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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Maybe they'll buy a Typhoon SSBN next for the purpose of servicing it into an underwater oceanliner with an observation deck and miniature water park.
  2. I'm not sure about boomer subs but the Seawolf attack sub is a good comparison. I think the F-22s cost might not be so high if we had actually opened it up for export to key allies. I think the IAF or ROKAF would do alot to get just a few of these in their inventories. The F-22 was designed for a role that has shrunk a great deal in last 20 years. I don't think that means the aircraft doesn't have a future nor does it mean that potential adversaries will always be small, dispersed and low-tech. The Raptor may have to adapt to a role it wasn't originally intended for and we've already seen in tests. There is a certain added punch when you can drop a bomb at over Mach 1. That said, given countries like China developing their own 5th gen aircraft, I think the Raptor will still have an important role to play as an air superiority fighter in the future that contemporary aircraft like the F-15C just will not be able to fulfill.
  3. Staying as unpolitical as possible. We don't know what caused it to go down, however, I think if more money were allocated to actually resolving the problem, we probably wouldn't be seeing this. I recall the F-111 was plagued with issues early in its career. Same with the F-14.
  4. A Raptor went down in Florida and crashed onto a highway not far from Tyndall AFB. The pilot ejected and is alright and no one on the ground was hurt or killed thankfully. http://www.businessinsider.com/highway-98-ablaze-as-f-22-fighter-jet-crashes-near-tyndall-air-force-base-2012-11
  5. While this isn't quite aircraft related. Red Bull Stratos is making their 3rd attempt and all things are green so far. Live stream available below. http://www.redbullstratos.com/live/
  6. It's great to see Chris Roberts back at it again and trying to breath new life into the PC space flight sim. I liked the tribute that was paid at the beginning of the trailer. Really great of them to do that for Paul Steed and Wing Commander fans. Personally, I would love to see WC 1 and 2 redone with this engine. I'd be interested to see Mark Hamill or Malcolm McDowell reprise their character roles, even if it's just voices in a possible remake. Alot of great things have been done with the Freespace 2 engine but it's time to see something new imho. It's basically my gripe with the LOMAC/DCS flight sims. The project is a long ways away from reality though. This video seems to answer alot of questions. Just skip to 5:11.
  7. The F-15 cockpit looks great. One of big complaints with LOMAC is the stock aircraft models which really haven't changed since 2003. The Su-25T being the exception. Looking forward to IRIS finishing the F-15E model. Sometime I'll try BMS. My only Falcon experience was with Falcon 3.0 looong ago.
  8. Your video reminded me again of how much I should get a Track IR. I'm a LOMAC player and have never had the chance to try out BMS. It's a shame that the combat flight sim has been on the endangered species list for quite sometime. Hoping what DCS is doing in allowing Third-party companies to develop aircraft for its games gives the franchise some life.
  9. So long Endeavor.
  10. Around 8:50. Was that an AIM-9X on the left hardpoint? Good video. Kinda reminded me of this old video from the late 80s. I still have the VHS tape.
  11. How much time and money would have to be spent to replace the system in the Raptor fleet with those used on older aircraft (F-15) that are more reliable? I imagine the DoD has weighed this option at some point or another.
  12. http://jalopnik.com/...r-his-dying-son Really tragic story. Glad to hear so many people reaching out to help.
  13. On Snakes age. I thought it was said or implied that during Snake Eater, he was in his 30s. If that's the case, he'd probably be somewhere his 50s by Ground Zero if it's taking place when it seems to be hinting.
  14. Well it looks like it's set well after 1974. Given Big Bosses age progression and seeing Blackhawks in the footage, I'd bank on early 1980s.
  15. Can't see how many more stories they can keep throwing at us. I wouldn't mind a remake of the original MSX Metal Gear. I liked some of the references to the old games, including the Mac-10 from the original Metal Gear.
  16. Video nearly brought a tear to my eye.
  17. I tip my hat off to one of the greatest pioneers of our time and give my sincerest condolences to his family. While I was born quite some time after the last human set foot on the lunar surface, I hope I get the chance to see humans once again set foot on the celestial body someday. It's why I will always strongly support the space program and space exploration in general. Rest in Peace sir.
  18. Nice video of two Raptors during an aerial refueling.
  19. It's a real shame Pikes Peak is now paved. Riding shotgun with some iconic rally cars, including some of the notorious Group B monsters. http://www.youtube.c...d&v=mXgWWNJVdYA
  20. Has anyone heard about that X-51 WaveRider test and if it's been conducted yet?
  21. Out of curiousity, what actual helo's did they use to construct those Hind's? They were modeled after the Hind-A I know that much. Read also that the T-72 they designed looked so authentic that during filming, they had the FBI following them while transporting it.
  22. The other thing to consider in the original RD is that ALOT of domino's had fallen in the stories geopolitical landscape that led to the Soviet invasion.(NATO crumbling) Some of the events that led up to the invasion weren't far out of the realm of possibility either in the real world. Sorry for getting political. The whole North Korea invading like its Modern Warfare 2 blew my mind alittle at just how corny it was.
  23. Flying low and slow over an area with Anti-Aircraft populating it is just asking to be shot down. I recall another incident that happened in Libya where a Flogger was shot down while flying in the same manner.
  24. Hope this isn't breaking the political barrier but it looks like the Syrian air force is down one Mig-23. http://www.bbc.co.uk...e-east-19246708
  25. Couple Martians come upon the probe. "The humans are not trying hard enough."
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