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Everything posted by Shadow

  1. Hmm, maybe we'll see it in Northrop's 6th gen iteration of the YF-23.
  2. Amazing how far the F-16A could travel loaded down the way those ones were.
  3. And the plot thickens. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/konami-voluntarily-delists-itself-from-new-york-st/1100-6426924/
  4. http://kotaku.com/guillermo-del-toro-says-silent-hills-is-not-gonna-happ-1700294474 Not surprised one bit by this news, just very disappointed.
  5. Mazda released pricing for the new Miata. http://wot.motortrend.com/1503_2016_mazda_miata_starts_at_25735.html Honestly, for the same amount of money I'd grab a BRZ instead and take the additional 45HP. I'll wait till we finally see a Mazdaspeed Miata to see where they can push this car.
  6. ^This. My hopes were dampened alittle by this new trailer but I'm still curious. I read the first JP book but not The Lost World. Something I'd like to get around to.
  7. I remember Yak-141s in Jane's USNF 97. Real pain to deal with too since they'd be locking me as soon as I took off the carrier.
  8. I've thought that aswell in regards to laser air defense systems. Shortrange platforms like the SA-15 and SA-22 are already capable of knocking out some types of incoming AG missiles.
  9. The YF-23 is 25 years old. If you displayed it at an airshow, most people would probably think it was a brand new design.
  10. Hmm, I hadn't known the UAE had exclusive rights to the Block 60. About the F-22s tooling, I've read that aswell. Personally, I still think it has a chance to see a production line again. Depending on if the situation calls for it or simply depending on the defense goals of a future administration. I've also read that the AIM-120D was supposed to start getting fielded by the Navy last year with Air Force getting the missile in 2017. Not sure if this has come about.
  11. 1800 just comes off as staggering for what was basically a tech demonstrator as mentioned. Rather cut the number of orders down and put it to speeding up the upgrade process to the F-22 fleet while increasing the size of the fleet to 240-280. As I also mentioned, adopting the Block 60 F-16 could be a good stopgap aswell.
  12. Since I'll be working hopefully on a new PC build this summer, I'll probably opt for the PC version over the PS3. I haven't been this stoked for an MGS title since Snake Eater.
  13. Great finale. Can't wait for the next season.
  14. Been playing Shadow of the Colossus from the HD Remaster edition and I've been definetly noticing changes to the grip/balance of Wander from the PS2 version. I almost thoughtI had the game set on Hard at first, then did some research and found similiar comments. Beating Colossus #3 was a royal chore as I could not get settled almost at all in the stomach area with Wander flopping around like a wet noodle. Being on its head, if the colossus even twitches, Wander loses balance again. It's made killing them take a whole lot more time and added on frustration. I don't know if I'll even try the Time Attack.
  15. The A-10 is finding itself in a very similiar place to what the A-6 and A-7 found themselves in the early to mid-90s. They were great aircraft but limited by a number factors compared to the multirole F/A-18, and increasilngly vulnerable to more advanced air defense systems. That said, I still think the A-10 should have a place in U.S. inventory with Reserve and ANG squadrons while Active Duty converts to F-35s and F-16s. I also think it was a mistake not to incorporate the Block 60 F-16E into U.S. squadrons.
  16. "My, what lovely ASRAAMS you have there." said the Bear. I also recall reading that the F-8 could land with it wings folded up.
  17. I can only imagine what kind of nightmare one of those are to maintain. They're barely able to afford modernizing half their Su-27 fleet to SMs. Nice shot from an intercept.
  18. They're now providing an airplane spotters guide too. http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-31537705 I'd imagine you'd hear a Bear long before you see it.
  19. Not as well known but 801 TTS Airbats, and The Cockpit.
  20. I'm still hoping for 3rd GIG. Arise was okay and I enjoyed it overall but like what was said above, I'm not sure where they are going with it.
  21. Would love an AWD MS3. I haven't cared for the direction Mazda has taken the 3. With the 1st-gen, it was the sportier alternative to the Corolla and Civic but the car has been upscaled to a point of being out of the reasonably priced compact line. The Focus RS will certainly be on my watchlist, especially if the price starts under 30k.
  22. Details on the Air Force's FY2016 aircraft cuts. http://www.combataircraft.com/en/News/2015/02/09/Air-Force-details-proposed-aircraft-cuts-state-by-state/
  23. With the Evo production ending, this is welcome news. Something that will make VW and Subaru shutter.
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