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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. MODS: This topic may be too OT for the forum. If so, do with it as you will, I won't squwak. Hey, everybody, I've been thinking about taking an English teaching job in Japan. I tried the JET Programme without success, and found the website for a company called the Nova Group. Anyone have any experience with this company (good, bad, or indifferent) or have any suggestions to someone who may wnat to look into English teaching in Japan? Thanks.
  2. I'd always suggest some of the classics, such as Urusei Yatsura, Lupin III, Harlock and The Slayers as well as a few new and very good series like Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Last Exile (which is, IMHO, one of the best anime series of the new millenium).
  3. I actually thought up some Macross cards for the old Star Wars CCG (Decipher's version)...I don't remember any of them though
  4. They didn't. It's all a vast conspiracy to convince us that armageddon is coming. Now, it all makes sense! All we have to do is prove the Illuminati link, and we're in business!
  5. WHat if I had a billion dollars and could re-make Macross? What if Darth Vader challenged Max Jenius to a fighter duel? What if the Macross' crew's fold landed them in Anglo-Saxon England (c. AD 900) rather than near Pluto? What if Kawamori were Polynesian? What if the Zents had the Death Star? What if Excel and IlPallazzo ran the Macross? (hilarity ensues) What if Oda Nobunaga suddenly showed up? What if the Red Sox hadn't won the world series? What if Flattop killed Dick Tracy? And so on...
  6. Hey Everybody, I found a pic of the ending sequence to Ep. III: ... just kidding...
  7. Nope...the markings there are just the "warning--jet intake" symbols. Usually, they're in red (and standardized so that the crew knows at a glance what it is), so it seems odd that they put that second one in yellow
  8. I DARE you to do it! :P :P Oh, and Valk1j: No, it doesn't sound right. But I'm sure it'd be a lot of fun...
  9. If you're thinking of "Black Bart," that wasn't a "Blazing Saddles" spin off. It was a total steal from Blazing Saddles, as AFAICT, Mel Brooks had zero input (and should have sued the living daylights out of the producers of that pilot). I have heard, though, that Brooks' last foray into TV, the short-lived late '70s ABC show "When Things Were Rotten" (a Robin Hood Spoof that was the basis, I guess, for Men in Tights) was pretty bad, though. But then Mel's had more hits than misses, right?
  10. Oh, OH: this from the AP: ROBOTECH causes insanity: NEW YORK (AP) Researchers at the Mayo Clinic announced yesterday that they have found that a defective gene found to be a trigger for cancer also can cause certain varieties of insanity. The research team, headed by Dr. Chris Takatoku of the Kansai Medical Institute, found irregularities in the so-called "POKEMON gene" thought to be a link to cancer. The POKEMON gene, recently discovered by researchers at Sloane-Kettering Medical Center, apparently further triggers the release of what Takatoku calls the Rolymase Boronoic Technoid enzyme, or ROBOTECH for short. This enzyme, when releasaed into the bloodstream, acts upon the brain, causing symptoms including delusions of grandeur, posessiveness, lapses of total breaks from reality and pathological lying. "The discovery of the ROBOTECH enzyme is a godsend to the mental health industry," Takatoku said in a prepared statement yesterday. "With the cause of such symptoms now in our grasp, a cure is no longer limited to indirect methods of treatment." When asked if his choice of name for the enzyme was influenced by anime, as was the POKEMON gene, Takatoku said "absolutely not. It was a coincidence. As an aside, I'd like to thank my trest subjects, Tommy Yune, Alan Letz and Carl Macek..."
  11. Who knew Dennis Miller was a Macross fan?
  12. [william shatner] Getalife...willya, people? It's just-a-movie! [/william shatner]
  13. First time I've heard of this but perhaps they're speaking of buying RT and any anime related business from HG. They wouldn't want to take on all their other ventures. I agree with Wrylac on this one (watches for flying pigs ). HG is VERRRRRRRRRY wide-ranging, with real-estate and other businesses along with their TV/film syndication business which in itself is more than just an anime house. BATT, it seems to be just a rumor. Although with all of the recent links between HG and ADV (Carl Macek taking up a job there and HG giving ADV first crack at Southern Cross and Mospeada) there may be some fire where this smoke's issuing from.
  14. Very interesting, if true. Lucas must have read his history when writing this movie because... Spoiler Spoiler, highlight to read: The way they describe the whole rise to power and formation of the Empire seems to paralell the rise of Hitler in Germany, particularly the use of attempts on his life as a justification for the final purge that consolidates all power behind him. I wouldn't be surprised that a good chunk of senators and other Palpatine opponents also meet their end along with the Jedi. But WHY would Yoda say "don't train them as Jedi" and then later on go ahead and train Luke as a Jedi in ESB? wouldn't he instead make it something like "When old enough they are, train them I shall, so that Jedi Order restored can be is."
  15. I voted "undecided," since for the forseeable future, the question is purely academic.
  16. Areaseven--I second that motion.
  17. Barb Wire (1996): I hated, hated, hated this movie. It was nothing more than a cheap Casablanca ripoff with none of the charm of Casablanca. Batman Forever (1995): I actually liked this movie. Jim Carrey made a convincing Riddler, and Tommy Lee Jones was great as Two-Face (even with the glaring continuity hole between this movie and the first film -- where Dent was black) Captain America (1992) Let me say one thing. The Red Skull is German. German. No offense intended to the Italians on the board, but to have him be a survivor of Mussolini's Army is laughable, as the Italian Army in WW2 didn't know how to fight their way out of a paper bag. Howard the Duck (1985): I've not seen it, yet everything I've heard about it begs me to refrain from seeing it. To hear it told, this was Lucas' big mistake before Jar-Jar. Popeye (1980) Not bad...although not excellent either. Segar's strip is one of those that's just impossible to do in live action. The Shadow (1994) It wasn't bad...although since I'm a fan of the old, old, old radio show (1938-'50s on the Mutual Network, starred Orson Welles among others, can still be found on the Internet or in some CD shops), and it's apparently different from the original novels this film was based on, I was a little surprised with the whole "underground crime-fighting network" angle. Spider-Man (1977 - with Nicholas Hammond) I've seen the TV series with Hammond...and sadly, it was the best they could do at the time with pre-Star Wars, pre-CG special effects on a mid-70s TV budget. Superman III (1983) Cheesy, but not abyssmal. I kinda like it. Superman IV: The Quest For Peace (1987)Cheesy and very abyssmal. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze (1991) Vanilla Ice. That's all I have to say. X-Men (2000) This was, without a doubt, the second-best comic-book movie I've ever seen. (The best was Spider-Man 2.) And Dick Tracy (1993?) Passable adaptation of Chester Gould's strip, although it was way too top-heavy (too many villains, and too many celebrity stars) to be workable. They tried to cram every bad guy in the Tracyverse into that movie, and it just wouldn't go. It might have been better if they focused on Big Boy, perhaps giving him Flattop or Itchy as a hired gunsel and jettisoned everyone else.
  18. Then I suggest you buy a big-screen TV and pop in the DVD for ESB. :P Executor wasn't built until after the events in ANH. If you remember, Vader's flagship in ANH was a regular Star Destroyer.
  19. Then, I suggest to Palpatine a new strategy: Let the Wookies win.
  20. Or hear his voice -- thank God for James Earl Jones.
  21. I'll take the acid food, please...
  22. Happy New Year, y'all!
  23. Then again... a lot of the time, they'll use English words more because they "sound cool" than for any other reason. Some of those girls may not be aware just what "F*** me" means...
  24. I stand corrected then.
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