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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. Where'd this one come from? Is it a joke machine?
  2. Close Richard III.
  3. Here's my attempt...bringing a little culture there, (nanchatte )
  4. Thanks Azrael I hadn't seen much past the first couple of eps and "The Galaxy is Calling Me!" so I wasn't sure how much they touched on the original series in M7.
  5. It doesn't need to be seen in any particlular order, as (except for Macross 7) none of them are direct prequels or sequels of each other ( that is, they share the same universe, but no real knowledge of "what came before" is necessary to enjoy each work -- think of them like the Star Trek series: Although it helps to know who Captain Kirk is while watching TNG, it's not crucial or even needed.) The actual chronological order of the shows is as follows: 1. Macross Zero (takes place before TV series) 2. Macross TV 3. Macross Flashback 2012 4. Macross DYRL (chronology's very iffy on this one, it's either a retelling of the TV series, or a "movie-within-the-TV-series" thing made in 2030) 5. Macross Plus 6. Macross 7 and: ?. Macross II: Lovers Again (not part of the chronology, but the Hoary Froating Head was feeling charatable that day, and allowed it to be an "alternate future.") Hopes this helps. You can find more information at the Macross Compendium.
  6. The what? No, strike that. I think my sanity will be much better served if I didn't know...
  7. I was gonna go to the panel (I was at AX that day) but just wasn;t able to. I'm partly sorry I missed it. But, there's always next year...and maybe there'll be a resolution to the licensing disputes by then...(waits as everybody rolls on ground hysterically laughing )
  8. Y'know, I have to admit, the way the head looks...if you put a couple of small horns on her, you could have Lum in a UN Spacy outfit But seriously, that's some excellent work.
  9. Wow...looking at them side-by-side, I never realized just how beefy the DYRL Macross was compared to the TV Macross...
  10. I never said they were being malicious. I just think that they went overboard in their CYA mode by blaming the hackers rather than owning up to the fact that the content was on the disc. They realized they had either a potential PR nightmare (or a potential word-of-mouth windfall) on their hands, and so they were tryign to minimize the fallout from it. No malice, just tunnel-vision, IMHO. But to have a complete analogy, you'd also have to add that the person at first says "That Playboy's not mine...some burglar must have broken in and left that box during the middle of the night..." and that's where IMHO, they are culpable. Not that the content was there, but that they didn't have enough integrity to acknowledge that it was there until someone painted them into a corner and forced them to admit it.
  11. But, Blaine, the problem is not that the content is there, IMHO. It is not illegal to have a game that has simulated sex (it's illegal to sell it to minors, but that's a different story), and yes, leaving vestigial code on a disc is a common practice in the game industry. But Rockstar flat-out-lied about the content. They said, at first, that it wasn't their responsibility, that they had no part in the creation of "Hot Coffee," that it was completely the work of some Dutch hacking circle trying to sully the reputation of their game. It wasn't until GameSpot found the same content on a non-modifiable PS2 disc and made the discovery public that Rockstar changed their story and told something closer to the truth. Even now, I'm not sure we know the whole story. If they lied so blatantly about this, what else aren't they telling us? Of course not. All a kid has to do to get any kind of porn imaginable is go into an AOL, Yahoo or IRC chatroom, and it's there for the asking. But still, parents had bought this game on the condition that the content they were purchasing was what they wanted the kid to see (assuming good parenting skills, which may be my Waterloo). Knowing that Hot Coffee even exists changes that perception for some parents, who don't care about violence, but go berserk at one boob. Not to mention that the blue-pencil brigade is now coming out of the woodwork to denounce any video game that comes into its target sights. Remember how, after the "Wardrobe Malfunction" last year there was a massive upsurge in FCC prosecutions for heretofore ignored content? "Rocco Ravages Prague?" I don't even wanna know...
  12. Except in the actual Japanese dialogue they say "L-O-V-E- Ha-pi Mi-n-me-i" (phonetically rendered). The confusion comes from the sign in the back of the scene you're referring to (the one, I'm assuming where the three stooges attend a Minmay concert, right? ), which does say "LOVE Lovely Minmay".
  13. Kawamori went to California to pitch it to some studios there. Preproduction began, but it never developed further. At the same time, he was gonna do an all-CGI Macross series. In the end, he canned both and decided to do Mac Zero instead. 314196[/snapback] In fact, on Egan Loo's site, you can see a pic of Kawamori meeting with the California production team. I wouldn't be surprised that the HG/Tat nonsense had some part in scuttling the project.
  14. What!!??? The pacifist joins the military!!?????? That makes no sense. Its like the "writers" never even watched Robotech. 314329[/snapback] KAIFUNN? KAIFUNN the drunk, pacifist martial artist who went off the deep end because Minmay left him, joins the military? Oh, sweet Zombie Jesus, why?
  15. Basically. I see her housecleaning for Hikaru and her other actions in that episode as definetly showing her trying to deal with some unrequited love. On the other hand, what was Hikaru doing giving her his keys, unless he did love her? Aaaaaagggggghhhh...my brain's starting to hurt...
  16. Dobber: Not any that they've mentioned yet. It's still pretty early in the process, so I don't expect to hear anything concerning a possible street date for another 3-6 months. Of course with all of the legwork already done by AnimEigo (who had BETTER get some credit!), I don;t think it';s going to be a enormous amount of time. I'd lean closer to three months, and then we'll have a street date in our hot little hands. pensives_wetness: One flaw in your theory: If anyone makes a remake, there'll still be lawsuit-a-go-go. Granted, BW/SN owns the intellectual property for Macross, however, both Tat and HG have said that they have an absolute right to make SDF Macross derivatives. (They won't, because the other side of that nickel is that BW/SN have an equal right to make derivatives -- meaning it's a Mexican Standoff right now). Besides, you'd have to get Shoji Kawamori to sign off on the project, and he has zero interest in doing anything more with Misa, Hikaru and Minmay. Further nobody has said that nobody claims the copyright. The problem is the opposite: EVERYONE is claiming the copyright to the show, and the courts have given it (pending appeal) to Tatsunoko -- or at least the SDF Macross TV series As for the rest of the copyrights, they reside, at the moment, with Big West/Studio Nue, although Tat and HG have been making plays for them as well, with little success. For instance, since BW was able to release Macross Plus and Macross 2 out to the US a decade ago, and HG did not [or, as they unconviningly claim, could not] challenge it, it is recognized as being owned by BW.
  17. This guy Thompson, who's been going against video games reminds me too much of Dr. Wertham, who in the '50s wrote "Seduction of the Innocent" which accused comic books of: *fostering crime *fostering homosexuality (he picked mercilessly on the Batman books for this one) and sexual promiscuity in general *engendering racism *desensitizing kids to violence *sneaking in sex to hook readers *supporting disobedience of authority and parents *advocating suicide *advocating drug use *hell, it's been a long while since I've read the book, but I wouldn't be surprised if he accused the comics industry of turning all children into Commies as well. With the exception of the "commie" quip at the end, isn't that basically the same list of charges Thompson is presenting against video games? Wertham was also the star witness for the persecution--I'm sorry, prosecution --during Sen. Estes Kefauver's hearings on comic books and their links to juvenile deliquency. Bill Gaines (then publisher of "Tales from the Crypt," later publisher of "MAD") was the opposite number, by the way. It ended with the formation of the Comics Code Authority, which (as everyone knows) was the industry's last-ditch effort to police itself (basically by serving up EC Publications [Gaines' company] on a platter as a sacrifice) before the government decided to do it for them. It's the same drive that launched the MPAA's rating system as well as the ESRB. The ESRB seems to be working well, AS LONG AS THE DATA THAT GOES INTO THE RATING CAN BE TRUSTED -- it is, however, parents who have to stop their kids from buying M games (since AO games are generally only sold at porno shops, they are not as much of a problem.) And as to Thompson's charges: Rockstar was stupid to have nude adults and hide the content AND then lie about it to gwet a more lenient/marketable rating. EA would be suicidal to have nude children, hide the content and lie about it. I believe EA on this one. They would not, I believe, risk a significant number of sales and an enormous backlash by having easily revealed virtual kiddie porn in a game. What the ESRB needs to do, from now on is demand to see ALL content, accessible or not, on a disc so that that doesn't happen again.
  18. Nah, it just makes me wonder just how committed eBay is to preventing fraud. I'm halfway temptred to sell a used, haunted cocktail napkin...
  19. I dunno if anyone's posted this one yet... but on E-Bay, someone's definetly trying to unload a faded, scratched, badly-in-need-of-restoration painting with the mother of all cock-and-bull stories.
  20. I didn't realize he had written books...were they a fiction series, or perhaps a non-fiction series based on his time as a RCAF pilot?
  21. wow really? thats pretty cool. i wonder if his family will get that done? 312905[/snapback] I hope so. I mean, Johnny Depp is working on a specially constructed cannon to blast Hunter S Thompson off per his last wishes. So if it's good enough for HST, it's good enough for Jimmy Doohan. The difference is that unlike HST, noone has to build a cannon to blast Doohan's ashes into space. I bet any one of the current astronauts would give their left nut to have that honor on the next shuttle mission. 312908[/snapback] I can't see how they wouldn't. There is a company that does do burials in space, and I'm pretty sure that they're still in operation. They sent a portion of Gene Roddenberry's remains into a low orbit back about '94 or so.
  22. Damn and I was looking for an excuse for morning head knocking exercises. NO POLITICS. 312879[/snapback] Let me second that, DA: LOOK, YOU TWO HEADS OF KNUCKLE -- THIS IS NEITHER THE TIME NOR THE PLACE FOR MORE ASININE LIBERAL V. CONSERVATIVE GARBAGE. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR THE DEAD -- NOW!
  23. A couple I've always liked -- the final battle between Char Aznable and Amuro Ray in the Mobile Suit Gundam TV series / compilation movies. Also, the A-Ko vs. B-Ko's mecha goon squad battle from Project A-Ko. And I'd be a traitor to MW if I didn't also say the Max-Millia duel from DYRL. Although it's in a book, the duel between Ardan Sortek and an unnamed Awesome pilot in Michael Stackpole's "Battletech--Warrior: En Guarde" is also very cool.
  24. "He's not really dead, as long as we remember him." -- Dr. Leonard McCoy (DeForest Kelley), Star Trek II May your final voyage be a safe and pleasant one, Mr. Doohan, and may old, departed friends be there to greet you at its conclusion.
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