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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. If the Air Force really doesn't want the Hog anymore, maybe the Army will buy them up. Also, one of the final F-14 demo's. This time with GE engines.
  2. Ohio winters and more specifically, the salt and poor road conditions every spring did quite a number on the undercarriage of my previous car (a Cavalier). It was a structural disaster waiting to happen by the time I got rid of it.
  3. On a very sad note. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2015-01-18/ghost-in-the-shell-singer-origa-passes-away/.83416
  4. ATLA definitely had more solid storytelling but it also had more breathing room as compared to TLOK. As much as people may not like filler episodes, ATLA pulled them off rather well, especially Tales of Ba Sing Se. I just wish Korra could have had that same breathing room for character development and more backstory.
  5. A Jordanian F-16 went down over Syria. Pilot captured by ISIS but it's not confirmed it was shot down or just suffered a mechanical failure. It's no secret ISIS has captured shoulder-launched MANPADS. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/dec/24/islamic-state-shot-down-coalition-warplane-syria
  6. There, it's done. Cats out of the bag. TLOK fanart is going to go out of its mind if it hasn't already I think. To go alittle further I guess on story. I really wanted to dig deeper into the geopolitical environment, especially find out what has been going on in the Fire Nation for the past 70 years. We know they held a very restrained policy on the use of their military and for obvious reasons. I'm also curious as to what punishment Kuvira and Bataar Jr. will receive as they're essentially war criminals.
  7. Not that it's needed or would ever happen but I'd be amused if Northrop was given a contract to update the F-20 with modern avionics and the F414. Offer to sell them to the Kuwaiti's and UAE just to rustle feathers among Iran's Air Force.
  8. I've even more amused by the statements that we'll respond equally. Not sure how cyber attacks will affect a country that hasn't progressed technologically beyond 1970 for the most part. Baby Huey got his Xmas present in embarasing the US and getting all the attention. Now NK is demanding a joint investigation into the hacker attacks. Okay Kim, now you're just trolling.
  9. Personally, I could have done without all of the shipping romance drama in TLOK in general. We may have gotten more character development from people like Amon and Kuvira, and even Asami. It is left up to the audience to decide. I'm one of those who just sees the Asami-Korra scene as a strong sisterly bond not unlike the father-daughter bond that formed between Tenzin and Korra. The whole going into the spirit world sequence just felt tacked on and I would have been more satisfied if it had ended with Tenzin and Korra talking. I felt that sequence would have been the perfect note to end on.
  10. Iran's F-5 Blue Angel ripoff.
  11. Always loved the Final Countdown combat scene. Granted if you gave an A6M a burst from an M61 Vulcan, there probably wouldn't be much left.
  12. The budget or willingness to spend at such a pace just isn't there right now and understandably so. I'm just glad we won't have to keep depending on the Russians for much longer. An alternative to the solid rocket boaster would be the next big step I see in human space development. Maybe I've forgotten how loud the shuttle launch could be but those Delta IVs certainly have a roar to them. Here are some shots.
  13. It's a very loose interpretation of aircraft but still great to see. Orion's successful test launch.
  14. Crazy Turks.
  15. To be honest, I've always been more partial to the Victor.
  16. While I'm sure the YF-23 would have had its own issues, I think in the long run, it's simpler design (lack of vector nozzles) would have been more cost-effective. I also think it could have accomadated a larger weapons loudout as opposed to the 22 which we know had to have compartments made for the AIM-9. The YF120 engines would have been perfect for an F-23.
  17. Clever girl.. I'd like to see the Dilophasaurus make a return but in a more realistic size rather than being the poisonous turkey it was in the movie. The real one was about 20ft tall and a decent predator. There is one type of raptor that resembles if not beats the movie going versions, I believe called Utahraptor. But that doesn't sound as cool as Velociraptor.
  18. Well, technically in the book Ingen didn't make actual dinosaurs. They were genetically engineered dino lookalikes so, the hybrid thing isn't so far fetched. I just don't dig the whole, it's some super-intelligent killing machine and Ingen is like "We dunn goofed."
  19. Used to have the PC game Jetfighter II with the YF-22 and YF-23 being flyable. The 23 pretty much smoked everything in that game in terms of speed, including the YF-22. Fun times.
  20. Some really good Z shots. My dad still has his blue '71 S30 that he bought while in the Navy. Only downside is that it needs an engine rebuild (hasn't been run in years), a paint job aswell.
  21. I recall a little joke about rotary's on another forum that went essentially like "you get the torque of an inline 4, the power of V6 and the fuel economy of a V8." I've always liked the RX-7 in terms of looks, particularly the 3rd gen FD which sadly was cut short here in the states thanks to Ford. It was one of the best looking cars to come out of Japan imo along with the NSX.
  22. They built one of the best World Rally cars in history which is enough points for me to fly on one of their jets.
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