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Everything posted by bluecyclone

  1. The MH's are here in SoCal if anyone is interested, I went and picked up both at Maybangs, EchoBase Toys has them in stock as well. www.maybang.com www.echobasetoys.com
  2. Anyone from SoCal know if any shops have these yet? My local importer is still waiting to receive them.
  3. I just sh*ted myself, j/k.......no but seriously.
  4. I ordered mine on Jan. 30th and still nothing. However my account with them says it's going to ship in a few days and they have already billed me. How long did yours take to reach you? I also ordered a set off ebay, so I'll probably sell the extra Stick, if anyone wants him PM me!
  5. I ordered my set from HLJ.
  6. I just got back from seeing it also, it was ok. I wouldn't go see it again. Was it just me or did the monster look like Highlight below if you want to see what I'm about to say, if you don't want to be spoiled, don't look. [ a big spider with a tail ]?
  7. Very Nice Link!!! You mentioned that you will be casting it, do you plan on making copies to sell? If so, I'm definitetly down for a set! I'm no stranger when it comes to costumes, being in the 501st and all. Let me know. Mike
  8. Old, but still whippin' a$$!!
  9. Alot of b*tching and moaning about scale and "correct" sizes, come on now, we haven't had any Mospeada toys in how long? I'm thankful we're getting these.
  10. I'm sold on all of them, so far, Megahouse looks the best! I'll be picking up the Beagle and Toynami ones as well, I'll take my Mospeada toys anyway I can get them.
  11. My red one is sitting on my shelf in bike mode, I'm to afraid to transform it. Yamato replaced my first one and I'm not taking any chances with this one, pretty sad actually. Although I don't play with my stuff so it's no big deal I guess, just the thought of it though.
  12. I just bought my first 1/48 VF-1A Max, thanks to kensei, and I was wondering which fast packs are the best, and who might have some for sell? Thanks!
  13. It's a Rohby recast. I never finished detailing it and have had it packed away for awhile. I still need to finish painting the armor and boosters when I can get the extra time. Ya, I don't play, I only paint special character Space Marines when I get the spare time, which anymore is very rare. The ones I have are Gray Knights, Ultra Marines, and Space Wolves.
  14. Here's my Robotech/Macross collection. I have lots of loose stuff packed away as well.
  15. I'll be there like I am every year for all four days plus Preview Night. I'm 501st so I'll be dressed in Biker Scout armor two of the days. I'm staying at the Holiday Inn on the Bay, about 5 min from the Convention Center. 1/100 Valks here I come!
  16. Hey guys, I got my Garland about a week and a half ago from Robotech.com (sorry for not posting earlier, forum problems), and I still haven't taken it out of the box yet. After seeing the stories I don't know if I want to. I always take my valks out at least once and transform/play with them and than put them back in the box and up on my shelf but I might just keep the Garland on the shelf.
  17. Put me on the waiting list Rohby, I bought one of your JM recasts and I love it!
  18. Leave it to someone to start that "that doesn't belong in this forum" sh*t.
  19. Ya, the two I have don't have that dark visor? Is that a different version. I'm suprised that none of the regular smart-asses here have made the common, "That's not a Macross Toy" complaint yet. Awesome find man!
  20. I've said it before and I'll say it again, we should all just be thankful that we have Macross/Robotech toys period. There are lots of cool licenses that don't have toy lines right now and I think that Macross and Robotech fans are pretty damn lucky for having both. In other words, some people here need to stop bitching about which valks are better and especially about that "Perfect Transformation" crap. It's a toy, if it was going to transform perfectly then it should have a button to push so that it transforms by itself and then flies around the room. Don't get me wrong, I definitely prefer Yamato over anything else, but I'm not going to bash the other valks such as Toynami or Bandai because I own those too. I just dig valkyries, like I always have since I was a kid, like I'm sure most of you do, but some people have lost sight of that and worry and nit-pick about quality issues, which doesn't really matter because most of us just display our valks and don't take them outside and play with them. Besides, I have seen more complaints about the Yamatos braking then any other valk, but that's ok, I still like all my valks in my collection. I'm just thankful for what I have.
  21. I need a Jack Archer Veritech and $20 is all I would pay for one, any help would be awesome.
  22. Awesome job!
  23. 1) Rohby is a member here 2)You can PM him here on the forums 3)The JM was $50 + $5 shipping 4)Ask him to send you pics, trust me, they are very cool!
  24. Ya, I'm waiting for my JM from Rohby and when I get it I plan on painting it to match the DYRL Max 1A since the few I've seen on ebay are going for over $150.
  25. I live in Southern California and would like to go this year, where is it going to be?
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