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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Finished Resident Evil 3 R and while it was good. I found it to be too much of a reimagination rather than a remake. Too many locations and certain content were cut from the original which leaves me alittle sour. Carlos' character was easily the most well fleshed out. Jill was good but her personality looked forced at times.
  2. Been playing Doom Eternal on PC and loving it so far. The dash mechanic is a huge difference maker over Doom 2016. Game doesn't stress my 1070 Ti graphics card at all even on Ultra settings.
  3. From what I've read, the APG-71 was ridiculously powerful. No radar among Naval aircraft came close to it until the Super Hornets were upgraded with the APG-79.
  4. If you've been driving an Auto most of your time with cars, what's the fastest way to get comfortable and efficient with driving a manual?
  5. I'm still very curious how many hours FF7 will take up. Hoping for atleast 40 hours and not taken up mostly by cutscenes. March and April will be insane for game releases.
  6. I still have the VHS tapes of this I picked up at Suncoast way back in the early 2000s.
  7. Pretty sure the Kitty is CG. It would take alot of effort to get an F-14 airworthy again from what I can tell. Here is CW Lemoine's take.
  8. I could swear I've seen footage of Super Hornets and even the standard Hornet pulling higher alpha turns than that. They're not Cobra maneuvers but still very tight.
  9. We also still don't get any whiff of an opposition fighter in this one. Only sign of a fight seems to be one of the Rhino's dumping flares to avoid a surface-to-air missile it would appear.
  10. So Maverick's exploits were so great, the Navy mounted his F-14A. I'm definitely checking this film out now. Looking at the cockpit footage of the Super Hornet, I'm curious if they filmed in an older Block I.
  11. Overall, I liked this episode. I just hope they shift the formula up here before the series ends.
  12. Closest thing to legit carrier ops in a simulator.
  13. So Hollywood has covered Formula 1 and now Le Mans with a decent result. Now I just want to see them take a crack at the WRC in the mid-80s.
  14. Honestly felt this has been the weakest of all the episode so far. Still interesting but yeah.... Couldn't help but notice the red lighting inside the AT-ST cockpit. Nice touch for night combat.
  15. I recall in Jane's USNF the Su-34 getting the unflattering but appropriate callsign "Platypus" in the manual. I'm assuming this was before NATO designated as Fullback and the game designers needed to call it something.
  16. "Havoc" doesn't quite fit that mold then. I always thought NATO gave Soviet bombers the best callsigns. Backfire, Blinder, Bear, Blackjack, etc.
  17. I'm intrigued but some of the elements I've heard about in DS. From a design perspective, it looks fantastic and has almost a Shadow of the Colossus aesthetic. I've been a fan of Kojima since MGS on the PS1. ZOE2 was another big favorite of mine but around MGS4, his games started getting more out there and indulgent. Jingles' review of Death Stranding more or less affirmed my fears that Hideo Kojima had gone "full George Lucas" with no one there to tell him "no". DS still interests me. I'm just having a harder time seeing it worth dropping $60 on.
  18. I've been debating between Death Stranding and Jedi Fallen Order. I'm starting to lean more towards Jedi after what I'm reading. I want to play Stranding aswell but thinking of waiting to get it a lower price.
  19. Wasn't F***** meant to be the bundle of iron/metal pieces? Thinking more about it now. Felon doesn't seem so bad given the stealth features of the Su-57. It's far less confusing then following each iteration of the Flanker family. (Flanker-B, Flanker-D, Flanker-E, H, etc.)
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