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Everything posted by VortexVFX

  1. You must mean Gearge Jetson. And yes, he was a major pussy... But on the brightside of that sucky movie, atleast HB did something that few animators did during that time (circa 1990) was to mix 2d animation with 3d. Regardless, that show was pretty pointless in terms of plot.
  2. They actually made a toy to that "flying" car.
  3. Same here. I didn't even finish watching one episode. I just turned the remote.
  4. What the hell was Rocket Robin? WHen did it air?
  5. Oh god...no.... Now you brought up New Kids on the block in my memory again! I thought I forgot about that crap. Well just to get it over with, What about HammerMan?
  6. That reminds me of Scooby Doo....
  7. Monchichis.....dear lord, you remember that sh*t?!
  8. How could I forget that steaming pile that is the U.S street fighter show. It was so lame that it even uses that lame ass movie as a story base.
  9. You could also make your list, too guys.
  10. Since I made a thread of the shows that should be shown on TV. I was wondering what is you least favorite toons. Here's my example. 10.)Punky Brewster(Animated): I dunno why NBC and RUby-Spears thought it was a good idea. All they did was animate the TV characters and throw in a cute fuzzy creature in it just for the sake of ratings. The result, a really bad saturday morning cartoon... 9.)Rugrats(from 1997 to present): The show was pretty imaginative in the first three seasons. It was very cute in the very first. The show lost its luster when it air new episodes in 1997. I don't care much for the show anymore. 8.)Doug(Second series):The show was pretty cool when it was on Nickelodeon. But like Rugrats, the second time around was not pretty... 7.)GI Joe extreme: Another reason why everything shouldn't be called "Extreme". Not only the toys sucked, but the cartoon just couldn't hold the candle to the original. 6.)Street Sharks: Pure....unadultriated garbage. Bad dialogue and even worst character design. 5.)The Adventures of Sonic the hedgehog: Like Street Sharks, exept that its also unitntionally funny. 4.)SOnic Underground: I understand that the saturday morning Sonic took liberities, atleast it was good. This filth completely made me not look at a sonic cartoon for awhile. Jaleel "Urkel" White's voice pretty much annoyed the crap outta me. 3.)Double Dragon:Why oh why did this piece of garbage existed. The characters and Story was nothing like it was in the video games. 2.)Gobots:One of the many Hanna-Barbara cartoons I do not wanna watch again. Not only the character designs were bad(AJ, the token black girl from Gobot's cornrowed hair was done horridly wrong), but the voices and dialogue was just too cheesy. I rather watch Machine RObo(the anime in which the Gobot toys were from). Atleast the animation was cool. 1.)Voltron 3D:Words could not describe how much I hate this show. Bad 3D models, horrid character designs, and cheesy voice acting from the Original(they should've improved by getting better actors instead of being nostalgic).
  11. I need some space right now.....
  12. Like what kind of edits....?
  13. I baught a box set of the first three Initial D comics(It was a steal for 10 bucks at Radio Shack). Do you guys know of any more box sets that Tokyo Pop have released of this series?
  14. The story, according to English anime journalist/author Jonathan Clements is that a production team were stuck for ideas for a new show one day, so simply emptied the contents of their pockets onto a table - and got their idea from there! That's sad....
  15. Funny I thought Kane would play Uncle Fester in a new Addams Family movie I smell another WWE blockbuster...stinky Heh...I figure he would likely play Lerch. Btw, from what I heard he did play Jason.
  16. American version of Ranma 1/2? Well, Ranma came out several years later in Japan, so I highly doubt it. Rumiko Takahashi probably ripped off her idea for Ranma 1/2 from Turbo Teen. Bitch. Turbo Teen is wierd but possibly not as wierd as Golden Warrior Gold Lightan that aired in Japan in 1982. In case you don't already know it was about a mighty robot that transformed into a...cigarette lighter. BTW That image from TT looks like a dude falling on to a car and then being zapped by the electrified security system. LMAO!!! They must have some good weed over there to conjure up that idea.
  17. That's what I was referring to. When Turbo Teen came out during the early 80s, Urusei Yastura was in full swing.
  18. WIll that be coming here to the states as Jazz?
  19. American version of Ranma 1/2? Well, Ranma came out several years later in Japan, so I highly doubt it.
  20. ANy sites where I could find it, then?
  21. I hope NWA-Tna could step it up in the TV shows. One of these days RAW and Smackdown will have some other show kicking its ass. The sooner the better.
  22. I need some info on this Anime called "Interstella 5555". From what I heard, it was the Anime from those Daft Punk videos back in '01. I was wondering if this Anime have been licensed and brought to the states.
  23. Pole Position? I remembered that show had a red muscle car and some blue futuristic car in it.
  24. Hay...isn't that a pic of that little robot kid from that show.
  25. LOL!!! I know this is old news... Hell, this is the place where I found out about Gobots biting off of Mospeada. It's the first time I've actually seen these oddball kits.
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