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Pat Payne

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Everything posted by Pat Payne

  1. THAT depends on getting the legal tangles unravelled. Once you can get BW and HG to play noce, then we can have Yammies flowing into the US.
  2. That is the most nakedly elitist argument I've ever heard. That's, once again, saying that anime should be this little closed preserve with just us and our 28th generation fansub tapes sitting out in the AV room of the student union. So now, we should put a border up around Macross fandom to keep the riff-raff out? How 'bout an electrified fence? How about forcibly removing the discs from those who buy it that we don't think are worthy? I'm sorry, but it sounds asinine and elitist to say that "this is for us. go get your own." Maybe I should be telling people not to read George Orwell or Plato or William Shirer because they like John Grisham, Barbara Taylor Bradfield and Steven King, all of whom I feel are highly overrated. And "stupid and uneducated" because they prefer what they're watching? Please. Maybe they have IN OUR OPINION bad taste in anime, but it doesn't mean they're knuckle-dragging trogolodytes or are going to suddenly start using the Macross discs as coasters. "Is the cost worth it?" You make it sound like we're prostituting our country or morals rather than merely embracing the wide release of a FRICKIN' 22-YEAR-OLD TELEVISION SHOW, granted, one near and dear to our hearts. Personally, I see nothing wrong with bringing Macross to the masses. Fine. Let's lock them in a hermetic vault and make sure that only those who know the secret handshake see them. Jeezus Kerisht. I don't like a lot of the recent crop of anime brats either, but I WILL NOT, EVER, say that we should deny something to somebody just because they "aren't us." If that makes me a doorknob, than so be it.
  3. Of course it's legal. It's legally licensed, and has no content that contravenes any other laws of the United States. Depending on who you go through, import and shipping fees may be a killer. I suggest going through a Japanese bookstore that has branches in the US (if you live in an area with a sizable Japanese expat population) such as Kinokuniya or Asahiya. They can special order them for you.
  4. I actually have three of them (Amok Time, Trouble With Tribbles and Devil in the Dark) -- bought them at a library book sale once.
  5. They're also known here in the US as "Animanga" or "Cinemanga" for live action stuff -- Tokyopop's been releasing a lot of them for the kiddies, using non-anime properties like Spongebob or Lizzie McGuire.
  6. THOSE are the Sentinels? Gawd, I'm glad I missed out on the abortive TV series... Is it me, or does one of those jokers look like George Washington?
  7. LOL!
  8. That one's probably not true Engrish, just to an English speaker who may not recognize it as a place name it sounds hilarious. And it is.
  9. That is a concern. "Enhancements" aside (I can live with a limited dose of the usual "if we've got two translations for a expletive, lets' go with the stronger" syndrome) I hope that they don't do with the dub what they did to Orphen: Turn the dub into a totally different show from the (more or less) faithful sub.
  10. It'll never happen, but I'd love to hear Bruce Campbell give a crack at Roy Focker's voice.
  11. At least on the IMDB (and that's always iffy where it comes to anime) nothing really, but that doesn't mean that they're not. And at any rate, Big West is a production company, not a studio: They just shovel money out to animation studios who perform the creative work. They actually don't "create" anything in-house, per se. They just write the checks to those who do. Why would they? The fact is, Big West asserts that they own the Macross property and have gone to the mat to defend it in court. They've invested 20 years of time and millions of yen in it, and even if it's not a blockbuster anymore for them, it's still profitable. They're not going to throw that away by commissioning a "not Macross but the next best thing" kind of show from their end. And they feel that the legal problems are not of their doing, but were foisted upon them by Tatsunoko and their last-minute, over-a-barrel demands on the eve of the premiere.
  12. Or, they got a dose of Mikimoto's "Age is just a state of mind" philosophy and flubbed it... Also, IIRC from the miniscule knowledge I have of The Sentinuhls, wasn't that Janice character an android or something, and therefore immune to aging unless she wanted to?
  13. And she's not fluorescent pink.
  14. Before it gets moved or locked, I just want to say either the person who dreamed this up is clinically insane or a genius.
  15. If Dan Woren is in there, I wouldn't be too broken up. He is not as execrebal as some of the actors (the aforementioned Mr. Oliver [who has no business, BTW as Lupin or Hikaru ] and Ms. West/Forstadt). I did hear rumors -- the veracity of which I CANNOT verify at the moment that back in July when ADV first announced the Macross license, that they were possibly hoping to get Mari Ijima to reprise the role of Lynn Minmay. Whether she'd be willing or even available to do it is anyone's guess though. Dean: No, there is still no plans by anyone to release DYRL in any format on DVD -- that one's still a Mexican standoff that has no resolution in sight. Effect: The days of lower-priced dubs and pricy subs are, thankfully, back in the Middle Ages. Knight 26: I doubt they'd hard dub it. There'd be an outcry from anime fans larger than just in Macross fandom (for one, Jim Lazar would pounce on that one faster than you can say "Awww...it's edited!") and besides, this is going to be like Southern Cross and Mospeada which were subbed, so at least for consistency's sake, they'd sub it. There's not really any reason for them NOT to.
  16. He's not pink...he's faaaaaaaaaaaaaabulous!
  17. EDIT IN-- really wasn't the place to get into that, I've sent a PM to the relevant person to continue the debate.
  18. Just saw the Anime Atlanta wrapup from Anime on DVD... ADV announced that the dub for Macross was as we speak in production. Here's the relevant parts from this page: Let the guessing game begin, I guess...I'd love for them to have gotten Mari Ijima as minmay, but I guess time will tell whether they got a "Cowboy Bebop" out of them or a...well, you know ...
  19. What the %^$@? That looks as much like Lick Hunter as if they put Lupin III in Hikaru Ichijyo's flight suit!
  20. "Cha-Cha-Cha"?!? Now I KNOW that the Snopes.com reason for Roddenberry writing the lyrics had to have been true. They said that he wrote them solely because, as a lyricist, he'd get half the credit and half the royalties for the Star Trek theme, regardless of whether or not the lyrics were ever used. Alexander Courage (the composer) claimes that Roddenberry had pulled some shenanigans on him to create this state of affairs. Because of this (and some rather coldly mercenary statements by Roddenberry about his claim to half the royalties), he refused to work with Roddenberry ever again and left Star Trek under a cloud. Snopes.com's analysis of the situation
  21. You're lying, JBO. Why must you lie? Next you'll be telling me the tooth fairy doesn't exist... :P
  22. Your friend is EVIL!!! Heretic! Burn! Burn! :P Naw, seriously, what interests some doesn't do it for others. A lot of people like the Rolling Stones for instance, I think they're highly overrated. It falls under the category of "different strokes for different folks."
  23. "Denny Crane, I'm kookoo for Cocoa Puffs...Denny Crane, Trix are for Kids..."
  24. I guess all the Kahleefoanian MWers have heard yet, but Arnold just threw his hat into the ring for a second term.
  25. Does quoting the address make me a wanker? Anyway: "We have Classic Poop, New Poop, Cherry Poop and Salty Lemonade." "Give me a large Classic Poop!"
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