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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. I was referring to the gunship attacking Big Boss towards the end. It looks like they spliced an Mi-28 Havoc with a Hind. It's also showed up in Ground zeroes and other trailers. I'm fine with the modified Blackhawk. Also not surprisingly. We have a 2015 release date.
  2. New footage from TGS. Happy to finally see something outside Afghanistan. Also, that helicopter towards the end that they've been using, I hope that's replaced with an actual Hind.
  3. Some more airplane porn.
  4. PLAAF pilots have been watching way too much Top Gun.
  5. Another interesting point with the YF-23 was its weight which was around 11,000 pounds less than the YF-22. I remember hearing how fast the 23 could accelerate and no doubt the weight and overall design features helped. To fanboy alittle, I would love to see a YF-23 fitted with production F119s have a climb rate test against an F-22, see who wins.
  6. Came home to this news after being on the road most of it. This really sucks. I had no idea he had depression and it's tragic his life ended this way. Loved his roles in Aladdin, Hook and Goodwill Hunting. Farewell Robin Williams.
  7. Oh the backside of that Backfire.
  8. I've always been impressed by the high AoA maneuvers the Hornet can make but that Super Hornet display was the best I've seen in really showing its abilities while still carrying a load of missiles.
  9. Red and White on an F-16? I like. Like Blue and Gold/Yellow on the F/A-18C, some color combinations just seem to suit the aircraft. More from Farnborough. Nice to see the Vulcan still making an appearance.
  10. I wonder how many AMRAAMs you could fit underneath one of those.
  11. Well thus far, MH17s black boxes remain unaccounted for and the jobs of investigators on the ground are being made harder by rebels around the site. Still a number of scenarios that could have played out. I still feel that this was a case of poorly trained and disciplines rebels getting their hands on an SA-11 launcher (whether it was captured or given to them) and putting their toy to use. (They still would have needed some degree of training and who provided that is unknown) Since the platform wasn't connected to a larger defense network, they wouldn't have identified the aircraft they picked up as a civilian airliner and probably thought it was a Ukrainian transport. It's still puzzles me why any international traffic would be allowed to fly over a warzone, especially where there are active air defenses unless they truly felt safe cruising at 30k+ feet. Unfortunately, alot of evidence has undoubtedly been tampered with by locals and rebels by this point.
  12. Yeah, that got to me to along with the fact that a number of aircraft had been shot down already in that territory. It's being concluded it was shot down by a Buk-M (SA-11).
  13. Wow. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-28354856
  14. All this news with the F-35s engine makes me almost wish the Block 60 F-16 could have been green-lighted for the Air Force.
  15. Since I decided to stay on a budget for now, I went with the OEM air filter. Thanks for the input and it's the 2.3L NA engine. As for tires, I'll get to those eventually since this 3 came with a set of generic all-seasons. Was looking at Hankook Ventus for down the road when I have the funds.
  16. I said goodbye to my Cavalier, that had been good to me since college, the other day and picked this up as my new daily. After further inspection, I found it needs a new air filter. This was on my to-do list anyway but I was wondering if a K&N drop-in filter is worth that added cost over an OEM filter?
  17. Off the same site as above. Seeing air shows in the early 90s as a little kid, there was usually always an F-14 display and I never remember any of them being as aggressive as this. http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/this-throwback-f-14-demo-video-will-bring-tomcat-lovers-1593292450 Nice display of what the F-14D could do.
  18. I hope they release this segment as a demo on PSN. Ofcourse, I also hope we get a release date soon.
  19. I'd be amused if they threw you into the original 8-bit MG only you're playing from the perspective of Big Boss in the end. Granted to see it with PP graphics would be sweet. I didn't think about them probably using the lightest difficulty for the AI in the demo. I retract my previous comment as I'd imagine on higher levels, the AI gets eagle eyes.
  20. Shots from a very recent NATO/Russian air meetup apparently. Obvious R-27ERs but no R-77s unless these are none upgraded Su-27s.
  21. Just watched the E3 gameplay trailer and alot of it was what I was concerned about with the Fulton in that you can pretty much Fulton everything without too much risk or fear of the enemy becoming alerted unless they're right there. Please improve the derping AI Mr. Kojima.
  22. A better demo of the afterburner and noise made by the F135. At 00:28.
  23. An older sound comparison.
  24. I read this and was like and then was like . I've heard B-1s before and that a single engine fitted to a small fighter is that loud is puzzling.
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