertisers. There is little professionalism or objectivity in what I've read in AI. I like Newtype, but I think it got emasculateed early on when they dared to give a negative review-- a fair one, IMHO, on End of Evangelion -- when Manga got their noses bent all out of joint and complained so loudly that Newtype and ADV publically apologized. After that they seemed to have reduced themselves in their stateside coverage to an echo chamber.
  20. OK, just a little too much like ROTJ....although fitting...
  21. I'm not sure about that. It's kind of like an extradition treaty. If we have someone a treaty-signatory country wants, assuming we don't have a compelling reason to keep him/her (i.e. it would violate our own laws to do so), we have to turn that person over. The same principle would probably be at work with the Berne Convention. If another signatory country complains that one of our nationals is poaching IP, we'd probably be bound to swat him/her down. Since, while in the Constitution, there is no provision for upholding other countries' laws, true, there is provision for upholding treaties with other countries. Not that there's enough wiggle room to where the SCOTUS wouldn't get involved, but at the end of the day, barring any arcane legalism, my money's on them saying that the Berne Convention passes muster. That's interesting, though. And I can't see how that could be. IANAL, either, but IINM, under the Constitution, all treaties have the force of law once signed (although some have more force than others, sadly) and are considered to be such in the eyes of the Government. Certainly laws have to be enacted to enforce treaties (for instance, with START, SALT/SALT II and other nuclear reduction treaties, Congress had to authorize the disarmament programs, albeit within the framework of the treaties), but the treaties themselves are in force and activated at whatever period after signing pleases the signatory nations. To say otherwise, that a treaty is not a treaty until COngress not only ratifies it but a law along with it is putting the horse before the cart, in my opinion.
  22. Yesterday, while going to Toys R Us, I saw a Toyota sports car (I think it was a Toyota) with a outline sticker of a Valk in its window.
  23. Hmm... 1 Neon Genesis Evangelion: Highly overrated. Not a bad show, but nowhere near the best of all time. 2 Cowboy Bebop: Fair enough. Cowboy Bebop is a great series. IMHO, CB isn't #2, but should be in the top 10. 3 Inuyasha: Come on... Inu-Yasha is far inferior to others of Rumiko Takahashi's works that made it to TV. Just because it's moving product and doing decently on CN does not a classic series make. 4 Rurouni Kenshin: I like Kenshin, but it's not quite a classic series yet. 5 Trigun: Good show, but not that good. 6 Fruits Basket: Shojou fluff. 7 Robotech: I will not dignify this one with a remark. 8 Ranma 1/2: The list is rigged if Ranma and Inu-Yasha are on it, but not Urusei Yatsura! 9 Love Hina: Pointless Harem show. Nice mental floss, but otherwise... for a good harem show, move Tenchi Muyo up a few notches! 10 Sailor Moon: I cannot believe someone was serious on this one... 11 Hellsing: Haven't seen enough to judge. 12 FLCL: This one was pretty groundbreaking, although "classic" is a major stretch. Haven't seen either 13 or 14, so it's unfair to comment on them. 15 Akira: Finally...an anime production that belongs prominently on the list. 16 Tenchi Muyo!: This one should have been given pride of place ahead of a lot of the other flavors of the month. A much better "harem-style" show than Love Hina and one with a weighty plot to boot. 17 Azumanga Daioh: This one might have a spot, but it'd be at the bottom of the list. 18 Initial D: No. Just no. It is a stupid, insipid show which is just Dragonball Z on wheels. 19 Dragon Ball Z: Who are they kidding? 20 Vision of Escaflowne: Haven't seen 21 Full Metal Panic!: It's a nice mecha actioner, but doesn't belong on the list. 22 Gundam Seed: What about Mobile Suit Gundam, Z Gundam, 0080, 0083, 8th MS team, X Gundam, Char's Counterattack? I'm shocked they didn't put Gundam Wing there! Haven't seen 23 or 24 either. 25 Excel Saga: Although I dearly love this show, they should let it on a list of classics only when the Three Stooges are admitted into the AFI's top 100 list. Here's my own list of anime classics, in no particular order: 1. SDF Macross TV & DYRL 2. Grave of the Fireflies 3. Space Battleship Yamato 4. MS Gundam 0079 movies 5. Cowboy Bebop 6. Urusei Yatsura TV 7. Bubblegum Crisis 8. Lupin III: the Castle of Cagliostro 9. Sen to Chihiro (Spirited Away) 10. Macross Plus 11. Arcadia of my Youth 12. An Angel's Egg 13. Ghost in the Shell 14. Patlabor (any) 15. Last Exile 16. Tenchi Muyo! 17. Akira 18. Lupin III TV 19. Urusei Yatsura: Beautiful Dreamer 20: Project A-Ko 21: Princess Mononoke 22: Gundam: Char's Counterattack 23: Gall Force 24: You're Under Arrest! 25: Nadesico
  24. Are you sure? When I (ill-advisedly) watched COTB, which was culled IIRC from the original theatrical release, the toe-tapping sequence was there.
  25. Those are yours? Cool work there then, LTSO! Especially the Millia :thumbsup:
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