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Everything posted by eugimon

  1. I don't know. I thought that the two villains made for another interesting look into bruce/batman anyways, sorry you didn't like it, I thought it was fantastic but I am glad you liked the spider-man reboot! I really liked it as well
  2. thanks! A tri-pod, remote trigger and a nice bright but overcast day works best for me. I usually do spot metering for the exposure. I know the serious guys have doublers and fancy flashes going on but I find the wife just looks at me funny when I try to explain why I need to spend another couple hundred dollars in order to take better pictures of bug faces...
  3. I wonder if that slit on the belly will allow for a gunpod to be stored... ?
  4. the top of the bat is a big honeycomb structure with those big plates on top but there's still a big clearance between the plates and the honeycomb for the rotors to suck air through.
  5. if that's the case, I'm signing up right now to buy your tornado pack.
  6. sure. why not. I'd rather see a vf-5000 or a VA-3 first but whatever. go for it yamato and/or bandai!
  7. edit: haha, I thought we were talking about bane.. lol
  8. saw it. loved it. Will have to marathon the first two and go watch an imax screening.
  9. sounds like they created a shipping label but it hasn't been picked up by the carrier or it wasn't scanned in properly. I would email and find out what's going on
  10. don't worry, the shoulder pauldrons are on two rounded nubs, they're designed to pop off if forced.
  11. wow. hahaha.. man. hahaha. next time take your lithium.
  12. what? the 1/48 low vis, the 1/60 stealth, the yf-29... they're all toys that we complained about endlessly before it came out and after it came out we all freaked out and sold body parts to get one. Jesus fvcking christ dude.
  13. nope. The v1 DX was celebrated when it came out. There was wild joy that finally bandai was going to ride in on their white horse and save us from the evils of yamato. The few of us that didn't like it were branded as yamato-tards and partisans. People were praising how the should joint was busted and how you had to raise the entire arm assembly. People said it was more faithful to the line art than anything yamato had done and at the same time, better than the line art. People said it fixed glaring flaws in kawamori's design. People were saying how easy and intuitive it was to transform and how it brought the fun back into macross toys. So the MW rule stands firm.
  14. I'm sure the rule of MW will strike again. The more we complain about something, the more of a holy grail it will become after it comes out.
  15. easy. very easy. In fact, there's a good chance that 50% of the work will happen automatically, on it's own... whether you want it to or not, every time you transform it.
  16. yeah, it's just that with the vf-17, as long as you can grab one of the fingers, you can force it out since the hand is permanently attached. If you try to force the vf-171's hand, there's a chance it will pop out. But if you use collapse the arm fully, the hand pulls out pretty freely.
  17. I find if you push the biceps in all the way (till you hear the click), then the hands come out pretty easily.
  18. Now that I have a 171 in my hands, can't help but think of it as the nightmare gracile to the 17's robustus.
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