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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. Let's see... "Howard the Duck..." Marvel COmics has only recently allowed the character to make a return, after Lucas fricasseed him. "Willow" Fantasy fluff. Passible taste, less filling. No box office. "Young Indy" Nobody wanted YOUNG Indy...they wanted Older Indy fighting Nazis and Thuggees! "Tucker" Bomb...might as well make a movie about Henry Ford, at least that wierdo would have made for some dramatic tension... "Radioland Murders" Personally, I liked this one, but it went nowhere at the BO. "Labyrinth" Meh. Jennifer Connelly wasn't hot yet, and David Bowie left his acting with the Spiders from Mars. "Land before Time" Can anyone say "direct to video sequels?" Now, I'm not really seeing the great successes for Lucas outside of "American Grafitti" and "Star Wars." OK, yes, there was his US producing help for "Kagemusha," but other than that...
  2. Fictional world answer: Perhaps there was some technical hangup to the more elegant system, or nobody had come up with the switch-in-throttle system. You have to remember the VF-1 was the first dedicated production variable fighter (the VF-0 doesn't count, as it's a prototype, IIRC). It would have a more primitive way of doing things, just as WW1 fighters had to have their propellers hand-cranked to prime the engine for starting. By the time that the events of Plus started, someone had come up with a better mousetrap and had devised a more logical and less distracting method of changing modes. Real-world answer: The designers though it looked cool at the time, and later revised it for later shows.
  3. Also, expect to pay a bit higher than the cover price for the magazines...given the fluctuating exchange rate and applicable taxes on both sides of the Pacific. If you go thru Kinokuniya or Asashiya, they should be able to tell you how much a certain subscription will cost.
  4. JKeats...I'm joining you in the boos...I can't get in either...It's seventh grade all over again...*sniff*...
  5. Can we smack him, then shoot him? There hasn't been enough ultra-violence on this board since the debate thread died down
  6. I'm gonna be there...finally took me long enough to be able to get my rear over to Anaheim (long story, don't ask...)
  7. That's exactly what I am thinking. Why was this stupid topic resurrected???????? [Masterninja God]Probably because of someting you did.[/Masterninja God]
  8. YEAH! Take me for example. I've got a nice collection of lesbian orgy Sailor Moon pics. I don't know why anyone would be that interested in Hentai stuff, but it's not for me to judge anyone. I for myself like big-boobed anime chicks......annnnd real women too. (whew.. that was a close one) SUUUURE you like real women... we believe you. I like real women...just haven't had all that much luck at meeting 'em...
  9. Doesn't surprise me that they would. The US Gummint (a wholly owned and operated subsidiary of Big Business, inc., including the RIAA) is death on anything that even smacks of copying of movies and music.
  10. Han. Any other outcome is sacrilige.
  11. Yeah, my bad. I was conflating the Graf Spee and her sisters with the Bismarck. I forgot that by the time Bismarck was built, Hitler had already shredded Versailles. You're right about that. My source (the official US Navy historical webpage) said six battleships as a backup, and I misinterpreted that to mean six Iowas. Again my bad. IINM, wasn't the Montana class built as an answer to Yamato and Musashi? It reminds me of that old aircraft joke: "Q: If the black box is indestructible, why not make the whole plane out of the same stuff? A: Because there's no highway big enough to drive it on." BTW, from the same website (although a different page), here's the original of that Yamato under construction picture. As you can see, she's actually doing her final fitting out before commissioning.
  12. After glancing over that interview, I have two questions: 1) Who the #$@% is Greg Snegoff? 2) Why the #$@% should we care what he thinks?
  13. Yamato probably would...it was MUCH bigger than the Bismarck (you have to remember...the Bismarck and other German battlewagons was built by packing as many guns on the smallest frame possible, so that the Germans could get around the Versailles limitations) and it was said that when the Yamato made its kamakaze run in April 1945, there were a total of six IOWA-class battleships ready to blast the Yamato if the air attack hadn't done the job.
  14. "OK, I'll start off with the dumpling with the ovary and digestive tract of a crab. For the main course, I'll take the deep-fried and looks like squirrel along with the fried cauliflower and spare parts, and an opium danish for desert." "And for your drink, Sir?" "A large Schovit. No, check that, I'll take a grain alcohol and syrup of Ipecac cocktail -- AFTER the meal!"
  15. I still have to remark that I am infinitely astounded at the ability of your head to fit through doorways.
  16. You forgot the "GE ROOLZ" vs. "100% Sylvania -- accept no substitutes" debates
  17. There were conformal fuel tanks long before Kawamori was born. The Germans in WW2 experimented with some over-the-wing fuel tanks they called "slipper tanks" or "doppelreiter" (double riders) which, in theory, were supposed to be more aerodynamic and give greater fuel capacity than the conventional drop tank. It was also part of the German "Mistel" bomber project (basically a fighter would ferry a retired bomber filed with explosives to a military target and then release it to glide to its doom) in the last years of the war. It went nowhere, however, mostly because the tanks, when empty, caused too much instability. Here's a link to a short history of the tanks and a picture of an FW-190 carrying them.
  18. It's a TV spot for a monthly magazine of some sort, AFAICT...
  19. Gorgeous weathering on that, Port. Wish I could get those kind of rust effects :thumbsup:
  20. It could've also just been covering his failure. Millia comes in and harrasses him for getting his butt handed to him repeatedly. He automatically goes "Nuh-uh, it's not my fault. They got some crazy pilot over there that just ain't human... zentran... whatever he is, it ain't normal." Then added the bit about maybe being a threat to Millia just to annoy her. Actually, that makes for a better interpretation than my "he's just an a$$hole" theory...
  21. I don't think Kamujin had anyone in particular in mind (Max, Hikaru, Roy, etc.) He just wanted to tweak Millia and spur her into action, because he knew getting her fired up and then standing well out of the way would cause a lot of chaos. Being an a-hole is part of Kamujin's charm. She then saw Max's mad flying skillz (I cannot believe I wrote that...), and decided he was the ace that Kamujin was referring to.
  22. Aw...still playing with kids toys, I see... I'd personally want one of these on the LA freeways as they are... a Maus! Ah yes, that behemoth! Too bad there isn't any speed on that beast, but you won't feel a bump when you run over that Semi Believe me...when your secondary gun is 75mm...who needs speed?
  23. Aw...still playing with kids toys, I see... I'd personally want one of these on the LA freeways as they are... a Maus!
  24. I am farting angry that they would take away my farting right to show just how little class and regard for the English farting language I have
  25. Never mind... $%^# second pages...
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