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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Keeping fingers crossed that Battlefront 3 will finally see the light of day. I'll keep my reservations about GT6 till I see the final product. If they fix alot of the issues from 5, bring back the old tracks, I may check this one out.
  2. I see. That's a shame since there are so few anime outside of Area 88 that actually covered contemporary aircraft it seems.
  3. If there is a manga thread then I apologies and you can feel free to move this post. I was wondering, has anyone hear ever read or heard of Red Prowling Devil? About a female pilot and her Mig-29 trying to avoid a life sentence for downing a civilian aircraft. It really flew under the radar and I only discovered its existence after finding an old Newtype magazine and paging through it.
  4. I think as a 7 year old, I would have been in heaven at that electronics show. Alot of great nostalgia in both videos. I had some of the most fun with Road Rash 2 back in the day.
  5. Some nice night footage of the F-35B doing its thing.
  6. If there was an F1 rivalry to make a movie about, I would have preferred it been about Senna and Prost. Still, Rush looks interesting.
  7. Been kinda all over the place with anime. Just finished episode 4 of Initial D 5th Stage. Also was going to start episode 40 of Eureka Seven. ID 5th stage is pretty good but I feel the series is being rushed compared to the 4th Stage. The animation is certainly a step up with car animation. Split on the new look of the characters though.
  8. Everything I've heard thus far about Infinite has me kinda regretting picking up Ni No Kuni just recently, not that it's a bad game by any means. I'm really enjoying it so far. Still gonna wait for the price to drop alittle but it's definitely next on my game pickup.
  9. I would say ARMA 2 is the closest you're going to get. Watched the Battlefield 4 trailer and wasn't impressed. There taking more cues from CoD in terms of ridiculous action sequences and didn't see many differences with what you got in BF3. If I knew DICE wasn't going to tamper with the game constantly to make it more balanced for players that constantly complain, I might be more interested in checking it out. I'll be sticking with BF3 for awhile I think.
  10. We're talking two seperate $60 games here marketed as one title? If that's the case, then no thank you.
  11. I do hope Kojima gets called out on the JP voice acting. Despite that, I'm still really interested in seeing what's in-store for this game and story. It's seems like Kojima is going all out with this one. Hopefully, they do what they did with MGS2 and just divide the game into two sections. I don't want to have to buy two separate games that are basically one.
  12. I really hope that isn't the case. After MGS2 however, I've learned to just wait and see since speculation is almost futile at this stage when dealing with Kojima and MGS. A 9 year coma? So it would take place in 1983 at the very earliest.
  13. I get the impression that Kojima has more fun telling Big Boss's story than Snake's. I'm feeling stoked about this game now.
  14. I don't care for that trend either in new games. Don't need everyone else to know what I'm doing or what my achievements in a game are personally. Although, I've never played any of the Simcity games. (Was more into Civilization) I only played the Bioshock demo but never played either of the full games of 1 or 2. I actually want to play Infinite though. Sadly, I don't have a PC powerful enough to handle it so I'll be opting for the console version when I finally get around to picking it up.
  15. I'm indeed looking forward to Bioshock Infinite but I'm going to hold off until the reviews are out. I'm going to try one of the Battlefield 3 map packs but I'm cut between Karkand (I had the basic BF3) and Armored Kill. Not sure really which is the better DLC. Karkand actually gives you additional guns along with maps while Armored Kill is just four large maps.
  16. 00:13 seems to be much of the sentiment I've been reading.
  17. Bay and TMNT together was enough reason for me not to be interested in this. Megan Fox just added a few more bricks to that decision.
  18. Looking at all the delay, I strongly believe that the FF title being worked on is Versus but it's going to be changed to FFXV and probably be a much different game then what we saw in the initial trailers. I still have a small glimmer of hope that The Last Guardian will see the light of day at some point. It just won't be with the PS3.
  19. I think I'm going to take a sabbatical from consoles after the current generation and stick to what I have now and go back to PC. Killzone sorta lost its appeal to me after 2 and Final Fantasy has been dead in my eyes for some time now.
  20. Tomcat: Miss me yet?
  21. I've been reading about people who've spent alot of money on the PS Store, had Playstation+ subscriptions and still didn't get the voucher and those who only joined in the last few months end up getting one. Sounds more like a random drawing to me which is a bit of a poke in the eye to those that didn't when they used the language "loyal" fans. Ohwell.
  22. Hmm, I just checked my email and PSN never sent me anything. Wonder what their criteria for the $10 card was or if it was just random.
  23. I guess I'm always looking to get my money's worth. I haven't purchased a game brand new in quite sometime and prefer to wait.
  24. I spent much of my childhood as a Sega kid and had an original Nintendo before that. (Till my parents sold it ) I didn't get the PS1 (still call it the PSX) until Xmas of 1998 along with FF7. I always had fun as a kid playing Road Rash and Sonic 2 but I found the library of games for the Playstation to be the most memorable for me in my teenage years. FF7, Metal Gear Solid, Legend of Dragoon, FF8, Syphon Filter, Ace Combat 3, Resident Evil 2 and Xenogears all made a big impression on me and still sit in my mind as some of the greatest games I've played, all coming from that same era. I got the money to pick up a PS2 in the early 2000s and was eagerly anticipating MGS2. Again, some outstanding games from this era console too in Ace Combat 4, Ico, MGS3, Shadow of the Colossus and ZOE 1 & 2. Surprisingly, I've been rather unimpressed with the library for the PS3 aside from games such as the Uncharted series and the throwback games like Mortal Kombat. Maybe my view has been spoiled by the sea of generic FPS titles that have overloaded the current selection of titles.
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